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Re: California Rangeland Conservation Coalition e-update

US Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Input on Proposed Easement Program

Input by Dr. John Menke June 2011

Dr. John Menke biography

USFWS is a corrupt organization seeking to terminate private property. They have locked up the forest such that ingrowth of white fir and incense cedar is disallowing access for the owl to its prey base in interior dry mixed conifer forest from Shasta Lake to Roseburg, OR--too many trees per acre and too many canopy layers vertically--these are big birds and they have to fly to capture their food. The fire hazard is immense and getting worse. The unintended consequences for the owl are worse than the reason for 'protection' of the owl in the first place.
USFWS seeks control, and once it gets it, it uses corrupt means to keep control--no different than communist dictators except thus far they have not resorted to killing humans directly, but indirectly they are killing many humans by the stress they are placing on rural populations of the US.
Typical FWS employees are under skilled for the ecosystems they affect.
This working landscape jargon is sick. Let's face it, all ranchers are realtors in the future if their children do not wish to ranch. That is their choice, not the governments.
I used to believe in the California Rangeland Trust efforts of folks like Nita Vail. I worked for her Father and Uncle for many years keeping the National Park Service from cheating them on their estate rights on Santa Rosa Island. I also used to fund my graduate students in cooperation with TNC. Now they have become the wedge coercing landowners into government ownership of more of their land--reverse mortgaging their future choices.
Have you read the Constitution--the government is only authorized to own 10 square miles in Washington DC; this business of getting so much land transferred to institutions without any production motive is sick.
Renewable natural resources are the only basis for wealth creation for a nation. Service industries only make wealth on the margin of others' cost. Follow the money--the NGOs are only in this for their own gain. Somehow you folks think you are God's last hope for saving the Earth!
Without work their is no self esteem creation. And without self esteem, drugs and perverted behavior is the pastime activity of the sick people that are becoming far too common in American society. That leads to nothing but a blighted landscape.
This Rangeland Coalition has become a vehicle of corruption itself. I only went to one meeting in Chico--had a great time seeing old friends/colleagues--but on reflection and now seeing this foothill legacy program, I cannot believe my eyes!
From: CA Rangeland Coalition <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 10:44 PM
Subject: California Rangeland Conservation Coalition e-update

California Rangeland Conservation Coalition e-update

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July 1, 2011 e-update

US Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Input on Proposed Easement Program –
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has initiated the planning process for a proposed California Foothills Legacy Area (CFLA). CFLA is a proposed new easement program to protect working landscapes and is focused on rangelands surrounding California’s Central Valley. Currently land trust throughout California, including Rangeland Coalition partner, the California Rangeland Trust, have a backlog of ranchers seeking a conservation easement on their working ranches. The Service has identified four preliminary focal areas including the following counties: Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, Shasta, Stanislaus, Tehama, Tulare and Tuolumne. USFWS believes that establishing the CFLA, in cooperation with landowners, will make a significant contribution to conserving California’s privately-owned rangelands. For more information please contact Tracy Schohr at [email protected]. To send comments send an email to [email protected]. For more information click here Cattle Grazing Mountain Meadows and Yosemite Toads (source UC Davis) A research study conducted by scientists from UC Davis, UC Berkeley and the US Forest Service shows evidence that livestock grazing is not a contributing to the steep decline of Yosemite toads and their habitat. The research team had hypothesized that a reduction in grazing intensity would stop or even reverse the decline of the Yosemite toad but they found no evidence to support that hypothesis. Results from the study will impact ranchers whose grazing allotments were restricted by the U.S. Forest Service in 2001 based on the assumption that grazing is contributing to the toads’ decline. Forest Service officials will use the study to develop plans that allow grazing within appropriate standards while conserving toads. A complete report is available online at: http://carangeland.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2211480a37f6ce84054176989&id=c9b834185b&e=fb0c9ea391  under the section titled Cattle Grazing, Mountain Meadows, and Sensitive Species. Rangelands Provide Valuable Pollination Services to California Agriculture (source UC Berkeley) A study from UC Berkeley researchers published this week in the June issue of the journal Rangelands shows that California agriculture reaps $937 million to $2.4 billion per year in economic value from wild, free-living bee species that serve the critical function of pollinating crops. The new study also found that wild pollinators residing in California’s rangelands, provide 35-39 percent, or more than one-third, of all pollination “services” to the state’s crops. “This means that preserving rangelands has significant economic value, not only to the ranchers who graze their cattle there, but also to farmers who need the pollinators,” said Claire Kremen, UC Berkeley associate professor of environmental science, policy and management, and senior author of the study. The study is the first to calculate the percentage of crop pollinators that are wild, free-living species based on their proximity to natural habitats, and thus to identify the economic value of the pollination service due to wild pollinators. For more information click here
San Benito & Santa Clara County Local Working Group Meeting –
July 6, Hollister, Calif. The local working group meeting will be held with agencies and community members to discuss needs and opportunities in the 2 counties. Based on feedback from the Local Working Group meeting the Hollister NRCS office will evaluate priorities for funding and discuss ways to improve the on the amount of funding for certain practices. For more information contact Athena Pratt at [email protected]; phone (831) 637-4360 x110.Quivira Coalition 10th Anniversary Conference : New Agrarians: How the Next Generation of Leaders Tackle 21st Century Challenges – November 8 –10, 2011 Albuquerque, New Mexico The Conference will feature a well-known and diverse group of authors, experts, and practitioners, young agrarian leaders working hard to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st century. Plenary sessions will feature a diverse array of agrarians covering topics related to ranching, farming and conservation. An all-day workshop, November 8, "Managing Rangelands for Success in the 21st Century," will be lead by Jim Gerrish from American Grazing Lands Services LLC of May, Idaho. A natural educator, Jim has helped farmers and ranchers across the nation more effectively manage their grazing lands for economic and environmental sustainability. Online registration opens July 1. For updated conference information click here. Clarence Burch Award Seeking Nominations–. This $20,000 award recognizes individuals or organizations who lead by example in promoting and accomplishing outstanding stewardship of private and/or public lands that are consistent with the mission of the Quivira Coalition. The 10th Annual Burch Award will be presented at a dinner ceremony at the conclusion of the Quivira Coalition's 10th Anniversary Conference. Nomination Deadline August 10, 2011.Click here for more information and nomination guidelines.Walnut Residents Want Cattle Back – An article in the Contra Costa times features the story of a group of Walnut Creek residents determined to bring cattle grazing back to the Acalanes Ridge Open Space to control weeds and reduce fire risk. To access the article click here. New Partners –
 The Coalition keeps attracting new partners. This week the Point Reyes Bird Observatory signed on to the California Rangeland Resolution. For an updated list of partners click here.

This e-update is a publication of the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition

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