Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

                  Environmental News and Commentary                        new page
Any bias reflected by what is chosen to appear on this page is intended

comments welcome on any article

Environmentalists Exposed 

see:  eco-logic  reasonable folks                             current areas of research:   odds and ends
see:  enn.com   for a green view        and here's a list of Greens you will like:  link  note the lead in for this page

Utah Senate strikes back at frivolous environmental suits, 5/4  story link

No Global Warming !!
Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, With signed petition by over 17,000 scientists and doctors,  a must read with good documentation,  link 

DC Judge Says No to Enviro Intervention in Critical Habitat Lawsuit
by Bill Rudolph, NW Fishletter, 4/12  story link 

The Environmental Hit List, Activists Put Up Their Dukes as Summer Approaches
By Phil Busse, The Portland Mercury,
(odd little alternative weekly in Portland)  story link ??? 

see home page and archives for more recent articles, this page not well updated ( 4/20 )

Shades of green and red, By Henry Lamb, eco.freedom      story link 

Owl data knowingly faulty, By Audrey Hudson, Washington Times, 3/14 story link 

Latest from Wendell Wood after losing bid for leaseland: he says: 
"Farm Bill conservation $$ at serious risk for Klamath Basin and nationally", 
ONRC Alert #119 - March 14th, 2002     link     Comments? They never give up ....

Barley farmers win the bid, Environmentalists trumped in effort to control refuge land,  By Anita Burke, H&N, 3/14,   story link 

Toward a wilderness utopia, by Henry Lamb, WorldNetDaily, 3/16  story link

Congressional critics say Klamath crisis shows flaws of species law
Jim Barnett, Oregonian, 3/14    story link 

Bush administration proposes ending endangered species protections for fish to settle suit, Katherine Pfleger, AP, SF Chronicle,  story link 

Opinion: The NAS Report, And Those Who Attack It, 
by Mike Connelly, 3/12   see story   good reading  and see forum 

Activists to bid for lease lands, By Todd Kepple, H&N, 3/11  story link 
Comments welcome .. see the discussion forum

NAS committee steps outside, By Anita Burke, H&N, 3/11,   story link 

Klamath Falls In Reverse!! Eastern Everglades Flooding   see story 

Do Government Wildlife Biologists Have An Anti-People Agenda?
By Dennis T. Avery, February 27, 2002,   see article

Battle looms over Endangered Species Act
By BRAD KNICKERBOCKER, Christian Science Monitor, 2/24  story link  

Who Is Bjorn Lomborg?, The man who gives greens the blues.
Wall street Journal, BY THOMAS J. BRAY, 2/19    story link

'Saving' Wild Salmon's Bucket-Born Cousins  ( Klamath is part of story ) 
By Sam Howe Verhovek, New York Times  story link   

New USFWS Administrator Confirmed by Senate,   ENS,1/30   see story 

Science junk hits the Washington fan, 
by Patrick J. Michaels, NewsAndOpinion.com  2/20    story link   so what is this FDQA ? 

Klamath Tribes object to portions of OSU study, 
By Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press Writer   story link    comments?

Revisiting Past Articles:  from August 2001, Thanks:  World Net Daily
Are Klamath farmers guinea pigs? WorldNetDaily.com, Joseph Farah  story link 
Licking the hand that feeds you, WorldNetDaily.com, Dr. Chuck Balwin, story link 
No suckers tour, WorldNetDaily.com, Barbara Simpson, story link
Unlimited property confiscation, WorldNetDaily.com, Henry Lamb,   story link 
The Green Cancer, 2001 WorldNetDaily.com, Geoff Metcalf    story link 

And don't forget "Rural Cleansing" by Kimberley Strassel, WSJ, 7/26/01  story link 

The Missing Lynx, The latest Clinton scandal has fur flying in Washington.
By Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal, 1/24,    story link  

Agency, conservation groups settle lawsuit, over Bull Trout
AP, Las Vegas Review-Journal   story link 

Greens cut turner a break, By Audrey Hudson, Washington Times, 1/20,  story link

Eagles Back at Winter Home:  Despite the Klamath Basin water war, migration appears normal. But some worry about future prospects. 
in the Los Angeles Times, By Eric Bailey, 1/15   story link        Comments? 

Bush Administration Rolls Back Clinton Rules for Wetlands
By CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS, New York Times, 1/15    story link, ( register )

Columbia Gorge: Director of Ecology accused of witness tampering, threats
by Becky Blanton, Sierra Times, 1/14  story link

If you want to laugh and cry visit Andy Kerr's Home Page 

A look at the past: July 7th 1993, Tulelake Rotary Club pays Andy Kerr $1000 to speak to them .... see text of speech   

"Operation: Restore the Eagle"  is announced      see letter  
Comments, ideas regarding this project?   also see comment page

Water report irks Westerners         Comments welcome 
By Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times  1/2/02   story link

Thieves in the night, by Henry Lamb,  WorldNetDaily.com       story link
The American Wildlife Enhancement Act of 2001

Property owners, government face off over land
AP, CNN.com 12/27,  story link

The Hardy Phase II report on instream flows is now available  ( very large files) 
at http://aaron.uwrl.usu.edu/docs/PhaseIIDraftFinalReportVer(1cPrint).doc ( 96 Mb ) 
or http://aaron.uwrl.usu.edu/docs/PhaseIIDraftFinalReportVer(1cPrint).pdf  ( 61 Mb ) 
Comments must be submitted by January 20 to (e-mail [email protected]  )
Doug Tedrick, Asssistant to the Director, Office of Trust Responsibilities
Bureau of Indian Affairs MS-4513, 1849 C St. NW,  Washington, DC 20240

Lynx Hair Hoax: 
latest:  IG asked to probe lynx fraud, 
By Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, 12/22  story link 
Smith Calls for Senate Hearing on Forest Service "Missing Lynx" Hoax
12/20/01    see press release
Gale Norton  seeks lynx hair probe 
By Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, 12/20  story link 
Rare lynx hairs found in forests exposed as hoax 
By Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, 12/17  story link
Biologists Under Fire Over Planting of Lynx Fur
BY Robert Gehrke, AP, Salt Lake Tribune, 12/19  story link 
Western lawmakers want biologists fired
By Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, 12/19  story link 
Biologist denies tainting survey, 
By Lynda V. Mapes, Seattle Times staff reporter, 12,19  story link  

Restoration of coho protection latest turn in ongoing argument
By Jeff Barnard, Associated Press Writer, theworldlink.com  12/19    story link 

Landmark farm bill goes 'green'
Legislation that Congress is weighing would be a shift in agricultural policy.
By Laurent Belsie | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor   story link 

Redemption in wetlands,  ( Klamath )    comments welcome
12/19/01, MICHAEL MILSTEIN, Oregonian     story link

Lawsuits seek federal environmental grant data
By Tom Knudson -- Sacramento Bee Staff Writer,   12/19  see story

Chinook forecast turns rosy for spring
The Oregonian,  12/18/01,  Jonathan Brinckman      story link

Granges File Suit To Delist Coho Salmon  see story   a story link

Appeals court blocks judge’s delisting of Oregon coho salmon
By David Kravets, Associated Press Writer,  12/15      story link
U.S. court of appeals keeps fish protection
12/15/01, JONATHAN BRINCKMAN, Oregonian    story link

Don't be suckered: All fish not equal 
By Les Aucoin, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12/13  story link   Comments?

ESA Prohibits Smallpox Defense,  satire by William Jud , 12/14/01    see story

Hostile fire from eco-extremists,     Which is more important: Well-trained Navy pilots or well-rested toads?     by Michelle Malkin, Washington Times, 12/11  story link

Protesters up a tree, but loggers steer clear 
By Audrey Hudson, Washington Times, 11/5  story link

old news:
ONRC asks for you to "DONATE to the Klamath Basin Project" ( their project ) Yet the donation page make no reference to the Klamath Basin, however it does say: "ONRC's Mission:  To aggressively protect and restore Oregon's wild lands, wildlife and waters as an enduring legacy".   Also notice their concern over the other species effected? They also accuse farmers of illegally taking water. Question: how many false and misleading statements appear on this page, any?  see  ONRC Klamath Page  
as usual comments welcome

Lies, lies and more lies, by Henry Lamb in worldnetdaily.com story link

Protests Fail to Derail Timber Sale in Medford   AP, KGW, 11/29  story link 

The Green Land-Grabbers: It's Not Just the Feds Who Are After Your Land
by Bonner Cohen 11/28 in Sierra Times   story link

Blight Beyond the Amazon, The Heart of Amazonia,   
By Marc Morano,  CNSNews.com   Commentary  11/ 29/01 story link

Federal land-use planning in the works? Property rights group rallies opposition to Clinton-era project,  By Sarah Foster, WorldNetDaily.com   11/19  story link  

Bush Team Is Reversing Environmental Policies
By Katherine Q. Seelye, New York Times, 11/18   story link

Range Magazine highlights Felice Pace's environmental "hypocrisy'
Siskiyou Daily News, Friday, November 16, 2001  story link

Rangenet 2001,  Earth First! Militants and Environmentalists Meet in Phoenix
Special Report By J. Zane Walley, The Paragon Foundation    see article

Scientists: Algae key to suckers, Fish survival could be less dependent on managing lake levels,   H & N Anita Burke  11/7   story link  

Science used to cut off water is challenged, summary  and overview of NAS committee meeting in Sacramento last week, from  Calif. Farm Bureau, 11/14   see story

Army Corps Redefines Wetlands Mitigation. By Cat Lazaroff, ENS  story link   ???
Report Seeks New Vision for BLM Lands   11/15  ENS  story link     ???

'Foundations push smart growth'  puts money back into the cities, 
By Jim Wasserman, AP, Examiner, 11/14  story link  (off topic, but interesting)

Federal fish decision Applauded by State, Let the fish counting begin
By Erik Robinson,  Columbian staff writer  11/13   story link

Forest Service plan coho carcass drops to enrich rivers, 
14,000 to be dropped,   Gillian Flaccus AP, Register-Guard 11/13  story link

Federal Court Ruling Could Spell Trouble for Endangered Species List
By Pat Taylor, CNSNews,  11/12     story link

According to Pacific Legal Foundation, ESA Is the Problem:  Hatchery Policy Review; Public Hearings Will Accomplish Nothing, 11/12  see PLF Press Release

Dekulakization of America – The Process of Elimination
Diane Alden, NewMax.com   11/12    story link       decent reading, basin mentioned



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