Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

sent to KBC by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 10/11/11

Siskiyou County: A letter to the Bureau of Reclamation requesting coordination has been sent to Fred Kelly Grant for his review. Whenever he makes his recommendations, we can go forward with contacting the BoR on this.

Klamath Basin Climate Change and Water Resources Assessment

Employing broad stakeholder involvement, the Klamath Basin Study will accomplish the following objectives:
• Evaluate supply and demand imbalances in the basin which may be exacerbated by climate change;
• Identify possible impacts to the Basin’s agricultural water requirements, hydroelectric facilities, recreational facilities, fish and wildlife habitats, flood control facilities, and water storage and distribution facilities; and
• Develop both structural and non-structural adaptive strategies to balance supplies with demands.
Stakeholder involvement in the Study includes a broad spectrum of Klamath tribal governments, water user groups, agriculture associations and environmental interests.
Sent to the North Coast IRWM

Here’s what we’re doing: The MP Region has received funding from Washington DC to prepare a Basin Study for the Klamath’s entire watershed from the east to the Pacific. The Klamath Basin Study will develop (via a consultant we intend to retain) a long term assessment of potential climate change effects to water supplies and demands in the Klamath Basin. The Study will then build on the assessment by providing a range of mitigation strategies or adaptive responses to those resources/features where climate change impacts could have a deleterious effect. The overall Study period is 2 years with a Report being submitted to the Commissioner’s office at the end of this 2 year period. The Klamath Basin Study is being developed in partnership with Oregon’s Water Resources Department and with the Northern California office of DWR. We are just now starting on the process of coordinating the Study and developing the Memorandum of Agreement between the Study partners and Reclamation. We are anticipating that the actual Study process would start in roughly 6 months. If you feel there may be any level of interest in participating, I’d like to talk with you directly about it…


Arlan Nickel

Senior Project Manager

Mid-Pacific Region Basin Study Coordinator

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Planning Division, MP-700

2800 Cottage Way

Sacramento, CA 95825


[email protected]  
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              Page Updated: Thursday December 29, 2011 02:44 AM  Pacific

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