Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
about a different approach to water storage? Published November 29, 2004 By Don Haynes Guest columnist Several months ago, a congressional subcommittee, meeting in the Ross Ragland Theater, discussed amending the Endangered Species Act. For testimony, it brought together a full range of stakeholders. As might be expected, there was little agreement among them. With one exception. Everyone agreed that one simple answer would be to increase the amount of water available each summer. Talk then turned to the prospect of deepening Long Lake. In my opinion, there is another way to store more water - one that is simpler, more environmentally friendly and more cost effective. Create a deep-water, manmake lake to the east of Highway 97 between Rattlesnake Point to the south and Hagelstein Park to the north. Doing so can be accomplished by a simple and logical series of steps. n Until the dam is finished, divert Highway 97 so that rather than running due north, parallel to the railroad tracks, it temporarily follows the route of what is now Algoma Road, hugging the foot of the ridge This plan offers substantial benefits and few burdens. Here are the benefits: There are, however, some burdens to be considered. I am not an engineer. I'm sure that numerous calculations will be needed before this plan can be fully evaluated. On the other hand, common sense suggests that this is a sensible plan, one that should be considered before moving ahead. The author Don Haynes is the executive producer for Klamath Community Television. He and his wife have lived in Klamath Falls for more than 10 years, and he has an extensive background in teaching and television.
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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