Mid-Pacific Region Sacramento, CA MP-07-055, April
9, 2007
Klamath Project 2007 Operations
Plan Released; Supplies Expected to Meet all
Project Final Operation Plan 4/9/07
The Bureau of Reclamation today released its 2007
Operations Plan for the Klamath Project
(Project). The plan is based upon current and
expected hydrologic conditions derived from the
April 5, 2007, Natural Resource Conservation
Service (NRCS) inflow forecast. It is consistent
with the Biological Opinions issued by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as
well as the U.S. District Court ruling CIV. NO
CO2-2006 SBA dated March 27, 2006.
The Operations Plan provides an estimate of
Project water supply as well as anticipated lake
elevations and river flows for the coming year.
It is used by agricultural water users, Klamath
Basin Tribes, national wildlife refuges, and
others as a planning tool. Although the
projection is for a Below Average water year, the
Project expects to have a sufficient supply of
water available to meet all Project
“We are pleased to be able to report that the
water level in Clear Lake Reservoir is sufficient
to make full deliveries to irrigators. Deliveries
from Gerber Reservoir will also meet agricultural
needs this year,” said Mr. Pablo Arroyave, Area
Manager for the Klamath Basin Area Office.
The estimated Project irrigation water supply from
Upper Klamath Lake from April 1 through September
30, 2007, is 400,000 acre-feet based on the
hydrologic conditions on April 1, 2007. This
amount could be affected by weather conditions and
other requirements. The NRCS estimated inflow
forecast for Upper Klamath Lake is 360,000
acre-feet from April 1 through September 30. At
this time, the water-year type for both Upper
Klamath Lake and the Klamath River is Below
Average. The year-type designations are
determined from specific criteria in the
Biological Opinions and are based upon forecast
and actual runoff, which are influenced by
precipitation and temperature. Since inflow
varies each month, uncertainty exists about the
final year-type determination, which is made on
September 30. Generally, inflow forecasts after
June 1 remain relatively stable for the remainder
of the irrigation season.
As authorized in the Klamath Basin Water Supply
Enhancement Act of 2000, Reclamation has developed
access to supplemental water of up to 100,000
acre-feet, if it is required, to meet Project
needs. Water that may be acquired through a
recent Water Supply Enhancement Study (WSES) could
be used to supplement Project water supplies if
conditions warrant. As in the past with the water
banking program, the WSES water comprises
off-stream storage, land idling, and ground-water
The Klamath Project 2007 Operations Plan may be
viewed at For more
information, please contact Mr. Cecil Lesley at
541-880-2546 or
[email protected].
Reclamation is the largest wholesale water
supplier and the second largest producer of
hydroelectric power in the United States, with
operations and facilities in the 17 Western
States. Its facilities also provide substantial
flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife
benefits. Visit our website at