Oregon Governor Kate Brown's letter to
Interior Secretary Haaland urging her to use
drought money to permanently retire Klamath
Project farmland (because the
government is stealing our stored water to
use for other purposes.) 4/28/22
Klamath Water Users Association response to
Gov. Brown 5/4/22: "...KWUA is
dismayed, however, by your letter's
unexpected recommendation that funding under
the Act be used to permanently retire
irrigation water rights in the Klamath
Project and effect a shift to dry land
KID response to Governor Brown's letter to
Interior Secretary Haaland, 5/4/22.
"...K.I.D. is concerned with your
suggestion for long-term solutions without
first engaging and discussing with local
representatives and governments responsible
for implementing such actions. Where we
specifically find issue is in the suggestion
that permanently idling some of the world’s
most productive farmland will be beneficial;
we believe this approach is overly
simplistic and short sighted as the world
population continues to grow and the need
for food security/stability is
increasing...Unfortunately, poor policy
which promotes removing water from the
former wetlands has (and continues to)
change weather patterns in the Klamath
watershed. Before agricultural modification
to the landscape, over 188,000 acres of
surface area was covered by water. This area
was once described as the Everglades of the
West...This situation has nothing to do with
drying up the Klamath River or interfering
or infringing upon water rights of
downstream tribes – this is simply about the
release of stored water that would not
otherwise be physically available but for
construction of a dam across the outlet of
Upper Klamath Lake"
State of emergency: More than 100 wells now dry in
Klamath County, H&N 11/8/22.
KBC NOTE: Wells have gone dry in the Modoc and
Siskiyou Counties in the Klamath Project too. The Bureau
of Reclamation withheld from farms our stored
irrigation water in Klamath Lake far above the
Endangered Species Act mandates for 2 species of
suckers. That water supplies irrigation water to
thousands of acres of Klamath Project farms, that then
goes to our National Wildlife Refuges which the Bureau
also dewatered, decimating habitat for 433 species of
wildlife. More than 1000 miles of drain ditches and
canals exist in the Klamath Reclamation Project
supplying habitat and water for the most important stop
on the Pacific Flyway for migrating birds. Dewatered.
When our surface water is diverted to the ocean, our
wells go dry, and farmers are penalized for depleting
the aquifer. According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, our refuges provided habitat for more than
10,000 years. Until now.
extends interim operations plan for Klamath Project,
Capital Press 10/21/22. "Both
the Klamath Water Users Association and Klamath Tribes
urged Reclamation to discard the plan after it was set
to expire Sept. 30...Simmons,
with the KWUA, previously said the changes authorized
under the interim operations plan were “far above any
level ever claimed to be necessary” for suckers, while
cutting off access to another 45,000 acre-feet of water
for irrigation."
Losing a huge opportunity for the Klamath Watershed by
Siskiyou, Klamath
and Modoc County Commissioners,
Capital Press
have seen decades of random acts of restoration in our
watershed already. Tens of thousands of acres of
agricultural land have been taken out of production.
Projects have been built and then abandoned. Dikes that
once protected productive farmland have been blown up to
flood that farmland and create habitat for endangered
species. That project — like others that have been tried
over the past 20 years — has, by all accounts, failed
Water shutoff leaves Klamath farmers scrambling to save
crops, Capital Press 9/16/22. "...farmers
say Reclamation kept changing the end-of-season water
elevation needed for suckers in Upper Klamath
Lake....Normally, the “absolute minimum” elevation is
set at 4,138 feet above sea level. Reclamation added a
buffer of 4,138.15 feet above sea level, which it later
increased to 4,138.62 feet...Paul Simmons, executive
director of the Klamath Water Users Association, said
the changes were “far above any level ever claimed to be
necessary for endangered sucker species,” while cutting
off access to another 45,000 acre-feet of water for
Ruling invalidates Klamath irrigators' injunction,
H&N 9/9/22.
“Any number of tribal and non-tribal parties can sue the
government to take water away from irrigators, but
irrigators can’t sue to protect their own interests in
dispute should be decided in court "As
with all government activities, the Klamath Project
should be operated in accordance with law, not illegal
shut-off orders, illegal water diversions, nor thuggish
federal extortion tactics."
by Klamath Irrigation District Executive Director Gene
Souza, Herald and News 8/27/22 KBC Explanation: Bureau of Reclamation encouraged
farmers to fallow their land this season because there
would not be enough of our stored water for crops.
Thousands of acres were fallowed. There is abundant
water. On August 19: The Blackmail: the Bureau
illegally told our water districts that if they did not
shut off water to their customers, they would not allow
any irrigator to be paid for fallowing their land.
irrationally withholds from Klamath Irrigators 3-Feet of
their stored water
Klamath Lake
Water Supply Update,
KID July 22, 2022 Update:
"In March and April of 2022, the districts
communicated with Reclamation staff proposals to
manage Upper Klamath Lake to the 2019 Biological
Opinion level for C'waam and Kaptu habitat
recognizing the need to protect these species and to
not take the lake to our stored water right of
4,136.0 (Reclamation datum)
previously communicated the biological need for the
C'waam and Kaptu as an elevation of 4,137.7'
(Reclamation datum) allowing the endangered fish to
have over 3 feet of water above a natural reef into
Pelican Bay. Reclamation then updated this elevation
with simply hydrology model outputs, without a
biological foundation to maintain lake elevations in
excess of 4,138.00' in 2019.
Klamath Drainage District Press Release:
Reclamation files surprise complaint against KDD,
District disappointed in government's conduct July 11.
2022. "Scott White, General Manager for the district
notes that this is not a contract issue at all and
points to the district’s existing water rights of
record. 'The Bureau has literally acknowledged and
affirmed KDD’s water rights in the past and encouraged
us to exercise them when there is no Project Supply
available,'said White. 'It’s incredible that they claim
we are in breach of contract for doing the very thing
they asked of us for years.' '...The district is also
bound by contract to deliver water to water users
outside of the district, but the complaint makes no
mention of the district currently facilitating the
conveyance of water to the refuge under state law. 'The
Bureau is out of its lane in picking and choosing which
law to recognize,' states Bill Walker, President of the
district. 'The Bureau supports state law when it means
getting water to their land but does not when it means
getting water to family farmers and ranchers...'" UNITED STATES
of America VS Klamath Drainage District, COMPLAINT
with Department of Justice attorneys against the small
Klamath Drainage District 7/5/22.
< Headgates of A
Canal at Klamath Irrigation District
Irrigators, tribes object to extending Klamath Project
interim operations plan, Capital Press 6/30/22. "In
a letter sent June 17 to Ernest Conant, Reclamation’s
regional director, the Klamath Water Users Association
outlined deficiencies in the interim operations plan,
claiming “it is based on erroneous data, flawed
hydrologic assumptions and a proposed action that does
not comport with current operations...The three years of
attempted operation under the (plan) has been a period
of chaotic, ad hoc decision-making,” the letter states.
“KWUA has, for well over a year, emphasized the lack of
any coherent regulatory construct for the IOP. That
point is further underscored by the fact that the IOP
has required Reclamation to do things that literally are
Lucky Ackley.
Costs spike, fields go fallow in Klamath, CFBF
AgAlert, 6/22/22. " 'That
(Upper Klamath) Lake did not exist other than wet years
before they built the Link River Dam," he said. "It was
built to store water for dry years to irrigate and farm
with, and now it's totally being misused, mismanaged,
and all the water is getting flushed down the river for
salmon or being held in the lake at unhistoric levels
for suckerfish.' He said many beef producers have had to
sell their cattle at a loss because they can't feed
them. If Ackley were eventually forced to sell off his
herd, he said, he would lose about 80 years of genetic
selection for the best cattle for this rangeland. 'You
can't just go buy that back,' he said."
Klamath Irrigation District's Final Water Management and
Conservation Plan, posted to KBC 5/7/22. "(The
KID WM and CP) captures a brief summary of our history
and discusses what we know about the present. Recent
conversations have indicated many are not aware of
Klamath Irrigation District's efforts to move towards a
more modern and efficient irrigation system. The first
step to the future is understanding our past and our
infrastructure design, then understanding our present
conditions....from there we can create a vision for the
"Proposed date of submittal of an updated Water Management Conservation plan to OWRD required in OAR 690-086-0225.6: The submittal of an updated plan in the foreseeable future is unnecessary and should not be required before 1 January 2035 or upon a Reclamation directive consistent with our contract."
their 'ramp up', they ONCE AGAIN, as in
EVERY PRIOR time, exceeded maximum legal
ramping rates/hour by well over 200%,
risking lives and infrastructure."Message
from rancher Rex Cozzalio, Hornbrook (on the
Klamath River), 4/30/22. "It looks like
the last 'Klamath flush' starting April 15th
went from 1300cfs (no reduction from their 'biop'
overrated amount) to 4600cfs at the peak,
ramping down back to 1300cfs after about 8
days. During their 'ramp up', they ONCE
AGAIN, as in EVERY PRIOR time, exceeded
maximum legal ramping rates/hour by well
over 200%, risking lives and
infrastructure. ONCE AGAIN, they 'notified'
the County the DAY BEFORE before the
'event', which makes it impossible for the
County to effectively notify residents.
only the difference between the 1300cfs and
4600cfs peak, the stored water to
manufacture that unnatural 'flush' exceeded
roughly 26,000 acre feet ABOVE base flow, or
roughly enough water for 300,000 people for
a year, or close to 9,000 acres of irrigated
ground to what may be minimal 'dilution'
Klamath Tribe suing Biden administration over Oregon
water to farmers, H&N 4/15/22.
“We implore you to rescind the 2022 plan and operate the
project this year consistent with the law, which
requires the prioritization of the needs of the C’Waam
and Koptu,” (Klamath Tribe Chairman Don) Gentry said
using native language terms to describe the suckerfish.
The fish also have spiritual, cultural and historical
significance to the tribes." Yurok Vice-Chairman Frankie
Meyers said, “The Upper and Lower Klamath Basin once
functioned as an integrated system that provided
abundant salmon, suckers and waterfowl with minimal
intervention. It is our duty to bring this system back
into balance and we will never stop working toward that
Not mentioned in the H&N article, last summer farmers
got zero allocation while the Bureau of Rec. withheld
40,000 acre feet of our stored water above what
the ESA required, and refused to pay it back to the
farmers. In 2021 the agencies and tribes dewatered our
refuges for the first time in more than 10,000 years
according to Fish and Wildlife Service. <
Photo from High Country News of Frankie Meyers.
Not mentioned by Meyers is, our Klamath Basin DID
function as an integrated system with abundant salmon,
suckers and waterfowl until, against the direction of
the "best available science," the National Research
Council, the government agencies mandated higher lake
levels and river flows than historically possible before
the Klamath irrigation project was built. Lake level and
river flow management will not increase sucker
propagation according to the NRC. Suckers thrived in
years of low water levels.
Watch Meyer's video: https://www.facebook.com/frankie.../videos/4455720501123904"...You
are always in the right if you're telling your
government officials to give land back to indigenous
communities..." A
ten minute video well worth your time.
Keep in mind, every Klamath tribal member was given a
ballot to vote on whether to terminate their tribe and
receive money...they overwhelmingly voted to terminate
and were paid for their land. They later were given
allotments and most of them sold their allotments.
Also, Mayers claimed that only white veterans were chosen to win a
Tulelake homestead. FACT: WWI and WWII veterans
with farm experience were entered into a contest, and
winners were drawn from a pickle jar. Skin color was not
a prerequisite.
Photo from Herald and News.
Don Gentry, current Klamath Tribal Chairman
discusses termination and allotments in October 7, 2003
on Tribal Tour of the forests they hoped to be given:
#9 In the
van, Tribal Resource Specialist Don Gentry in
discussion about Termination
APRIL 14 and 15, 2022.
We store our irrigation water for the Klamath
Project in Klamath Lake.
Bureau of Reclamation denied us 100% of our
stored water in 2021, and in 2022 we are allowed
only enough to get our ditches wet. They
dewatered our refuges that,
according to USFWS, have supported 433 species
of wildlife for 10,000 years, until last year.
Klamath Tribe is suing to deny us 100% of our
legally stored water, to raise Klamath Lake to
higher than historic levels that were not
possible before the Klamath Project was built,
for suckers.
Much of our stored irrigation water is being
sent down the Klamath River to the ocean for
4/14/22 Klamath Lake
4/14/22 Klamath Lake
4/14/22 Klamath Lake
4/15/22 Klamath River
BOR News Release - Reclamation initiating Klamath River
flushing flow to promote salmon health, 4/14/22.
April 15, flows below Iron Gate Dam will increase from
approximately 1,325 cubic feet per second up to 4,500
cfs. Increased releases out of Upper Klamath Lake
through the Link River Dam will occur simultaneously.
The highest releases, of up to approximately 4,500 cfs,
will be reduced to about 3,200 cfs on Saturday, April
16. A high peak of 4,200 cfs will occur on Sunday April
17. Flows will start ramping down the morning of Monday,
April 18..."
Reclamation to release 50,000 acre-feet of water to Klamath Project; provide $20M in drought response, H&N 4/12/22.
“We have 170,000 acres that could be irrigated this year and we’re ready to get to work,” KWUA President Ben DuVal...On a single acre, we can produce over 50,000 pounds of potatoes, or 6,000 pounds of wheat. This year, most of that land will not produce any food because the government is denying water for irrigation. We’ll just be trying to keep the weeds and dust under control.” "
“While reclamation has provided us some opportunities to work with them, the farmers and ranchers of this basin and our community all depend on agriculture. About one in three jobs in the basin can be tied to agriculture,” (Klamath Irrigation District Manager) Gene Souza said. “The loss is going to be felt in restaurants and grocery stores and potentially in food market across the nation. It’s just a shame we’ve got 350,000 acre-feet of (our stored) water in Upper Klamath and we’re only (getting) a small piece.”
OWRD/Oregon Water Resources Department counter claim
against U.S. Regarding Bureau of Reclamation releasing
legally-stored stored Klamath Project irrigation water
into ocean 4/7/22. "...Section 8
of the Reclamation Act of 1902, which authorizes
Reclamation to operate the Klamath Project in Southern
Oregon and Northern California, expressly requires
Reclamation to comply with state water law in those
operations..." KBC NOTE: FYI, 2 of the Plaintiffs
are PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen and
IFFR / Institute for Fisheries Resources. According to
PCFFA, "Rather than seek out yet another unrelated
non-profit to funnel the money through, PCFFA
created a new organization (IFFR)..."
wake-up call to our national leaders from a Western
rancher, Family Farm Alliance President Patrick
O'Toole, 3/17/22. "...At
a time when the future of Ukraine’s ability to help feed
the outside world is at risk, the world’s best producers
— Western irrigators — are watching their water flushed
to the sea to purportedly help fish populations. Decades
of empirical evidence has failed so far to show a
positive response from those targeted fish to such water
shifting schemes. Meanwhile, our ability to increase
food productivity is further diminished..."
A dry January foreshadows another tough year for the
Klamath Basin, News10 1/24/22.
"Gene Souza, Klamath Irrigation District Manager, says
they’re anticipating an April water delivery to its
users at the latest. He says with how low the reservoirs
are right now, he’d need to pull water from the lake
starting in February and that request has already been
denied by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)...“The water
that we take out to grow crops to sustain our families
and communities, that water comes down here [Tule Lake]
and benefits birds, fish, and other wildlife, bald
eagle, wolves, coyotes..." Souza’s biggest frustration
is that the water they use for their irrigation district
all ends up back in the Klamath River anyways. He says
whatever water runs off of farms and ranches and through
the county all runs into the wildlife refuges, at which
point excess water is pumped out to the river..."
Upper Klamath wetland restoration stirs concern among
irrigators - (Barnes and Agency Ranches Government Acquisitions), Capital Press 12/6/21.
to the preliminary data, the project would reduce
average water deliveries from Upper Klamath Lake for
agriculture by 3,000 acre-feet per year. Deliveries for
the other Klamath Basin wildlife refuges would drop by
1,000 acre-feet annually, and in-stream flows for the
Klamath River would drop by an average of 34,000
acre-feet. “To the extent that there is less water
available for the river ... we would be concerned the
Project would end up sucking up the whole burden,”
Simmons said..."
Klamath Water Users Association's concerns with Barnes
Agency Project 11/12/21. "...there
would be reductions in water availability for irrigation
(and by extension NWRs) and Klamath River flows as a
result of the proposed project.
Klamath Irrigation District opposition to Barnes Agency
Project 11/11/21. "...the analysis
indicates the Klamath River below Keno will loose on
average 37,000 acre-feet of water per year (with a range
of loss between 4,000 and 75,000 acre feet....
more than 50% of the increased storage created by this
project will be lost to ET, with 27,000 to 46,000
acre-feet of water loss. This amount of loss is more
than the water-right holders within the Klamath Project
received in 2021; this amount is more than the
full-water right and combined need of Shasta View
Irrigation District, Malin Irrigation District,
Enterprise Irrigation District, Sunnyside Irrigation
District, Poe Valley Improvement District, and Pine
Grove Irrigation District to which we are contractually
obligated to deliver irrigation water from Upper Klamath
Flood Irrigation Forever: Farmers provide crucial
habitat for migratory waterfowl, recharge aquifer,
Capital Press 10/22/21. "It
takes a lot of water, but it also puts a lot of water
back in the aquifer"..."Those
acres are surrogate dwellings providing shallow-water
habitat. The majority of the birds in the field are
looking for aquatic invertebrates, such as fly, wasp and
beetle larvae. Every time it floods, new larvae hatch as
the water recedes. Fish and Game has spent roughly
$131,000 in HIP funding on flood-irrigation projects
statewide...He is also monitoring birds, identifying
species and counting them, as part of his agreement with
Klamath River flows update by Rex Cozzalio,
Hornbrook, CA 10/03/21. "Up to September the flow
from Iron Gate has been 'unnaturally' kept close to the
60 year average by confiscating equally 'unnaturally'
stored water from the irrigators, though WITHOUT the
artificial 'flushes' also using confiscated water
mandated over the past recent years in failed attempts
to try and reduce polychaete densities. Having been
Regulation of Project water not deserved, by Klamath
Water Users Association Executive Director and attorney
Paul Simmons, letter to H&N 7/2/21. "...it
is not fair or right to require Project irrigators to
mitigate impacts they do not cause..."
KWUA seeks further legal clarification on Klamath
Project operations, H&N 4/24/21. “As Reclamation admits, it
is not adhering to the interim plan,” the motion read.
“Non-adherence to the interim plan translates to the
severe detriment of KWUA’s members and farm and ranch
families served by the Klamath Project..."
"KWUA also argued that there are pressing legal issues
concerning project operations that must go before a
judge, particularly in light of court
cases in
Oregon that have found that Reclamation does not have
the authority to satisfy ESA requirements (whether
through sending water downriver or keeping it in Upper
Klamath Lake) at the expense of Project irrigators..."
diversion continues, Reclamation could release more lake
water in response, H&N, posted to KBC 5/2/21.
“In the past, Reclamation has directed KDD to divert
under this state permit when project water isn’t
available...On March 30, OWRD declared that stored water
in Upper Klamath Lake was not flowing through Link River
Dam and that all water available in the river was live
flow. Desmond said KDD took that as permission to be
able to make diversions in April, and that other private
water users along the river in Oregon have similar state
permits that allowed them to do the same...the
Bureau plans to reduce Upper Klamath Lake levels to make
up for KDD’s diversion..."
22, 2021
The Bureau of Reclamation is not allowing
farmers to irrigate with their stored water
in Klamath Lake until the water rises a few
inches to water the suckers.
Klamath Water Users Association brings legal challenge
to Klamath Project operations, KWUA News Release
4/22/21. "Klamath Water Users Association filed court papers to re-open a lawsuit and seek a ruling that the Bureau of Reclamation’s current approach to regulating water deliveries for the Klamath Project is illegal. KWUA filed a motion in
federal court asking the court to
lift a stay of existing litigation
and then rule on critical legal
issues that affect irrigation water
availability...The Yurok Tribe and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA)
sued the Bureau of Reclamation and
National Marine Fisheries Service
for alleged violations of the
Endangered Species Act (ESA) related to Project operations that had been adopted to control Project operations from 2019-2024...."
farmers are frustrated, up against a wall,
Siskiyou Daily News: Liz Writes Life:
4/20/21. Photo: Upper Klamath Lake is nearly to the
brim. "the federal Bureau of
Reclamation announced that the Klamath Project will
receive about six percent of its needed irrigation water
for more than 220,000 acres in the Project...That
hurts a lot of farmers and also means six wildlife
refuges will lose water that gives life to 433 species,
including ESA-listed bald eagles. Also, the Klamath
Bureau of Reclamation announced it would not allow any
irrigation until after May 15..." 2021.
4/15/21 - Today the Bureau of
Reclamation released their verdict of 32,000 acre feet
of irrigation water for the entire Klamath Reclamation
Project to be available in June. At
this public meeting KWUA President Ben DuVal had to
break the devastating news to the community because the
Bureau of Reclamation refused to attend. Congressman
LaMalfa’s office attended as well as elected officials
from Modoc and Siskiyou Counties. There might be a
possibility of another small amount of water this fall,
if the tribal lawsuits fail to shut us down completely.
VIDEO KWUA 2021 Operations Meeting, April 15, 2021.
Bureau of
Reclamation's threat to KID / Klamath Irrigation
District 4/2/2021.
Letter from Bureau of
Reclamation to Klamath Irrigation District attorney
Nathan Rietmann, threatening KID
with federal court and "potential suspension or
exclusion from the drought relief funding program this
year..." if KID so much as takes their stored
irrigation water from Klamath Lake, "even to charge
the canals."
Irrigation District v. US Bureau of Reclamation,
regarding Waters of the Klamath River Basin,
Emergency Motion for Preliminary Injunction 3/29/21.
"...Reclamation sometimes says it is using stored water
in UKL to fulfill trust obligations it has to the Hoopa
Valley and Yurok Tribes, both of which are located in
California. But Reclamation’s trust obligations to the
tribes in California afford no water rights to use
stored water in UKL, as neither Tribe (nor Reclamation
on their behalf) has ever claimed a water right in UKL
in the Klamath Adjudication..."
What's in a species? For suckers, some lines are blurred,
H&N 3/26/2021. "...scientists
have yet to find a way to genetically distinguish
shortnose and largescale suckers in the Lost
River...geographic and temporal separation is what
divides the Basin’s sucker population into separate
species...another study confirming the lack of a genetic
difference between shortnose and largescale suckers in
the Lost River Basin won’t have an immediate effect on
management practices there, particularly as it pertains
to ESA implementation..."
Klamath farmers confront dry year, legal challenge,
CFBF 3/24/2021. "...Environmental
groups challenged the plan's continued allowance of
leasing refuge lands for agriculture as inconsistent
with the refuges' purpose of waterfowl management.
Conversely, the Tulelake Irrigation District challenged
the new restrictions as inconsistent with the Kuchel
Act, which identifies agriculture as a key purpose of
the refuges...John
Crawford, president of the Tulelake Irrigation District
board of directors, farms on the refuge and said he is
proud of local farmers' contribution to the waterfowl
population...'We leave a tremendous amount of grain
standing there for ducks and geese every year. Right
now, there's thousands of geese utilizing that standing
grain that was left last fall...' "...U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation said it anticipates it will not have enough
water this summer to meet minimum requirements for
endangered fish, let alone to fulfill irrigation
year intensifies focus on California groundwater,
Danny Merkley,
director of water resources for the California Farm Bureau
3/17/21. "...In
2014, the state Legislature passed the Sustainable
Groundwater Management Act, or SGMA, the most sweeping
water management legislation in 100 years...
Further arguments loom in Klamath re-quantification
ruling, Capital Press 3/17/21. "...Because
the judge’s legal opinion from last month hasn’t yet
been reduced to an order, that means the Klamath tribes
can enforce their water rights to shut off irrigation in
the meantime..."
Haaland OK'd at Interior, 1st Native American Cabinet
head, Capital Press 3/15/21. "...Some
Republican senators have criticized Haaland's views on
oil drilling and other energy development as “radical”
and extreme, citing her opposition to the Keystone XL
oil pipeline and her support for the Green New
Deal...“Rep. Haaland has chosen to ignore the science
and the scientists of the very department that she is
now nominated to lead,'' Barrasso said, calling on
Interior to remove protections for the grizzly under the
Endangered Species Act..."
Meet Interior's new water lawyer Daniel Cordalis,
Greenwire 3/11/21. "Cordalis went on
to work for Earthjustice, a leading environmental law
and advocacy firm." (KBC NOTE - Soros-funded
Earthjustice provides legal services for the coalition
of NGO's and tribes against Klamath irrigators, as well
as other Klamath Basin resource users: loggers, miners,
ranchers.) "On
behalf of the Yurok, Cordalis filed multiple lawsuits
challenging the Trump Reclamation's management of the
Klamath project."
Feds plan to update guidance for Klamath Project
operations, H&N, 1/27/2021. "A 41-page
report produced by the Bureau’s Klamath Basin Area Office
argued that the agency does not have as much authority to
protect species listed under the Endangered Species Act as
it is currently exercising."
Feds reassess Klamath Project water delivery obligations,
Capital Press 1/22/2021.
"Agency finds no legal right to curtail water deliveries
under ESA, as in the past"...."Biden has nominated Rep.
Deb Haaland, D-N.M., as Interior secretary. If
confirmed, she would be the first Native American
cabinet secretary and head of the Interior Department."
KID wins again, Oregon Court of Appeals, KID vs OWRD
OWRD's/Oregon Water Resources Department's motion for
stay is now "moot". Judge Bennett's order, that OWRD
must not allow stored water in Klamath Lake reserved for
irrigation to be illegally used or dumped into the
ocean, is not currently appealable.
Court of Oregon to Klamath Irrigation District, KID vs
OWRD (Oregon Water Resources Department) 12/17/20.
"...the Oregon Water Rights Act and this court's
order...require the Respondents, and in particular the
Watermaster, Danette Watson, to prohibit the
distribution of Stored Water unless it is for a legally
permissible use by parties with an established right or
license to use the Stored Water...Petitioner, having an
established interest in the Stored Water in the UKL,
certainly has standing to demand that the Watermaster
stop the distribution to any person who does not have a
right, recognized by OWRD, to take and use the Stored
Reschke, Iverson: Oregon must stop sending Klamath water
to California, H&N 11/3/2020. "Instead
of complying with the court order, however, OWRD
announced they plan to fight the ruling. OWRD is seeking
a legal stay to allow them to continue to illegally
divert water while their appeal is pending. And now
California special interest groups are joining OWRD in
the lawsuit."
Farmers, ranchers can run Basin better than 'experts,'
H&N letter to editor by David Hill, Merrill 9/30/2020. "...For
more than 20 years now, the agriculture community have
been the whipping boy for all the problems concerning
the salmon, sucker and algae in the Klamath Lake Basin.
So called “experts” from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
the tribes above and below the lake, fisheries
personnel, a local MD, biologists and others have told
us how to fix the problem: Fence the riparian area of
all streams, remove 30-40,000 acres of productive farm
ground along the lake, keep water levels high in lake,
remove cattle or keep manure out of lake. All the above
have been done and nothing works. Maybe the decline in
suckers is due to the trophy trout population consuming
the sucker fry or the cormorants and terns and other
fish eating birds are responsible. Cormorants and terns
are major factors with salmon fry in the Columbia River
KBC NOTE: for more on fish predators cormorants and
predators Caspian Terns relocated TO the Klamath Basin,
go to our Refuge Page articles
Idaho leads the way in water management, Capital
Press 9/26/2020. "...In
addition to expanding reservoir capacity behind dams,
the state has an aggressive aquifer recharge effort
underway." " ...should leaders in Washington, California
and Oregon continue to succumb to the fad of taking out
dams and face more water shortages, higher electricity
costs and a jumbled transportation system as a result,
they need only look to Idaho to see where they went
/ Klamath Irrigation District vs OWRD/Oregon Water
Resources Department 7/30/20:
"...respondents are ordered to stop releasing Stored
Water from the UKL (Upper Klamath Lake) without
determining that the release is for a permitted purpose
by users with an established right, license, or permit
to use the Stored Water in the UKL"
DOI secretary makes rare appearance at Klamath Project
Says Trump will “expect results” Western Livestock Journal 7/16/2020. “The Hoopa and
Yurok tribes never made a claim to a water right in the
Klamath adjudication,” he said. “Under law, if you don’t
make a claim, you don’t have a right.” ...a briefing
filed by the state of Oregon in 2018 made the same
point, stating “the Yurok and Hoopa Tribes have no
rights to the waters of Upper Klamath Lake.” “As for the
Klamath tribe,” Rietmann (KID attorney) added, “they
were effectively granted a 1908 water right, which is
junior to the farmers’ 1905 water right and can’t
curtail that senior right.”
Interior Secretary Bernhardt and Reclamation
Commissioner Burman travel to Klamath Basin at LaMalfa’s
Congressman Doug LaMalfa News Release 7/12/2020.
"After Congressman LaMalfa continuously engaged with the
Trump Administration, water allocations were restored to
the April commitment, and the tens of thousands of acres
of already planted crops would be able to survive the
growing season. Congressman LaMalfa and Congressman Greg
Walden (OR-02) extended the invitation to Secretary
Bernhardt and Commissioner Burman to visit the Basin for
today’s events..."
6/14/2020 - We just received this message from Rex
Cozzalio, from Hornbrook on the Klamath River, after the
flood last week: "Just found out about it (extreme
high water) when the flood occurred. 1780 cubic feet
per second, or the equivalent of the top 10-20%
WETTEST years on record. No idea yet why, other
than assuming the 'triggering' spore count is above 5
spores/liter, though the OSU report site doesn't support
that, so it is likely a 'behind closed doors' special
interest arrangement. The 'flushes' are insane on their
own, ESPECIALLY in a drought year, considering the
already 'confounding' (their words) results from prior
'experiments' (last year REALLY didn't fit their modeled
'profile'). Since Copco and Iron Gate lakes are already
way down from 'borrowed' water to support the prior
waste, I can only imagine where the water is coming
from, beyond possible programmatic UKL sucker fish
reduction of lake level, more from the irrigators, or
tapping possible unexpected input flows. Ironic and
worst part is, their 'collaborators' already acknowledge
that under their (defective) scenario, due to the
studies that prove the environmental benefits the deep
water lakes provide, that once the dams are destroyed,
the required 'pulses' using confiscated 'unnatural'
artificially stored water will INCREASE in
'programmatic' perpetuity.
Klamath Irrigation District requests a temporary
restraining order against OWRD, Director Byler and
Watermaster Watson,
filed 6/12/2020. Bureau Of Reclamation, with an
agreement with PacifiCorp, is presently diverting an
extreme amount Klamath Irrigators' stored water into
Klamath River, and Upper Klamath Lake elevation is
rapidly lowering: "...enough
to supply one acre foot of water to at least the 10,342
acres of land in Klamath Basin Improvement District,
3,911 acres of land in Shasta View Irrigation District,
2,981 acres of
land within Enterprise Irrigation, and 904 acres of land
in Pine Grove Irrigation District,
which are shut-off and not receiving any water from UKL
water decisions will cause farms to close,
by Ben DuVal for H&N, posted to KBC
5/26/2020. "The only reason it’s even
available (for Klamath River Salmon) is the
reservoirs that were built for a single
purpose - storing irrigation water for the
Klamath farmers. How does a legitimate
Biological Opinion include water that
naturally would have never even
existed?...My farm, like many on the
Project, was developed on land that was
under 10’ or more of water until that time.
Now, we are told that there isn’t even 0.5
acre-foot available for that same
acre...(Also) Upper Klamath Lake (UKL) is
being held at a higher level than necessary,
purportedly to allow sucker populations in
UKL to access spawning habitat.
Unfortunately, for the past 20 years,
agency-imposed higher and higher UKL levels
have contributed to a whopping 0%
survivability....Does it seem rational to
continue to ruin the economic base of the
Klamath Basin in order to save zero fish?"
Irrational Klamath water management a
formula for failure
commentary by
Tulelake farmer Ben DuVal for the Capital
Press While
it looks like the Klamath Project will only
get as little as 55,000 acre-feet in a year
that irrigation demand would be
approximately 400,000 acre-feet, we are
going to send a minimum 152,000 acre-feet of
stored water from Upper Klamath Lake down
the Klamath River. That’s 152,000 acre-feet,
or more, of water that never, under any
circumstances, would have been provided by
nature. The only reason it’s even available
is the reservoirs that were built for a
single purpose — storing irrigation water
for the Klamath farmers.
A disaster on our hands,
H&N, 5/8/2020.
"The Klamath Project ...is now facing a
possible water shutoff by or before July.
The water allocation of 140,000 acre feet
for the Project announced (by
Reclamation) in April will likely drop
to...an unofficial estimate of 55,000 acre
feet left for the remainder of the
irrigation season...For comparison, 350,000
acre feet is a full allocation for the
Project... 'This is a significant reduction
from the 140,000 acre feet we were told in
April,” Souza said in an email on Friday.
“Farmers have planted crops, hired workers,
and have made plans based upon the 140,000
acre feet … and the rug is currently being
pulled out from underneath them.' " KBC NOTE: Yesterday, May 8th,
approximately 100 farmers and ranchers
gathered to be told that the Bureau will
probably shut off their water in June,
contrary to what they promised in April.
Also the Bureau is sending massive amounts
of water down the Klamath River contrary to
a court order: "The BOR is hereby ordered to cease releasing stored
water from UKL reservoir..." The Bureau's interim report concludes, "the
cumulative impacts (to help fish) are likely to be minor,
as sucker recovery, coho enhancement, and changes to the
biological resources would require a much longer time frame to
be implemented and their effects are speculative beyond the
period of analysis.”
Project irrigators protest Reclamation's
unlawful use of water, H&N 4/28/2020. "An
interim order put in place by Oregon Water
Resources Department on April 21 gave the
state agency charge over the water
distribution and demanded that Reclamation
not use water from Upper Klamath Lake,
including in a flushing flow down the Link
River Dam, unless it follows specific
guidelines outlined in the order. The order
has not stopped the recent 40,000 acre foot
flushing flow...
The federal government’s stealing from us.”
Response to massive flows diverted out of
Klamath Project irrigation water storageby
Klamath River resident Rex Cozzalio,
Hornbrook 4/26/2020 "...For
them to continue water wasting against court
orders is revealingly ironic, when BOR,
OWR, and 'collaborators' are all too happy
to comply when court orders are AGAINST the
Upper Basin irrigators. I truly hope this
can intervene soon enough to avert total
Upper Basin carnage this year..."
Klamath Project operations unchanged by OWRD
ruling, H&N 4/26/2020. KBC Note:
The article reads: "The
order urges the Bureau of
Reclamation to stop releasing stored water
from Upper Klamath Lake..." The
court order reads: "The BOR is hereby ordered to cease releasing stored
water from UKL reservoir..." They
continue to divert our stored water out of
Upper Klamath Lake.
Klamath water allocation short of demand for
farmers, ranchers,Capital Press 4/24/2020. "The
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will provide
approximately 140,000 acre-feet of water to
farms and ranches from Upper Klamath Lake in
2020...only one-third of historical demand
for the Klamath Project...The plan,
finalized Wednesday, comes on the heels of a
lawsuit filed by the Yurok Tribe, Pacific
Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
and the Institute for Fisheries Resources against the bureau, seeking an additional
50,000 acre-feet of water for salmon..."
OWRD takes charge of Upper Klamath Lake,
H&N 4/24/2020. "The
(court) order said it prohibits U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation from diverting stored water
in Upper Klamath Lake through Link River for
purposes of a 50,000 acre-feet flushing flow
without a water right." KBC
NOTE: Rumor has it that the Bureau is
defying the court order and continues to
divert our stored water into the ocean.
OWRD/Oregon Water Resource Dept: Interim
Order Concerning Release of Stored Water, 4/23/2020. "The
Department confirms that as of April 16,
2020, it has taken exclusive charge of the
UKL for the purpose of dividing and
distributing the water therefrom in
accordance with the respective and relative
rights of the various users of water from
the ditch or reservoir..."
On our Klamath Basin Crisis Facebook Page, a question
was asked "Why are the Yutok stating they did not
receive the 40,000af flushing flows per the Herald and
News ? " Klamath Irrigation District manager Gene Souze
responded, "the
40,000 is an additional augmentation to 400,000
environmental water agreed to by Reclamation to stay a
50,000 litigation for more in this drought year. To date
they have received nearly 250,000 + 7000 + 8000...and
should have well over 422,500 by the end of September.
For them to complain about not getting water..."
Reclamation releases Interim Operating
Procedures and 2020 Operations Plan for the
Klamath Project,
Bureau of Reclamation News Release 4/22/2020. "the
Project supply from Upper Klamath Lake for
the 2020 irrigation season is approximately
140,000 acre-feet. This volume is
approximately one-third the historical
irrigation demand of the Klamath Project...The
2020 Operations Plan ... provides increased
water flows in the Klamath River for
Endangered Species Act-listed coho, as well
as Chinook salmon, and maintains Upper
Klamath Lake elevations important for
endangered Lost River and shortnose
KBC NOTE: Rec concludes "...Finding
of No Significant Impact related to the
Interim Operating Procedures..." however the
plan states that "...involuntary land fallowing of productive irrigable land within
the Proposed Action Alternative area would occur leading to an
increased risk to local rural agricultural communities.”
OUR "risk" of them putting our stored water
into the ocean: No water, no farms.
Bureau of Reclamation NEWS RELEASE:
Reclamation to implement Klamath River flushing flow for
salmon health4/21/2020."Increased
flows to begin April 22
and continue through May 1; public urged to take
safety precautions on or near the river while flows are
below Iron Gate Dam will increase from approximately
1,325 cubic feet per second up to 6,000 cfs. Increased
releases out of Upper Klamath Lake will occur
simultaneously..."KBC NOTE:
The Klamath
Project is projected to receive less than 50% of their
deeded water this season. With this huge increased
taking of Project water, the Bureau of Reclamation's
draft Project operation plan, (https://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_project_details.php?Project_ID=42926)
states: “During
the three-year period of the Proposed Action
Alternative, the
cumulative impacts (to help fish) are likely to be minor,
as sucker recovery, coho enhancement, and changes to the
biological resources would require a much longer time frame to
be implemented and their effects are speculative beyond the
period of analysis.” However
they operation plan promises, "...involuntary land fallowing of productive irrigable land within
the Proposed Action Alternative area would occur leading to an
increased risk to local rural agricultural communities.” After the three years
they will inform us of their NEW plan after they destroy
the Klamath River Hydroelectric Dams and downsize
agriculture in the Klamath Project.
Congressman LaMalfa: Farmers Need Maximum Water
Allocations to Ensure Stable Food Supply Chain,
April 9, 2020, followed by LaMalfa's full letter to
President Trump. "...I
ask that you direct the Secretary of Agriculture, the
Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Commerce
to waive any restrictions on granting 100% water
allocations to farmers and water districts, along with
waiving outdated Endangered Species Act requirements..."
4/4/2020 - KBC NOTE:
PCFFA (Pacific Coast Federation of
Fishermen), IFR and Yurok Tribe sued to take
another 50,000 acre feet of Klamath Project
stored water to dump into Klamath River.
Klamath Water Users settled for giving up
23,000 acre feet of their deeded water.
Yuroks celebrate their victory:
Yurok Tribe and commercial fishing families secure more water for salmon,
from an Earthjustice news releaseThe Yurok Tribe,
the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s
Associations (PCFFA), and the Institute for
Fisheries Resources (IFR, represented by the
nonprofit environmental law firm
Earthjustice, have successfully obtained a
new three-year plan from the Bureau of
Reclamation (Reclamation) for operating the
Klamath Irrigation Project to increase
springtime flows in the Klamath River.
Period extended to APRIL 11!
Reclamation seeks public input on proposed
Klamath Project interim operations
4/1/2020. Please send your
comments on these massive water acquisitions for whales,
salmon, tribes and suckers;
this is a temporary mandate to run through the projected
Klamath dam removal in 2022-2023. Then they will unveil
another plan made in coordination with the Yuroks (that
are suing us for more water acquisitions) and other
Tribes and government agencies to come up with much more
water for whales, salmon and suckers after dam removal
and dam reservoir storage is obliterated.
Drought declared in Klamath County, H&N 3/5/2020.
"The action is due to a snow water equivalent that has
dipped to 65% of normal with a forecast of warm weather
on the horizon. A drought declaration is aimed at
providing opportunities for farmers to apply for aid to
supplement losses..."
Klamath Project farmers say question marks loom over
coming season, Capital Press 2/19/2020.
those plans — known collectively as the Klamath Project
Biological Opinion, or BiOp — Kirby said he cannot
predict how much water will be available for the
400-plus family farms and 65,000 irrigated acres in his
lawsuit filed by the Yurok Tribe in California, Pacific
Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations and
Institute for Fisheries Resources also seeks a
preliminary injunction to keep another 50,000 acre-feet
of water in-stream for Klamath River salmon this
year..." KBC NOTE: "PCFFA,
IFFR and Yurok Tribe, all signatories to the closed-door
Klamath water "agreements," have sued Klamath Irrigators
in the Takings Case claiming they should must not be
reimbursed for the 2001 water shutoff, when many family
farmers, with deeds signed by a U.S. president with
"water appurtenant" to their land, went bankrupt." Those
groups petitioned against the farmers on water quality,
water quantity, and are still demanding that the Klamath
River hydro dams are removed.
Lower Klamath refuge to start getting water, KWUA 9/5/19.
“Even in a year with 130 percent of average
precipitation, we still did not have a full allocation
to the Project,” said Klamath Irrigation District
Manager Gene Souza. "The ESA requirements for fish are
overwhelmingly the biggest risk to the water needs of
the Refuge as well as the Project.”
After Klamath River flushes, C. shasta spores spike,
surprising scientists, H&N online
5/14/19. "the
number of spores actually spiked three or four weeks
after the river flushing was completed earlier this
spring." "The
JC Boyle Dam in Klamath County, Ore., is one of four
slated to be removed from the Klamath River under a
Memorandum of Understanding between the Klamath
County Commission and the Klamath River Renewal
Rules slash regulatory
reach over Upper Klamath wells, Capital Press, posted to KBC
shutdowns by the Oregon Water Resources Department have been
a source of controversy in the Upper Klamath Basin in recent
years, with the agency facing multiple lawsuits arguing that
regulated wells aren’t actually interfering with surface
water rights... 'Overall, the rules are still bad for
us, bad for the entire state of Oregon,' said Tom Mallams,
an area farmer who sat on a “rules advisory committee” about
the interim regulations. 'It’s unlikely OWRD will actually
abide by a provision stating that the interim rules won’t
set a precedent,' he said. 'Water Resources say they won’t
or say they will, and they don’t stick to it. The final rules may again increase the
number of wells subject to regulation while retaining
provisions about the adverse impacts from groundwater
pumping, hindering irrigators from challenging shutdowns in
court,' said Mallams.'The OWRD likely reduced the distance
in the interim rules to avoid court challenges in the
meantime,' he said. 'That’s a very appealing carrot to the
irrigators, but we know that’s just to put a stop to the
litigation against them.' ”
Planning for water uncertainties, H&N 3/31/19. "Despite
121 percent of median snowpack, 101 percent of median
precipitation in the Klamath Basin and a 93 percent water
allocation for Klamath Project irrigators, uncertainties for
some farmers in the Basin remain...In 2019, I plan on
planting some permanent crops,” Paul said during the
meeting. “With the new biological opinion, how likely am I
going to be able to irrigate those crops in the future
years?...If one out of three years we won’t be irrigating, I
can’t make that work...2019 might look good, but with this
new biological opinion, you have no certainty..."
In the article below, Capital Press edited out 1/2 of
Mallam's sentence. The sentence should read:
"Modeling experts have also examined OWRD's modeling and
their analysis actually includes the word 'fraudulent.'
"Capital Press left out of the sentence:
"...and their analysis actually includes the word
'fraudulent.' "
Oregon state agencies out of control, by Tom Mallams for Capital Press 10/13/18. "Their
computer model claims wells interfere with surface
water, if the well is within one mile of any waterway.
This year’s shutoffs include 2 wells for the city of
Klamath Falls, all of Bly and all of Chiloquin. Also
shut off are many wells used for irrigating crops,
watering livestock and some homes that use spring water.
Additionally, wells used for major businesses including
Jeld-Wen, Running Y Ranch Resort and Harbor Links golf
course were issued shutoff notices. Each year, the
number of wells being shut off grows...Problem is, OWRD,
when pressured, actually admitted that the one mile
number could be expanded...you are automatically deemed
guilty unless you prove your innocence. Not exactly what
the Constitution says.
The way OWRD
modeling is framed, it is literally impossible to prove
your innocence. OWRD even admitted that this is indeed
the case...Thousands of Oregon businesses and citizens
will be denied their ability to survive in this openly
hostile state governmental environment..."
House Republicans
Welcome Executive Action on Western Water.
U.S. Congressman
Doug LaMalfa, California's First District 10/19/18. "...Communities
across California have also been devastated as senseless
government regulations have mandated that billions of
gallons of water be flushed out to the ocean and
Judge urges state to act on Upper Klamath Lake water
distribution, H&N 8/8/18.
in favor of the Klamath Irrigation District...by
urging the Oregon Water Resources Department to make
a determination on the distribution of water in
Upper Klamath Lake..."
Upper Klamath Basin cattle
revenues dip 50 percent, H&N 8/2/18.
Upper Basin irrigators shared concerns with Klamath
County Commissioners on Wednesday about the
approximate 50 percent loss in cattle revenue in the
region, a dive that irrigators link to a call on
water by the Klamath Tribes, validated by Oregon
Water Resources Department...Some of the concerns
shared by irrigators include no stockwater delivery
for Modoc Point irrigators...“Historically
Modoc Point has never been cut off (from) water...”
Tribal call restricts Chiloquin water use, H&N 6/13/18. "...residents
in Chiloquin cannot use city water for anything other
than human consumption following a call on water by the
Klamath Tribes..."
Water, federal aid enroute to Klamath Project, H&N 6/3/18. "The
Bureau of Reclamation’s Klamath Basin Area Office said
that there is roughly 55,000 to 56,000 acre feet
available to the Klamath Project during June, with a
total of about 195,000 to 200,000 acre feet anticipated
for the summer irrigation season..."
Water on the way to Klamath Project, H&N, 5/24/18.
to 3,500 acre feet is available for delivery to Klamath
Project irrigators starting today and running through
May 31 before deliveries start on June 1..."
State water actions taken
without first determining what the actual facts are, by Senator Dennis Linthicum, Commentary for H&N 5/15/18. "Scientific
examination would clarify that some wells do impact
surface waters while others do not. OWRD seems to
suggest that in all cases, at all times, and in all
circumstances, groundwater wells impact surface flows...OWRD
ought to know with certainty that an individual well is
harming a senior water right-holder, before
shutting-down specific water resources..."
State has turned off all of our water including our wells!by Brandan Topham, Sprague
River, Newsletter 5/7/18. "Most of the irrigation wells have
been drilled since 1950...we have river data for 32 years before
the wells were drilled. In those 32 years the average flow is
860cfs. Since 1951 the average flow is 1052cfs. That means since
the wells have been drilled there is almost another 200 cfs in
the rivers. That does not sound like the wells are drying up the
rivers...Every few years they keep changing the rules to shut
off more stuff. This year they figured out how to shut off ~140
wells in addition to what they have been shutting off in the
past for the Klamath Tribes. Last year they shut off every thing
even with river flows well above average..."
Walden to speed up relief for on-Project irrigators,
H&N 5/2/18.
of Reclamation’s Klamath Basin Area Office Manager Jeff
Nettleton also addressed the order issued by Orrick,
with intentions to appeal it."
Project water delivery discussed following judge's
decision. Walden, BOR to
address irrigators today, H&N 5/2/18. "A
tentative time frame for Klamath Project water delivery
of somewhere between June 1 and 15 was announced Tuesday
by the Bureau of Reclamation...Part of BOR’s plan going
forward, according to officials, is that the agency is
considering asking for a total 14,500 acre feet of water
from the Horsefly and Langell Valley irrigation
districts. That amount, coupled with 10,500 acre feet
borrowed from PacifiCorp reservoirs, could help
irrigation districts make it through the month. 'They
feel like that would cover KID (Klamath Irrigation
District) and Tulelake Irrigation District through the
month of May...' "
Tensions rise at KID (Klamath Irrigation District);
Irrigators allege water mismanagement, H&N 4/24/18. "KID members claim PacifiCorp is
sending excess water down the Klamath River and that the
BOR is not managing their water effectively. “That water
is basically getting stolen from us,” Kliewer said. “The
Project has the superior water right in the Basin.
PacifiCorp has a junior water right to us, and right
now, and the way PacifiCorp has operated, basically
whatever way they want, they just take it … We are a big
body of water that’s really easy to steal.” "(Klamath
Project irrigators are awaiting a) ruling from Judge
William H. Orrick regarding water delivery for the
Irrigators await Federal court ruling,
H&N 4/22/18.
local irrigation districts claim that the prevalence of
infection of fish are “misleading” and have asked that
the court stay the injunction. The delay is holding up
much needed spring water for irrigators in the Basin, as
water supply canals low and inactive..."
'A lot on the line' in water hearing. Irrigators wait on
Klamath River court decision, H&N 4/12/18 KBC
NOTE/short update: Presently the Bureau of
Reclamation will not allow Klamath irrigators to even
put water in the ditches to prepare for spring
irrigation until they get direction from
District Judge William Orrick.
We can not plan to borrow money to plant fields, or not
to plant. Will we keep or lose contracts from buyers who
purchase grain, onions, potatoes, mint... , keep or lose
fields, keep or lose those renting our fields. One judge
can determine the fate of our entire farm community,
when or if he will allow us to irrigate, thus farm, this
year. Will our perennial crops that took years and tens
of thousands of $ to establish, live or die? Our stored
irrigation water is being sent down the Klamath River,
with not a drop on our farms.
Water Resources Dept. has only itself to blame for its
high legal costs, by Randall Kizer, guest writer for H&N 4/8/18. "...OWRD has control over whether it follows the law or
not in regulating water users in the Klamath Basin. And
irrigators in the Upper Klamath Basin are tired of the
agency not carrying out its regulatory
Klamath Tribe complaints regarding ranchers being allowed drinking water and water for livestock.
4/2/18. Watering crops and pasture on Upper Klamath private land is presently forbidden by Klamath Tribes.
Upper Basin ranchers get reprieve to water cattle, H&N 3/15/18. "Ranchers in the Upper Basin of Klamath County — and the town of Chiloquin — received an emergency exemption from the call on water Friday allowing them to use water for their stock cattle and for human consumption...The Klamath Tribes has the first rights to the water, which it uses to protect endangered short-nosed sucker and Lost River sucker."
Late water information sickening for users,
Bill Heiney, letter to the editor of H&N, 3/21/18. Heiney is board member of Tulelake Irrigation
District, and former board member of Klamath Water and
Power Agency/KWAPA. "2018 feels like a repeat of
2001. Our current watershed conditions are similar to
2015, but we have no allocation, no start date, and no
tools to develop a water bank...2001 was a year when I
saw many homesteader veterans lose faith..."
Upper Basin ranchers get reprieve to water cattle,
H&N 3/15/18. "Ranchers
in the Upper Basin of Klamath County — and the town of
Chiloquin — received an emergency exemption from the
call on water Friday allowing them to use water for
their stock cattle and for human consumption...The
Klamath Tribes has the first rights to the water, which
it uses to protect endangered short-nosed sucker and
Lost River sucker."
Irrigators seek
answers on water year, H&N 3/11/18.
“Bill Heiney, a third-generation Basin irrigator and
descendant of a homesteader:... 'When I bought my first
piece of ground, my grandfather, he said, 'One thing you
won't have to worry about is water,' ” Heiney said,
referring a water pact his grandfather had from the U.S.
gather in Reno to address the drought
H&N 2/23/18. "Standing
up among the some 200 irrigators and ag people,
Hammerich said he believes water storage in the Klamath
Basin is a “good deal.” But he wanted to know how
storage benefits the Klamath Basin when it butts up
against the Endangered Species Act and fish
protection." The water just goes downstream, so what are
we gaining?” Hammerich asked."
OWRD, KWUA talk drought for Project water users, H&N 2/21/18. "Please
keep in mind we have lake levels from a biological
opinion that need to be met,” White added. “We have an
injunction that’s been placed upon us where more water
is required to go downstream as a result of litigation
brought by downstream tribes last year.”...“Once the
governor issues the drought declaration, then it’s after
that time that people can come to the watermaster’s
office here and apply for drought emergency permits,”
said Kyle Gorman, of OWRD. Permits allow irrigators to
use water where the primary source is unavailable,
Gorman said, due to drought conditions..."
KWUA appeals to Tribes: Let's talk. OWRD, KWUA to talk
2018 irrigation, H&N 2/18/18.
“They’ve felt meaningful, they’ve felt sincere,” White
said Friday morning, of previous talks with Tribes
representatives. “But then when these notices come out
and we don’t get a heads-up that it’s coming out, we
don’t have an opportunity to talk to them about it
beforehand...It doesn’t feel like the community and the
fish are in the best interest of the Tribes,” White
said, "… and I hate feeling that way but that’s what it
feels like. It feels like there’s something bigger than
just the fish going on here."
Klamath Project 2018 Contractors
Meeting with KWUA, OWRD, Klamath County Feb 20, 2018,
to "bring contractors of the Klamath Reclamation
Project current information about the 2018 irrigation
season...current hydrology, possible options available,
and the process for taking advantage of those options is
important information for district and on-farm
Water Claims &
Confrontations: (Klamath) irrigators say state shows lack of support, H&N 2/8/18. "...Though
2017 saw so much water in the Basin that multiple areas were flooded,
the state still validated a claim on water initiated by the Klamath
Tribes...Some irrigators claim that the Tribes have been making blanket
calls on water without justification..."
over farms — again? We have get back to the table,
by Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum, District 28,
guest writer for H&N 4/30/17 "...On April 13,
the Klamath Tribes, who have senior instream rights,
notified OWRD of a call on the Wood, Sprague and
Williamson Rivers and tributaries, including Upper
Klamath Marsh...Riparian areas are thriving and current
flows are off the charts, making any talk of drought or
shortage simply ridiculous... If the tribes call water
during one of the highest water years on record, one can
safely wonder if their goal is fishing, hunting or other
heritage practices?..."
Tribal chairman defends water call, H&N
"Ranchers in the upper basin have criticized the
call, claiming they will have a short window to irrigate
and water their cattle this spring, and they have no
water available the rest of the summer. Some believe
this call could put them out of business....“We're just
asking for justice,” Gentry said. “We're just trying to
hang onto what has been reserved by treaty despite what
has happened to us..."
KBC NOTE: The Klamath Tribal members voted to
terminate their tribe.
$220,647,000 was paid to the Klamath Tribes.
Regarding their votes, "There were return receipts
signed by each and every member of the Klamath tribe(Unconquered,
Uncontrolled, by Carrol Howe). "One Klamath Indian,
Edison Chiloquin...refused to accept the payment and
demanded land instead..."
Regulation headed for Wood River, H&N 4/28/17.
“Everybody above the Lower Williamson system, all the
way up to Sprague and Sycan and on up into the
Williamson itself are effectively regulated..."
"snowpack ...ranges anywhere from 130 to 146 percent (in
some areas) of average for the water year..."
OWRD responds to Tribes' call on (Klamath) water,
H&N, 4/28/17. "I’m
very disappointed that this call has been initiated by
the Klamath Tribes and validated by the Oregon Water
Resources Department at a time when our rivers are
literally running over their banks,” (State Rep. E.
Werner) Reschke said in a statement. “This decision
negatively impacts farmers and ranchers up and down the
basin and defies conventional logic. Oregonians lose
when we allow one group to exercise exorbitant control
over the rights of others..."
Water call should send message Basin needs a real
answer, Area needs congressional help for a long-term
plan, H&N View, 4/23/17. "...The
local community should accept the fact that an overall
settlement isn’t going to happen without a land
settlement with the Tribes. Yes, land for water. Accept
it and move on..." KBC
ANALYSIS: H&N got it right...it's not about fish,
it's "land for water". Tribes sold reservation. Tribes
will call on irrigation water (like happening in this
flood year) until they can get their land given back to
them again, and the Klamath hydroelectric dams
destroyed. Some call it 'blackmail.'
Tribes Issue Water Claim, Ranchers Fear the Worst,
April 2014, ranchers and the Tribes signed the Upper
Basin Comprehensive Agreement. The ranchers agreed to
retire 18,000 acres of land or 30,000 acre feet of water
and do riparian repair work on the rivers in exchange
for an allotment of water each year…At
the end of February, the Tribes indicated to the
ranchers they wanted to terminate the agreement..."
of measuring devices on streams can cost tens of
thousands of dollars. Daily maintenance can add up to
thousands of dollars in additional labor costs. The
annual reporting, and more often if the Oregon Water
Resources Department requests, of 'water amount, rate,
and duty' will add thousands of more dollars, annually,
in time and additional out-of-pocket expense. 'The
inclusion of a $500 civil penalty for each day of
violation of the act...' "
Top-notch Deception by Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum - District 28, News Ticker Opinion, Wallowa Valley Online 3/21/17. Linthicum
represents Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Deschutes and Crook
counties. "If a Democrat House member gets his way,
the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) will load
stiff economic, land and water management problems right
into the lap of Oregon’s farmers, ranchers, cattle and
Water decisions are not making any sense, by former
Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams H&N, 2/17/17. "The
irony of this is so obvious. The rivers are at
flood stage or very near it, and OWRD finally
lifts the tribal call on the water...This
applies to all uses on the listed water right, including
stock water, and domestic...surface water, (rivers,
creeks and springs), and ground water, (wells). Most all
of the rights list irrigation as a listed use." "...A
single judge and our federal government send extra water
down the Klamath River for fish in the middle of a
flood. You would certainly think a flood event would
contain enough water for any fish needs, including flush
or pulse flows. It is absolutely necessary that logic
and true science drive the decisions critical to the
survival of our local economies..."
Klamath River floods as Jerry Brown set to tear down
dams,Breitbart, posted to KBC 2/18/17.
"The un-noticed Klamath River, even with its dam system
still in place, is expected to flood and potentially
cause serious damage to the North Coast when the rains
hit. If four of the seven dams were already torn down,
the flood and destruction from the Klamath River would
likely have been be epic."
Pulse flow curbed in wake of downstream concerns,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/18/17. KBC note: Tribes and
environmental groups sought court order to take 100,000
acre feet of water from Klamath Irrigator storage to
wash a parasite out of the river on an already high
water year. Tribes saw their homes might get wet.
the Happy Camp area, where river water levels were
reaching the highway, residents were getting nervous...Due
to the danger looming downstream and terribly high water
levels just from the run-off from the river and side
hills, we decided to scale back."
! Water
call made on the Williamson, H&N
11/23/16. "Water
users in the upper Klamath Basin have received shutoff
notices for surface water use after the Klamath Tribes
called on their water rights earlier this month....Water
users along the Williamson and its tributaries, as well
as the Klamath Marsh, received notices directing them to
cease stock and domestic use of surface water until
February...this should only affect those diverting water
from streams and rivers and said wells, which depend on
ground water, are not affected."
Upper Klamath Basin Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment
and Management Program Plan; Klamath Tribal Water
Quality Consortium, Aug 16, 2016, Comments WERE due
Sept 18, 2016. Who knew about this plan to eradicate
agriculture and all the dams in the Klamath River Basin?
received and posted to KBC 9/20/16. KBC NOTE:
Participants are 6 tribes (including
Karuk and
Hoopa), many
federal and state agencies,
Trout Unlimited,The Nature
Klamath Basin
Rangeland Trust, California Coastal Conservancy,
State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and
dozens more; most of the agencies, tribes and
environmental groups are "stakeholders" in the
Klamath Basin dam-removal
agreements. "Given the large volumes of
water in the Klamath Basin, very large wetlands (on the
order of thousands of acres or tens of thousands of
acres) would be necessary to have basin-scale effect...",
they want to get rid of "... water rights, water
availability, and landowner willingness issues...", "
TNC recently acquired approximately 4,000 acres adjacent
to Agency Lake Ranch and Barnes Ranch which it is in the
process of restoring back to wetlands",Wetlands,
by the way, evaporates nearly 2ce the amount of water
used by irrigated agriculture, "The Upper Klamath
Basin Comprehensive Agreement...calls for inflows to
Upper Klamath Lake to be increased by 30,000 acre-feet
per year to be achieved by reducing the net consumptive
use of water for irrigated agriculture," Roads that are
no longer necessary would be considered for ...
removal,"..."The Consortium supports reduced irrigation
and improved grazing management as a method to reduce
irrigation demand," "Once plans are developed for how to
remove the dams and appropriate permits are obtained,
the dams should be removed. The KHSA targets 2020 as the
year in which dam removal would occur."
Comments on the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium
by Siskiyou County Water Users Association Rex
Cozzalio, received by KBC News 9/20/16
Irrigators wrangle over Klamath Water Users
membership, H&N 1/15/16.
"The 2016 KID annual budget states the
cost for KID irrigators is $238,168...'I
can’t say I’m against the Water Users, but I
can say that I’m not for them, in the fact
that they don’t include all of Klamath
County. Every adjudicated, irrigated acre in
Klamath County should be included,' said
Oxley. 'If it’s not good for everybody, it’s
not good.' Horsely agreed that Water Users
should be open to more of the county’s
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Terminated
on 12/31/15.
"The Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement
(KHSA) and Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive
Agreement (UKBCA) are still in effect, they did
not terminate with the KBRA, but they also
require federal authorization legislation and
their implementation is interdependent with the
now-terminated KBRA,"
by Ed Sheets, Klamath agreements facilitator.
Water district board members meet Friday,
H&N 1/6/16. Friday at 1 pm in Merrill, Klamath
Basin irrigators meet to find solutions, "to
bring community back together.""Under
the (controversial KBRA) agreement, Klamath
Project irrigators were slated to receive a
substantial block of irrigation water from Upper
Klamath Lake each year if certain
instream flows were met in the lake’s
Water district board members meet Friday,
H&N 1/6/16. Friday at 1 pm in Merrill, Klamath
Basin irrigators meet to find solutions, "to
bring community back together.""Under
the (controversial KBRA) agreement, Klamath
Project irrigators were slated to receive a
substantial block of irrigation water from Upper
Klamath Lake each year if certain
instream flows were met in the lake’s
Irrigation district reverses course,
re-joins Klamath Water Users Association,
H&N, 11/25/15. "Board
member Grant Knoll, who represents KID’s
Zone 3, said he voted to dissolve the
district’s relationship with Water Users
because his constituents do not agree with
the policies Water Users stands for..."
'I’ve polled them, and they want to pull
out,' Knoll said."
KID / Klamath Irrigation District leaves
(Klamath) water users group, H&N posted to
KBC 11/18/15. "Board member Brent Cheyne said
KID irrigators pay Water Users about $238,000
per year...“It seems to me that some of the
political goals of the Water Users contradicts
what we are trying to do,” Bair said...."the
money being paid to Water Users should instead
be dedicated to paying for the multi-million
dollar C Canal flume replacement. The flume
delivers irrigation water to roughly 22,000
cropland acres in the Klamath Project."
More water for Project irrigators, H&N 7/24/15. "...on
July 19, Upper Klamath Lake was 62 percent full,
with a volume of 317,395 acre-feet. Last year on
July 19, the lake was only 45 percent full..."
County, state tussle over water regulations;
works director to sit on water advisory,
H&N, posted to KBC 9/20/14.
Klamath Falls City Councilman Bill Adams
speaks about his frustrations with a
proposed Oregon Water Resources Department
rule on Thursday during a question and
answer session at Oregon Tech."Klamath
County Commissioner Tom Mallams, also an
irrigator, spoke in opposition to the
proposed rule change. 'This is what I feel
is nothing more than trying to put pressure
on everybody trying to agree to a settlement
that’s very iffy, lacks a lot of
support...There is some support … because
they have been pushed into a corner, and a
gun to their head, as far as I’m concerned,
by Oregon Water Resources and our federal
government. Water resources in the past has
been the champion for irrigated
agriculture...I feel they’re one of our
worst enemies, and that’s very
disheartening.' Mallams also read a
statement from State Rep. Gail Whitsett on
her behalf: 'We find no viable reason or
justification for this permanent rule to
apply only to the Klamath River Watershed in
Klamath County,' read the statement."
Klamath salmon in danger; additional
flows intended to prevent fish die-off,
H&N, posted to KBC 9/21/14. "The
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) began releasing
additional flows from Trinity Reservoir via
the Lewiston Dam Tuesday....We
must, however, take all reasonable measures
to prevent a recurrence of the fish losses
experienced in 2002"
Water was shut off to Klamath Basin family
farms the summer of 2001. After irrigation
was restored to irrigators in later, tribes,
U.S. Dept of Fish and Game, and
environmental groups focused on obliterating
farming in the Klamath Basin, blamed Klamath
Farmers for fish dying in 2002, 170 miles
Scientist David Vogel (see #'s 19, 22,
23 and 29) explained why sending high flows
of warm water from Iron Gate dam was lethal
for salmon in the already warm river.
According to a Scientist conference in
Klamath Falls in 2004, effects of the 2002,
500,000-acre Biscuit Fire smoke were never
studied in relation to fish dying that fall.
Neither were considered effects of drainoff
drug labs on the Klamath River.
- New
drought water ruling proposed by officials,
H&N 8/16/14. "The public
comment period
ends at 5 p.m. Sept. 19...A
new rule that would allow water for human
consumption and stock watering during
drought in Klamath County has been proposed
by the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)."
Agency reconsidering water for Klamath
salmon, H&N 8/16/14. "Tribal
members were going to Sacramento on Tuesday
to hold a vigil outside Bureau offices, she
said. Since the 1960s, some water from the
Trinity has been pumped over the mountains
to the Central Valley of California for
irrigation. Sierztutowski said some of those
irrigation districts have been denied water
this year due to the drought."
BOR, PacifiCorp reach agreement on reservoir
posted to KBC 8/16/14. "According
to KWAPA Executive Director Hollie Cannon,
the combination of consecutive drought years
and new rules in place to protect endangered
fish in the Klamath watershed means
irrigators are given less surface water,
forcing them to turn to groundwater..."
expansion of regulations of surface and
groundwater use,
by Senator Doug Whitsett
8/13/14. "What the Department is not making clear to the
public is that their proposed permanent rules
make substantial and critical changes to the
existing emergency rule. The rule being proposed
extends the Department’s authority beyond its
regulation of surface-water, to include the
regulation of groundwater under the preferential
use of water for human and stock-water during
drought. This rule appears to be another attempt by the Department to use its rule making powers to extend its authority to regulate surface water under the Klamath River Adjudication, to include the regulation of groundwater."
On April 21, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) jointly
released a new proposed rule –
Definition of Waters of the U.S. Under
the Clean Water Act – that would
amend the definition of “waters of the
U.S.” and expand the range of waters
that fall under federal jurisdiction.
The proposed rule, published in the
Federal Register, is open for public
comment for 90 days, until July 21,
Why Willamette Valley farmers should watch
Klamath Falls' water rights fight, Statesman
Journal, posted to KBC 5/10/14. "The
agency identified 130 wells (including
Mallams) that could interfere with surface
water sources, meaning he and other farmers
could lose both sources of water this
summer. 'You virtually cannot prove there
isn’t interference because of the way they
did the modeling,' Mallams said. 'I am
considered guilty unless I prove myself
innocent and I cannot prove myself
Whitsett, that means the OWRD can do the
same thing to any watershed in Oregon."
Zero acre-feet of water;
East Side Klamath Project irrigators to see
little or no water; idling funds also are in
short supply,
H&N 4/15/14. "Moxley
said the newly designed pivots can reduce
his irrigation water use up to 50 percent.
But last week, the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)
announced that irrigators, who rely on water
supplies from Clear Lake Reservoir, will get
zero acre-feet for the 2014 irrigation
season." KBC NOTE:When Klamath
Reclamation Project was built, Clear Lake
was a meadow. Suckers do not live in
meadows. To create farmland, water was
stored in Clear Lake (meadow) to so it could
be used for irrigation if needed. The U.S.
government made it into a bird refuge and
decided to create habitat for suckers who
historically did not live in this meadow,
mandating lake levels and denying access in
most of that area to the public.
Water Interference Bill, legislative update
by Oregon Rep Gail Whitsett, posted to
KBC 2/21/14. "....Over
130 Klamath Basin farmers and ranchers have
been threatened by the OWRD to have their
irrigation ground water wells shut down as
soon as April 2014. This is in addition to
the same ranches having all of their surface
water called on, and shut off, by the
Klamath Tribes (as the newly adjudicated
senior water right holder) and the OWRD in
2013. The adjudication provides absolutely
no direct statutory control over ground
water, but the OWRD is trying to tie the two
water sources (ground and surface) together
in an attempt to gain control over all of
the ranch and farm lands (through their
water) in certain areas of the Basin,
without going through the process of
defining a “Critical Groundwater Area”. OWRD
does not want to go through this process as
there really is not a shortage of ground
water in this region..."
The Oregon
Water Resources Department is no longer a friend of agriculture 8/1/13 by Senator Doug Whitsett:
than 250 water users holding Allottee and Walton water rights dating to 1864
are being forced to turn off their irrigation water...The Department’s final
determination gave the Tribes such a huge amount of water that virtually no
additional water will be available for irrigation in a normal year..."
Crater Lake shutoff
possible, H&N 6/30/13.
"Any impacts to Crater Lake could be far-reaching economically. In 2011,
visitors contributed $34.6 million to nearby communities, said Jeff Olson,
National Park Service spokesman, and 549 area jobs were supported...Calls
for water were made June 10 by the most senior water rights holders: Klamath
Project farmers and the Klamath Tribes."
Klamath Tribes: Support the KBRA in exchange for water talks, Capital
Press 6/20/13. "The leader of the Klamath Tribes told a U.S. Senate
committee June 20 that ranchers facing water shutoffs in the Upper Klamath
Basin would have to agree to provisions of a three-year-old basin
restoration agreement to negotiate more water from the tribes." KBC
Klamath Tribe is presently denying irrigation water to off-Project
Klamath irrigators supposedly for the sacred sucker fish. However, if
the irrigators agree to supporting the KBRA (which destroys 4 hydro dams on
the Klamath River, gifts land to the tribes that they previously sold to
build a sovereign land base, destroys a fish hatchery producing millions of
salmon, and downsizes agriculture), then the tribe will allow off Project
irrigators to discuss terms to get their water back.
Klamath Tribes and federal government put out historic call for water rights
in drought-stricken Klamath Basin, Oregonian, posted to KBC 6/12/13.
"The Klamath Tribes and the
federal government called their water rights insouthern
Oregon's Klamath Basinfor
the first time Monday, likely cutting off irrigation water to hundreds of
cattle ranchers and farmers in the upper basin this summer...Some
300 to 400 irrigators – and 70,000 to 100,000 cattle – could be impacted,
upper basin water groups estimated. State officials said shut offs could
begin as soon as Wednesday, and would be calibrated throughout the summer as
river flows and weather dictate."
KBC NOTE: Some quotes in above article are by
KBRA supporter
Becky Hyde, former board member of
Sustainable Northwest.SNW
founder and president is Martin Goebel.
Goebel was director of
World Wildlife Fund,
which is partner of
United Nations
Foundation with
George Soros and Ford Foundation.
Goebel is Trustee for
Summit Charitable Foundation owned by Roger Sant. The company in a five
year span granted Sustainable NW $342,875.
funds come from Sant's company AES, worldwide developer of
power in 29 countries, power
coal to gas to renewables such as wind, hydro and biomass."
Hyde is at the closed-door KBRA negotiation table. The KBRA would destroy 4
hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River and fish hatchery producing millions
of salmon, give land to the Klamath Tribes, put full support behind the
Endangered Species Act, downsize agriculture by 25% or more, and give new
water rights to bird refuges, along with planting endangered fish in warm
shallow Klamath Lake and mandating their success.
Upper Basin water shutoffs likely, Low water flows a troubling sign as state directors visit Klamath, H&N 5/7/13. "Upper Basin contestants have filed stays against various instream claims, Upper Klamath Lake levels, and the Klamath Project’s consolidated claim"
ranchers in the Langell Valley familiar with water crises,
H&N, posted to KBC 8/16/12. "Under
federally-mandated U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions, a
minimum lake level is required to support the short-nose sucker, an
endangered fish."
(KBC NOTE: There is a mandatory lake level in Clear Lake for
"endangered" suckers. Before the Klamath Project was built, Clear Lake
was a meadow. The reservoir was built to evaporate water so farmers
could farm. The Project also pumped water out of this closed basin into
Klamath River, water which historically did not reach the river. The
federal government now demands a higher-than-historical lake level for
salmon because of the ESA / Endangered Species Act. )
Draft IWRS / Integrated Water
Resource Strategy 6/22/12 IWRS Executive
Summary 6/22/12 "The Oregon Water Resources Commission is scheduled
to adopted the Integrated Water Resources Strategy at their August 2 meeting.
The meeting is being held at the Water Resources Dept Conference Room 124 725
Summer St NE in Salem. The discussion is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm.
Water for Life does not support adoption of the
Strategy. It is our position that it is not a strategy but an opinion piece and
policy statement. The link to the complete document is below. You are encouraged
to attend the meeting and let the Commission know your thoughts on the
Helen Moore, Executive Director
(503) 375-6003
Well, it looks like the Karuk Tribe and Klamath River Keepers are at it again, PieNPolitics 6/5/12. "Late last week while the areas food producers were preparing for the 2012-farming season, the Karuk Tribe, in coordination with the Klamath River Keepers, went public with an extremely biased and highly controversial groundwater model of the Scott River aquifer."
Oregon Integrated Water Resources Strategy, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 5/31/12. "...IWRS advisory committee... appear to have placed little emphasis on the development of additional storage for current and expanded agricultural use. Implementation of those public policies can only serve to diminish the supply of water available for irrigation."
Latest water level drop at Copco, by Robert Davis, 5/14/12. "NMFS requested a higher than normal water flow out of Irongate, above 3000 cfs. Flows provided from Klamath Lake were about 2750 cfs. ...The shortage was made up from Copco Lake resulting in a drop in lake level of about 7 feet...It is evident there was no monitoring of the process to assure any request for change would not cause damage or hardship for the other sections of the project."
The Big Picture part 2, by Siskiyou
County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted
to KBC 5/14/11. Armstrong documents how the
UN and ICNU, with designated roadless areas
and wilderness areas, were formed to shut
down human use of land and resources in the
Klamath River Basin. HERE for the Big Picture part 1.
Here is the link for Armstrong's research on
Agenda 21 Rewilding or
The Big Picture Part I,
by Marcia
Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor,
posted to KBC 5/11/11. "I
was struck by a sentence in the recent
“chinook expert panel” report commissioned
for the dam removal studies. It said:
“Furthermore, the refuges should be managed
for fish and wildlife versus agriculture if
the basin management objective is
rehabilitation of fish species.” Just when
did the citizens of
SiskiyouCounty agree to an over-riding regional
“management objective”of fish
rehabilitation? Just who signed the orders
relegating us to serfdom, putting our
private property and livelihoods in the
service of fish production and those who
harvest fish? What happened to our own
economic priorities – to the development of
our local natural resources to create food,
fiber and mineral products for the benefit
of our families, communities and nation."
Managing Klamath River complicated; recent flow change
offers an example, H&N
editorial, posted to KBC 2/15/11. (KBC NOTE: last year
more than 1/2 Klamath irrigators received no irrigation
water. This year the federal agencies sent approximately
20,000 acre feet of water into the ocean.) "Greg
Addington, executive director for the Klamath Basin Water
Users Association, which represents water users on the five
irrigation districts on the 240,000-acre federal project,
said the lake’s 'in good shape now.
That’s a lot of water
(going downriver), but I don’t feel like the lake is in
jeopardy of not filling because of it.' ”
River flows to increase for fish,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/10/11. "Flows
will be three times their current cubic feet per second rate, going from 1,600
cfs to 5,000 cfs for six hours, and then decreasing to 1,300 cfs."
signals grim times for water out West,
by Dan Keppen, Executive Director of
Family Farm Alliance, 2/29/08, H&N.
regulations and court-ordered directives
favoring fish over farmers will put the
screws to San Joaquin communities this
summer. Because farmland within
Westlands Water District — ground zero
in the current crisis — accounts for 20
percent of the $5 billion agricultural
production of Fresno County (the
nation’s No. 1 farm county), the
potential economic impacts will dwarf
the 2001 Klamath crisis."
Columbia River:
Salmon win in this dam
legal battle, Capital Press editorial 4/25/08. "It's a fact that
some environmental groups won't be happy until every dam is removed from
every salmon stream and river in the West. Whether that's practical is,
for them, not a concern. They simply don't seem to be willing to accept
any alternatives. For them, it's an all-or-nothing proposition."
Growth threatens
water, H&N 3/1/07. "Addington
said irrigators are frustrated that the matrix gives them less
water in average-water years than in low-water years."
Recommendation for Big
Look Task Force;
Water, Paper or Planning?
by Tamra Mabbott, Umatilla County Planning Director,October,
2006 Oregon's water
management plan, Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett
responds to above recommendation, 11/28/06 "Her
(Mabbott's) proposals, taken as a
whole, represent the largest expansion of Oregon’s
police powers since the 1973 passage of Senate
Bill 100, the land use planning statute. Six of
her specific policy proposals appear to oppose the
interests of agriculture and the interests of many
aims to mend lake shore, H&N, posted to KBC 7/3/06 "Mark
Buettner, a fisheries biologist for FWS, acknowledged the lake
level does not currently meet the biological opinion's
requirement. But he said the agency has OK'd the temporary
discrepancy, which was due to circumstances beyond Reclamation's
control. Analyses by Reclamation and FWS conclude the current
level will provide adequate sucker habitat this year."
Wrangling Water, International water experts and officials gather in
Boise to discuss rising demands and decreasing supplies, Headwaters News
6/22/05 (Family Farm Alliance Dan Keppen and BOR Commissioner John Keyes
were amongst the panelists.)
Water-use measurement
bill clears Senate, Capital Press 6/13/05.(In California in certain
regions, this type bill led to landowners being charged over $100/acre
foot for their own groundwater. KBC)
Whitsett has good
reason to be wary, Herald and News editorial 6/8/05. "Rural
Oregon should be afraid of such things because they put weapons in the
hands of urban residents who have little knowledge about such things as
agriculture and responsible use of resources."
Rural Oregonians
fear bill SB731 is threat to their water rights,
Seattle Times 5/30/05. (BEWARE:
there are places in California that private property
owners must pay over $100 per acre foot for their own
water. This will erode your property right to your water.
2 H&N articles on the Klamath
Conservation Implementation Plan, 10/25/04, 'Focus
sought for water program', and 'Bureau takes new
program for test drive.'
Irma Largomarsino,
supervisor of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service's Arcata
Field Office, and NMFS biologist Jim Simondet
Christine Karas, Bureau of Reclamation,
deputy manager of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's
Klamath Falls office.
Klamath Water Users Association weekly update October 14,
2004. Go to
Klamath Water Users Association update 101404 for update: * Klamath Water Users Applaud Signing
of Landmark Watershed Agreement
* Interior Secretary Announces Klamath Watershed Coordination Agreement
* Complete Text of the Klamath River Watershed Coordination Agreement
* Klamath County Commissioner Clarifies the Record for ONRC
Officials push for
water regulation, The Idaho Statesman, posted
regarding Water 2025. "John
Keys, commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, the
agency which supplies water to more than 30 million
people in 17 Western states, said Idaho´s water bank
is one of the innovative ways states can shift water
from one use to another to meet new demands. A water
bank is a brokerage service that allows farmers and
others to lease their surplus water to others."The
water market needs to be regulated, said former U.S.
Sen. James McClure, so rich outside interests cannot
overwhelm the social and economic structure of a
community. “There is no question Idaho could look
like Owens Valley if we allowed California to buy
our water,” McClure said."
Water 2025:
The Coming War on the Western Frontier, 7/11/03,
The Sierra Times."On
April 6, 2001, flawed science forced the federal
shut off of over 100,000 acre-feet daily irrigation
water to over 1400 farms in the Upper Klamath Basin
south of Klamath Falls, Oregon ' to save the sucker
fish and coho salmon'".
Water 2005 conference spawns feud with Yuroks,
H&N July 11, 2003 AP.H&N July 11, 2003 AP. "But
(Yurok tribe chairperson Susan) Masten said she's
skeptical, and her tribe, with 90 percent poverty
and 70 percent unemployment, is dependent on the
river for its livelihood." While accusing
Klamath Project of ruining the livelihood of her
tribe, she forgets to mention that last year's run
of fish was the 3rd highest run, there were so many
fish the take limit was raised, the price was
lowered, and they had trouble selling them.
State Rips Norton on Water, July 10, 2003, The
Sacramento Bee."We have grown to expect this sort
of partisan whining from Mary, and that is the way
it is," said (assistant Interior Secretary Bennett)
Raley, a water lawyer from Colorado. "I find it
humorous that, in her zeal to make this a partisan
issue, Mary is blaming the Bush administration that
the California delegation doesn't have a consensus."
(State Resources Secretary Mary Nichols is the
woman who blamed the Klamath Project for the dead
Trinity-river fish 200 miles from Klamath Project
which contributes 2% of the watershed. This
was before the water was tested, before any
scientific studies were done, and before they even
knew that these were not Klamath River fish. KBC)
Norton's surprising stance, by Stuart
Leavenworth --The Sacramento Bee, July 7, 2003
"Called Water 2025, Norton's water blueprint
takes a few pages out of the environmentalist
playbook: "It calls for more conservation of
supplies, more banking of groundwater and more water
trading between farms and cities, instead of new