Doug Whitsett
R- Klamath Falls, District 28
Phone: 503-986-1728
Court St. NE, S-302, Salem Oregon 97301
[email protected]
Budget and Taxes
Yesterday we were provided an estimate by the
Legislative Fiscal Office that our state revenue
collections will be dramatically less than
anticipated by the state economists. Revenue for the
remainder of this budget cycle ending June 30th will
be at least one billion dollars less than
anticipated. Revenue for the next two year budget
cycle will be more than two billion dollars less
than anticipated. These reductions in revenue are
caused by a rapidly contracting private sector
economy with resultant declining taxable profits,
cutbacks in employment resulting in higher
unemployment and lower payroll taxes, and a sharp
drop in consumer spending.
In response to this economic reality, the
House Democrats have introduced nearly 20 bills that
will increase taxes and fees on Oregon’s
economically beleaguered citizens by nearly two
billion dollars in just the first five days of this
legislative session. Some of these draconian tax and
fee changes include increased:
Gas tax and vehicle fees…………...... $1 billion
• Hospital and medical insurance taxes $696 million
• Tobacco taxes…………………………$112 million
• Corporate minimum tax……………….$83.6 million
• Liquor sales revenue redistribution…..$30 million
• “Enhanced” tax collection …………… $20.7 million
• Transfer of 911 tax revenue…………. $8.1 million
• Adjustments in energy tax credits…… $4.3 million
In addition, both House and Senate Democrat
leaders actively promote borrowing up to Oregon’s
credit limit. Their purpose is to spend the money on
just about anything that they believe may create
I believe that their motives are well
intentioned. Having said that, the wisdom of a
strategy to borrow, tax, and spend our way out of
debt totally escapes me. Someone once wisely opined
that when you find yourself in a hole you should
first stop digging. I believe that now is the time
to sharply reduce the size and the cost of
government, to decide what services are essential
and what services are not required for survival. The
time to max out our credit card is definitely not
when our sources of income are diminishing and our
ability to repay those debts is uncertain at best.
The time to increase taxes and fees is definitely
not during a recession when many of our citizens and
taxpayers are in economic survival mode.
Oregon has increased its debt by three fold
since 2002. Exclusive of that cost, Oregon has
increased its government spending by more than 25
percent since 2005. Many of us have pointed out that
this rate of borrowing and spending was
unsustainable. Economic events over the past 18
months have made it clear that we must reduce the
growth and the cost of state government. Our office
will do all that we can to make that happen.
School Choice
Released this month was the Freidman
Foundation for Educational Choice Survey on school
choice in the state describing Oregonians’ attitudes
toward public education. The results measured the
voters’ views on school choice in the form of school
vouchers, tax credit scholarships, charter schools,
and on-line or distance education. Even though more
than 90 percent of Oregon K-12 students attend
regular public schools, their parents’ preference
for how they would like their children to be
educated is strikingly different.
Forty-four percent of parents would like to
send their children to a private school, but only
seven percent are able to do so; an additional 24
percent indicated the desire to send their children
to a charter school, and other parents expressed a
preference for home schooling and on-line or
distance education. Only 13 percent of parents
surveyed said that they would send their children to
a public school if other choices were available.
Moreover, 70 percent of the parents surveyed
believe that current state funding for public
schools is adequate or too high. This percentage may
be significantly understated because two thirds of
the parents thought that state funding per pupil was
about $5,000 when in fact it is well more than
$10,000 per student. In short, nearly three out of
four parents surveyed believe that throwing more
money at a dysfunctional K-12 education system will
not improve the outcomes. They believe that
fundamental changes are necessary and the most basic
change needed is parental choice of the school that
their child will attend.
Twelve hundred Oregon families with school
age children were interviewed. The families were
distributed across party lines similar to
Republican, Democrat, and Independent percentages in
the state. No statistical difference related to
party affiliation existed in the responses.
What this study demonstrates is that the
public is being led to believe contradictory
sentiments about parent opinion of our school
system. It demonstrates that what government says
parents want from our education establishment is
essentially the opposite of what parents actually
say they want when they are asked.
You can take a look at the study
Citizen Participation In Government
Oregonians have prided themselves on citizen
participation in their state government for nearly
150 years. Our open public meeting laws have
required political decisions to be made in public,
with ample opportunity for civic participation in
the political process. Citizen boards, commissions,
and advisory committees have been established to
counsel virtually every state agency. Our initiative
process was established to allow direct citizen
participation in forming statutes and constitutional
How That Has Changed! In recent years, our
political and radical environmental elite have
determined that “all that public opinion” has become
a significant liability in their plans for our
future. That determination has resulted in
significant efforts to directly, or indirectly,
alter the opportunities for public participation.
The most recent assault is directed toward rendering
our open meeting laws useless.
The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the
Agreement in Principle to remove the four PacifiCorp
dams on the Klamath River, as well as the Oregon
Department of Environmental Quality’s imposition of
draconian air quality standards on the greater
Klamath Falls area, are direct examples of decisions
that were completed by the political and
environmental elite, before the public had an
opportunity to be heard. It certainly appears that
the designation of Marine Reserves and Marine
Protected Areas on the Oregon Coast is following the
same pathway.
Impeding citizen contributions to public
meetings is being honed into a new art form. Two
commonly used methods include public meetings being
manipulated by paid facilitators to reach a
predetermined consensus, and the application of the
Delphi Technique perfected by followers of Stuart
In the first scheme, the political and
environmental elite hire a facilitator to help us
citizens reach a consensus on what we believe. In
reality a facilitator is defined as someone who
helps a group of people understand their common
objectives and assists them in achieving their plans
without taking a particular position in the
discussion. A facilitator should be neutral, helps
move the discussion forward by keeping it focused on
the objectives at hand, but does not direct the
outcome of the conversation. However, in the “new
political order” many facilitators are hired today
to help the group reach a consensus that is
predetermined by others before the meetings begin.
Ironically, the facilitators are usually paid with
taxpayer dollars.
Subjects selected for discussion will always
include the topics near and dear to the elites.
Specific problems that require solutions are usually
not identified. Nevertheless, solutions are
suggested that are characterized as being beneficial
to the whole of society. The audience is infiltrated
with articulate proponents of those predetermined
solutions to insure that they are discussed
thoroughly and repeatedly. In order to reach
consensus, participants are asked if they strongly
agree, agree, somewhat agree, or disagree with
statements in support of the outcomes preselected by
the elite. It is important to note that in the
structure offered, the odds are three to one that
some agreement will be articulated. The facilitator
then works the crowd to pressure compromise from
those who have not yet agreed in order to reach
consensus for the common good. In such a format
provided by the facilitator, any compromise by the
dissenter results in some level of agreement, some
level of consensus.
In the second scheme, the Delphi Technique
begins with an open meeting where anyone who wishes
to express an opinion is afforded the opportunity to
speak. Each opinion is captured in writing on a
chart on the wall. Meeting organizers will be
certain to have articulate, well versed individuals
in the audience to introduce each objective that the
organizers wish to advance. When all opinions have
been expressed, the charts are collected, and a
group that has been pre-selected by the meeting
organizers, will distill the comments into a few
topics of common interest to be further discussed.
Two things are certain. First, the audience
will never see the charts again. Second, the topics
that are selected to be discussed will always
include those objectives that the meeting organizers
planned to advance. The audience is then
self-divided into break-out groups in order to more
thoroughly discuss the selected topics. The meeting
organizers select a leader, or provide a
facilitator, for each group. Of course, the
articulate members of the organizer team will select
themselves for the appropriate discussion group. All
comments will once again be written down on a chart
on the wall. With the help of the facilitator, the
articulate members of the organizer team will be
certain to keep their assigned objectives front and
center in the discussion.
When the discussions are completed, the
organizers collect the charts in order to help them
evaluate whether consensus has been achieved. The
participants never see those charts again either.
Finally, the meeting organizers finish the meeting
with summaries of what the break-out groups decided.
They professionally include all topics discussed in
their summaries, but emphasize the outcomes that
they have predetermined. They will then ask if they
have omitted anything. Usually no one objects
because the meeting organizers have in fact at least
mentioned each topic discussed. It is therefore not
surprising when the participants have generally
favored the pre-determined outcomes established by
the meeting organizers. It is also not surprising
that the result is subsequently characterized as
community consensus on their objectives. Most
recently Gail and I attended meetings in which the
Delphi Technique was employed in: Medford with the
ODF&W regarding increases in hunting license fees;
Newport where the Marine Reserves discussion was
manipulated in this manner; in Klamath Falls, where
the Big Look Task Force meeting for the LCDC was
held and again in Medford, where the OSU-State of
Oregon water issues meeting was so guided.
Indoctrination of Boards and Commissions
Originally, the boards, commissions, and
advisory committees were made up of private citizens
possessing broad contemporary knowledge of subjects
such as agriculture, forestry, business,
manufacturing, transportation and wildlife
management. Over the past twenty years, a
substantial change has occurred in the selection of
those members. In general, they are now selected
more for their political and environmental dogma,
than for their knowledge of the most efficient
management of resources or services.
Salient examples include the Board of
Forestry that was originally made up entirely of
foresters, but now has few members with actual
forestry experience. The Oregon Water Resources
Commission is now dominated by non-irrigators. No
geologist currently serves on the Oregon Board of
The direct result has been that the
professional foresters, farmers, fishermen and
highway builders selected to participate on these
panels are always outnumbered by those selected
primarily for their political or environmental
views. The unfortunate outcome is management by
political and environmental dogma rather than by
scientific and economic principles.
Defusing the Power of the Initiative
The actions and rhetoric of many members of
our state legislature, including most of the current
leadership, demonstrate their distain for the
peoples direct lawmaking authority. Each new
legislative session brings innovative bills to
further impede the initiative rights of our
citizens. Oppressive rules have been established
regarding the form of petitions, who may collect
petition signatures, who may finance petition
gathering, and which signatures will be selected as
valid by a partisan Secretary of State. State
elections division employees and many county clerks
are either unable or unwilling to help interested
citizens traverse this maze of rules and
Participation in the initiative process is
further discouraged by establishing significant
penalties for violation of the rules and
regulations, and by public condemnation of those
that run afoul of the purposely opaque set of laws.
Needed Action
In my opinion it is past time for Oregonians
to take their government back. Whether it is caused
by apathy, or by abject disgust, citizen
non-participation is obviously not working. Oregon’s
elected officials and public employees all work for
you. They only determine your future when you allow
them to rule your lives.
We should all remember the positive outcome
when nearly 20,000 of us stood in the streets of
Klamath Falls in 2001 and just said no. Become
involved, become vocal, and refuse to be ignored.
The 2009 legislative session has begun. Be a part of
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