Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
The Environmental
"Isn't the only hope for the
planet that the
Doug of our Discussion Forum recommends these videos regarding earth worship, enviros, PETA, UN, Sustainable Development, etc. |
by Dr. Kenneth A Rykbost on: Water
War in the Klamath Basin, by Holly Doremus
and A. Dan Tarlock. "I believe you, as many
others, do a disservice to the local community
as well as the scientific community by
publishing one-sided material such as this. It
will no doubt serve as additional fodder in the
future by those wishing to obscure facts and
promote an agenda."
Current articles
Environmentalist lawsuit targets post-fire tree removal, Capital Press 5/25/21. "The project is expected to generate about 30 million board-feet of timber — enough to fill 6,000 logging trucks.." KBC NOTE: Klamath Forest Alliance is the NGO that shut down mills and logging towns for the spotted owl. They also helped found Klamath Riverkeeper, with a board of Klamath River Tribes, that has sued Klamath irrigators regarding water quality, PacifiCorp to rip out dams, and they shut down suction dredge mining.
25 Years ago: Converting 3000 acres Tulana Farms to wetland to improve UK water quality, H&N May 1, 2021 This week in Klamath Basin History. "...Mark Stern, project coordinator for the Nature Conservancy, said a general agreement has been reached for the purchase of Tulana Farms, a 4700-acre tract at the mouth of the Williamson River. Most of the land would be flooded..." KBC NOTE: 97,160 acres of agricultural land has been converted into wetlands from ag as primary water usage through 2006 above Klamath Lake. Wetlands use nearly 2ce as much water as ag lands.
Earthjustice plays fast and loose with the truth about the Klamath Project, SDFU / Shut Down and Fed UP 6/13/2020. "One of the biggest challenges about Klamath Basin agriculture are the false narratives that get treated as fact. Maybe it’s accidental, but in most cases it’s calculated misinformation to push an agenda. When these bits of fiction get pushed out to the public, it creates an atmosphere that makes it hard for everyone up and down the Klamath River to find a solution to save fish and farms...."
Lawsuit renews attack on grazing in Oregon national forest, Capital Press 4/18/19.
Klamath Riverkeeper history & accomplishments, 7/31/16. "Our successful lawsuits, nonstop policy advocacy, and targeted grassroots pressure forced PacifiCorp to sign a stakeholder agreement to un-dam and restore the Klamath River in 2010...we continue to partner with the Karuk Tribe in their ongoing and highly successful battle to end harmful suction dredge gold mining on California rivers..." KBC NOTE: several members of Klamath Riverkeepers board of directors are leaders of the Karuk tribe
Environmentalists sue for more rules to protect sage grouse, H&N 2/26/16.
Groups sue to stop logging from 2013 fire, H&N, posted to KBC 8/9/14. "A dry lightning storm on July 26 (2013)...eventually burned across more than 75 square miles of private and federal timberlands in southern Douglas and northern Josephine counties...environmental groups have gone to court to block the plans, alleging 24 northern spotted owls are at risk."
How George Soros Attacked Cliven Bundy – And Lost, The Ulsterman Report 4/14/14.
The Nature Conservancy supports 2013 Farm Bill, posted to KBC 5/14/13: "Improve the conservation of wetlands, grasslands and private forests by maintaining funding for easements, with a special emphasis placed on permanent easements and the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP) and Farm and Ranchland Protection Program (FRPP)..."
Groups to file suit over Klamath River flows, H&N, posted to KBC 5/4/13.
Environmental groups abuse ESA, Hastings says, Capital Press 2/25/13
A Letter to The Wall Street Journal by Jim Beers, No sucker like an urban sucker 2/25/13, regarding The Nature Conservancy, easements and land conservancies.
Conservation groups oppose timber sale; Proposed cut on Umpqua National Forest abuts Crater Lake National Park, H&N, posted to KBC 1/11/13. "...the D-Bug proposes to manage bark beetle outbreaks and reduce hazardous fuels in areas of high human use..."
Environmentalists seek to halt Oregon road work, H&N, posted to KBC 1/11/13. "...The roads are needed for livestock maintenance and fire response, he said, adding that the work appears to be normal maintenance..."
Writes Life; "I am Felice Pace’s #1,"
Liz Bowen in Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 8/16/12. "I
was video-recording Felice when Carolyn was asking questions. He said he
didn’t like being filmed and then gave me the #1 hand-signal – you know —
the bird.
I believe Felice was holding a meeting as
part of the criteria for obtaining a grant, which is how he is continuing to
make his living. According to the Klamath Forest Alliance information
on-line, Felice’s total revenue in 2008 was $166,050."
Tucker is Karuk Tribe
spokesman. He was on the steering committee of
Klamath Riverkeeper
before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath
Forest Alliance, and he’s presently on the
Riverkeeper board. He is also part of the KBRA/Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement negotiations demanding Klamath dam removal.
Let the River Run: Strategies to Remove Obsolete Dams and Defeat Resulting Fifth Amendment Taking Claims, by Christopher Scoones, Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, 2012. KBC EDITOR: the message is how to deny claims of communities and resource users when they destroy dams, and use the ESA to force dam removal. "The Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be an effective tool for the removal of public and private hydropower and nonhydropower dams..."
Equal Access to Justice Act, EAJA, neither equal or just, Mt. States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/6/12. "After spending years researching court documents—the federal government keeps no records of EAJA disbursements—Ms. Budd-Falen found that environmental groups have amassed tens of millions of dollars in EAJA awards. The EAJA was written for nobler purposes, however, which was to allow Americans forced to litigate against the federal government to be paid their attorneys’ fees and expenses if they prevail and if the government’s legal position is not “substantially justified.”
Radical environmentalists push to destroy (Klamath) dams to reopen salmon spawning habitat, Human Events by Audry Hudson, posted to KBC 8/5/12. " 'This is not about saving the salmon. This is about this bizarre new religion of the left, which reasons that mother Earth is suffering a terrible infestation of human beings and must be restored to its pristine, pre-historic condition. The only practical problem with that is it requires restoring the human population to its pristine, pre-historic condition. And that is not going to end well,' (Congressman) McClintock said."
Siskiyou Under Seige, Parts 1, 2 and 3: Coho Recovery Plan, Black Bear Commune, and Cast of Characters, series posted to KBC 6/24/12. Mark Baird reporting for KSYC 103.9 FM radio in Yreka, CA. Baird discusses Black Bear Commune, Karuk Tribe, Klamath Riverkeeper, lawsuits, and connects them all, with names.
KS Wild incites fear once again, PieNPolitics, posted to KBC 7/18/12.
Oregon Wild sues to
secure Rogue water for coho; group also suing BOR for failing to adopt BO on how
agency will protect wild coho,
Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/10/12.
Oregon Wild Sues Bureau of
posted 2/10/12. "...Talent Irrigation District ... relies heavily on water
from those reservoirs."
AUDIO - Attorney Karen Budd-Falen interviewed by Kirk McKinzie about Equal Access to Justice Act / EAJA, "The ESA does not require the agency to know how many species there are before it's listed...What the Obama administration is proposing is, let's include critical habitat in places where the species may feel like living someday..." Karen explains how the federal government reimburses environmental groups and litigants like Earthjustice and Center for Biological Diversity for attorney fees suing the federal government, however individuals or small groups rarely are reimbursed when trying to save their farms or property. The government does not account for how much money it gives these groups for fees.
Environmentalists control California's Karuk Tribe, Its all about Drugs, not Fish nor Jobs, NWV, by investigative reporter Barry Clausen 12/14/11. "Goodwin became a friend of Hillmans when Hillman became Director of Karuk Natural Resources in Orleans during the late 1980s…. Together they boasted of being the best marijuana growers in Orleans."
Attorneys Fees Reform Passes the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Budd-Falen Law Offices 11/21/11. "...literally tens of millions of dollars that have been pouring into the coffers of multimillionaire groups like the Sierra Club, the Defenders of Wildlife, the Center for Biological Diversity and countless others. The purpose of the legislation is to bring accountability and transparency for the payment of attorneys fees to the American public. Since 1995, there has been no accounting of this money; money that by the smallest of estimates is in the hundreds of millions of dollars..." KBC NOTE: These groups are directly involved with the environmental groups, voting "stakeholders", in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.
Center for Biological Diversity Kierán Suckling, how he gets agencies to play by his rules, Ted Williams, posted to KBC 11/22/11
The $206,098,920 Endangered Species Act settlement agreement; Budd-Falen Law Offices 7/21/11. "On July 12, 2011, the Justice Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) announced “an historic agreement” which will require the American taxpayers to pay $206,098,920 to just process the paperwork deciding whether to include over 1000 plants, bugs, worms, and other assorted creatures on the Endangered Species list. None of this money goes to on-the-ground conservation; this taxpayer funding is just to process petitions filed by only two, out of dozens, of radical environmental groups..." and "...the Justice Department ...will pay their attorney fees..." (KBC NOTE: these same environmental groups, and USFWS, are involved in taking agriculture out of the Klamath Basin.)
Environmental groups urge Klamath water quality regulations; Klamath settlement parties anticipate legislation this month, Times-Standard, posted to KBC 5/16/11
Environmentalism on taxpayers' dime, Victorville Daily Press Opinion April 18, 2011. "... the Center is one of four environmental groups seeking to protect the “spring run” of the Upper Klamath chinook salmon under the Endangered Species Act by submitting a petition seeking to designate the fish as a “distinct species....between 2000 and 2009, eight environmental groups — led by the Center for Biological Diversity — filed at least 1,596 federal court cases against the federal government....These same environmental groups are receiving billions of tax dollars in attorney fees for settling or ‘winning’ cases against the federal government.”
Plaintiffs appeal the district court's denial of their
motion for preliminary injunction to halt post-fire
salvage logging in Klamath National Forest" posted
to KBC 3/29/11. (KBC
NOTE: each plaintiff,
Earthjustice, supported by
George Soros. They oppose salvage logging trees
burnt up in a fire. Same force behind the NGO's in the
(Lincoln) County commission stands strong against federal 'land grab', Ruidoso News, posted to KBC 3/26/11. "Over the past 15 years, the environmental group continues to file lawsuits to close roads, to ban logging and to prohibit energy development..."
Politicians Grill EPA Administrator, House Ag Committee Questions EPA About Lawsuits, The Progressive Farmer by Todd Neeley, posted to KBC 3/22/11. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., suggested EPA has allowed environmental groups to dictate regulations that most often harm farmers...Cardoza then asked Jackson whether she was aware of EPA agency employees asking outside groups to file lawsuits..."
California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project
Here is a 313 page doc about how the mapping of all the wildlife corridors in California will be done. It lists all regions with maps of all currently owned public land and how they plan on taking the rest of our land. There is absolutely no mention of compensation or regard for private property rights!http://www.scwildlands.org/report/CEHC_Plan_MASTER_030210_3.pdf
Thank you to: [email protected]
* Another box car in the environmental gravy train? Environmental groups rake in bucks, better spent elsewhere, suing the government, by Dan Keppen, Klamath Falls, Executive Director Family Farm Alliance, 3/11/11. (KBC NOTE: George Soros funds Center for Biological Diversity through funding Earthjustice.) |
Follow the GAG money / Green Advocacy Group, 2/22/10. (You will discover several GAGs who will be your new landlords from the multi-billion dollar tax-funded Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement). Check out The Nature Conservancy conquests in your neighborhood.
Conservation groups buy working forests, Capital Press, posted to KBC 12/30/09. (KBC Note: now that the nonprofit organizations have bankrupted the logging companies by shutting down timber harvest, the nonprofits are buying up the forests so they can log them. Also, the Klamath Tribe acquisition will include taking 92,000 acres off the tax rolls, possibly trading for National Forest Land, acquiring off-project land, building power plants since they want to tear out Klamath dams, and building a casino.)
Environmental Lawsuits Rake in Billions for Lawyers, Idaho Farm Bureau News, posted to KBC 10/30/09.
Why you can't trust the trust, Range Magazine, by Toni Thayer, environmentalist activist. Toni, a past regular on our discussion forum, reminded us of her 2003 article. If you question what's happening to our land, rights, and communities, this is a must read. She was forced into hiding from exposing the truth. WHO ARE the "environmentalists"? HERE is her recent forum post.
Effort against dams tries to ‘re-wild’ area, letter to H&N by Nita Still, 4/3/09
Obama signs bill protecting wilderness acreage, Capital Press 3/31/09
Letter to KBC by Nita Still, Montague, Calif, near the Klamath River, regarding the United Nations' plan for us detailing wilderness areas, depopulation, endangered species taking of land, dams,"sustainability.." 3/28/09. (KBC NOTE: Watch the film she sent. Most of us can't handle the thought of this massive power controlling us, they feel helpless, so they avoid the subject of the UN and it's agenda, passing it off as a conspiracy theory. Hitler's nation felt the same way. Thank you Nita for your diligence in sharing documentation to teach us where these land grabs, locked up resources, regulations, etc are coming from)
protection bill gets Congress' OK, LA Times 3/26/09. "In
California--which now has 14 million acres of wilderness
(second only to Alaska, which has more than 57 million acres)
-- the bill would protect about 700,000 additional acres from
new roads and most commercial uses such as new mining, logging
and energy development...Boxer is working to protect an
additional 1.4 million acres of wilderness in California,
including areas in the Angeles, Klamath, Lassen and Los
Padres national forests."
(Note: "The establishment of an American Soviet
government will involve the confiscation of large landed
estates in town and country, and also, the whole body of
forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers and so on." -
William Z. Foster, National
Chairman of the Communist Party USA, 1932)
Democrats Use Heavy-Handed Tactics to Pass Massive Lands Bill, House Natural Resources Committee Congressman Doc Hastings 3/26/09