January 19, 2021
Contact Information:
Paul Simmons, KWUA
Executive Director
(916) 769-6685
[email protected]
Bureau of
Reclamation updates
guidance for Klamath
Operations under
Endangered Species
Act and water law
The United States
Bureau of
(Reclamation) has
released a detailed
analysis that will
change its approach
to compliance with
the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) at
the Klamath Project
(Project) in
south-central Oregon
and northern
California. The new
analysis and
guidance, called for
by a Department of
the Interior
Solicitor’s opinion
last fall, support
that irrigation
water deliveries in
the Project are not
subject to
constraints that
Reclamation has
applied in the past.
“This is positive
news for family
farms and ranches,
rural communities,
and wildlife,” said
Klamath Water Users
Association (KWUA)
President Tricia
Hill. “The federal
government has
recognized that we
have been
overregulated under
the ESA, and that
needs to change.”
The new guidance is
reflected in a
document that relies
on changes in legal
circumstances that
have occurred over
recent years. Last
fall’s Solicitor’s
Opinion advised
Reclamation that it
needed to update its
approach and that
work is now
In recent decades,
Project water
deliveries have been
subjected to
curtailments based
on section 7 of the
ESA, which requires
that federal
agencies ensure that
their actions not
jeopardize ESA-listed
species such as
endangered suckers
in Upper Klamath
Lake and coho salmon
in the Klamath River
in California.
Federal court
decisions have
increasingly made
clear that the duty
under this law only
applies to actions
where the federal
agency has some
discretion to take
action to protect
the species.
Reflecting the
rulings in those
court decisions, the
new guidance
evaluates contracts,
signed long before
the ESA was passed,
that commit
Reclamation to water
delivery in the
Project. These
contracts do not
reserve discretion
in Reclamation to
curtail water
deliveries for
purposes of species
protection, and
Reclamation has no
legal right to
curtail the
deliveries under the
ESA as it has in the
In addition,
Reclamation must
comply with state
water law. The
Oregon Water
Resources Department
has made its
determinations of
water rights for the
Project, and those
determinations are
in full force and
The new guidance
states that there
are instream federal
water rights that
are senior to the
Project, both
downstream in the
Klamath River and in
Upper Klamath Lake,
that could limit
Project diversions.
Such rights are not
adjudicated or not
enforceable against
the Project; the
guidance recognizes
that any downstream
water right for
flows would not
include a right to
water that has been
stored in Upper
Klamath Lake.
The new guidance
will not by itself
change the way that
Reclamation operates
but will require
that Reclamation
adopt fundamental
changes in its
operating plans.
“Those changes need
to be adopted as
soon as Reclamation
can do so,” said Ms.
KWUA Executive
Director and Counsel
Paul Simmons said
other parties may
criticize the new
guidance because of
its timing, at the
end of the Trump
Administration and
following a visit to
the Klamath Basin by
outgoing Secretary
of the Interior
David Bernhardt and
Commissioner Brenda
Burman last July.
“There could be
political blow-back
because Reclamation
finished the work
when it did, but the
guidance applies
rules that the
federal government
has recognized in
other basins –such
as the Rio Grande
and Sacramento -
since at least
President Obama’s
Administration, and
that have been
upheld in federal
courts. We look
forward to working
with the Biden
which we hope will
recognize that the
new guidance is
based on current law
rather than
preference.” The new
guidance does not
exempt the Project
entirely from the
ESA, according to
Mr. Simmons.
“Reclamation has
found that it still
has duties for
species protection,
but those duties do
not include imposing
harmful shortages on
irrigation as we
have seen in the
KWUA President Hill
said that irrigation
water users do not
have an absolute
guarantee of water.
“We still have other
legal issues,
including water
rights of tribes
that will one day be
quantified, that can
affect us,” she
said. “We intend to
continue to engage
with other parties
constructively to
create a basin that
is better for fish
and farms.”
The Project was
authorized in 1905
under the
Reclamation Act of
1902. It consists
of dams and
irrigation delivery
and drainage
systems, built and
operated by
Reclamation and
irrigation districts
and others. By
1940, the Project
provided water to
200,000 acres,
roughly the same as
the number of
irrigated acres
today. In addition,
Project facilities
are the sole source
of water for Lower
Klamath and Tule
Lake National
Wildlife Refuges.
KWUA is a non-profit
corporation, formed
in 1953, whose
members are
contractors, such as
districts, and
deliver water to
about 175,000 acres
and to the wildlife
refuges. |