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Limit Eminent Domain
The People’s Initiative

PRESS RELEASE February 21, 2006

The People Take the Initiative to Limit Eminent Domain

On Saturday, February 25, 2006, people across California will launch a massive grassroots campaign to gather 800,000 signatures by early May to qualify Limit Eminent Domain The People’s Initiative for the November 2006 ballot.

The official kickoff will be in Cesar Chavez Plaza, across from the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Signing events will take place throughout the State – on Saturday and continuing until the goal is reached.

This Initiative is an all volunteer, non-partisan grassroots effort that brings together people from every political persuasion who have one focus: protecting our homes, businesses and places of worship from eminent domain seizures for private gain. It is a straight forward, simple, single issue Initiative which provides: “No eminent domain for private gain.”

The Initiative, officially titled: Government Acquisition of Private Property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment. has been certified for signature gathering. Petitions and full instructions can be downloaded on our website: www.LimitEminentDomain.org


For additional Contacts/Questions:
Loraine Wallace Rowe, Chair, Initiative Coordinating Committee
408/294-4050, cell 408/858-7044; [email protected]

Judith Christensen, Initiative Coordinating Committee
650/756-33128, cell 650/892-2215; [email protected]

Doug McNea, Initiative Proponent, Initiative Coordinating Committee
408/972-9906, cell 408/472-9906; [email protected]

Annette Hipona, Initiative Proponent, Initiative Coordinating Committee
650/756-5298, cell 650/296-7578; mailto:[email protected]%20

P.O. Box 90220, San Jose, CA 95109
Phone 408-882-5008 Fax 408-516-8035




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