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Another Big Green power player moves up in Obama's Washington

Land Rights Network

American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 – Battle Ground, WA 98604
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Urgent: Call Your Senators Today To Stop Rhea Sun Suh Green Grab
The Greens are grabbing the Park Service, Fish & Wildlife and Land and
Water Conservation Fund. See action items at the bottom of Ron Arnolds article on Suh.
from the Washington Examiner:

Another Big Green power player moves up in Obama's Washington
President Obama this week nominated Rhea Sun Suh to be the
Department of the Interior’s assistant secretary for fish and
wildlife and parks, a move that has brought shudders to ranchers,
miners, timber harvesters and energy workers nationwide, particularly
in the West.
(ALRA-Also private property owners are worried.)
The reason is that this high post controls both the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and the National Park Service.
Those two large agencies have a track record of appalling behavior
that ranges from massively coercing private property away from
thousands of owners, to faking science for new regulations, to
cozy sue-and-settle lawsuits with not-so-former green group
Suh is presently Interior’s assistant secretary for policy,
management and budget, a position she came to in 2009.
With the arrogant Obama administration already overstocked with
autocratic, intransigent, unaccountable agency heads, this nominee
requires close scrutiny. Who is Rhea Sun Suh?
She’s a native of Boulder, Colorado, educated at Barnard College and
Harvard University, and served as senior legislative aide to Colorado
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who switched from Democrat to Republican
during her tenure.
Republicans should note that Suh told a reporter that she found the
move “personally challenging,” not a bipartisan epiphany. She
resigned the next year.
In 1998, Suh was hired as a program officer of the Big Green megabucks
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation -- current assets, $7.4 billion
($1.9 billion in 1998), according to the database
CitizenAudit, created by the /Washington Examiner/'s Luke Rosiak.
At Hewlett, Suh managed their multimillion-dollar Western grants
portfolio, doling out hundreds of thousands to green groups who sued
the government to block productive ventures and usurp private property
rights at the federal, state and local levels from the Dakotas to
Texas to the Pacific — and even helped outlaw production in 21
million acres now called the “Great Bear Rainforest” in British
Columbia, Canada.
With the Hewlett job came a membership to the 200-plus-member
Environmental Grantmakers Association, a major nerve center and
force-multiplier of Big Green’s foundation netwar capacity.
Writer Eve Pell argued in 1990 in Mother Jones Magazine, “by
deciding which organizations get money, the grant-makers help set the
agenda of the environmental movement and influence the
programs that activists carry out.” That was 1990. It’s
practically total control today.
The ferocity of EGA denizens can be gauged by an applause line from
Canadian academic and activist David Suzuki’s keynote speech at
their 1992 annual retreat: “The planet is under siege by the
deadliest predator ever known in the history of life on earth.”
That would be you and me, of course, and all other human beings.
Well, predator Suh involved herself deeply in the EGA, serving for
many years on assorted committees as chairman and vice-chairman.
In 2007, Suh became Conservation and Science Program Officer at Big
Green money machine David and Lucile Packard Foundation ($6.3 billion
current assets, $6.6 billion in 2007, according to
She continued blocking productive ventures, particularly in the
Feather River region of California’s Sierra Nevada.
In her present Interior job, Suh led diplomatic negotiations for an
international agreement that will permanently prevent oil, gas and
mineral production in the Flathead River basin in the U.S. and
She dismantled Interior’s production-oriented Minerals Management
Service and replaced it with three industry-punishment fiefdoms after
the disastrous Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Astoundingly, Suh used her keynote speech at the Environmental
Grantmakers Association’s 25th anniversary retreat last year to
invite its wealthy elites to use her position to advance their
“I look forward to working with you, my colleagues, mentors and
friends, to utilize the skills and talents of the EGA community to
advance a more resilient world and a resilient movement.”
That’s appalling – “to advance the movement,” not America.
Suh’s magisterial allegiance to Big Green is chilling.
The Senate must not misjudge this nominee. She is a brilliant and
passionately dedicated ideologue, a master manager and consummate
Would she be able to run the Fish and Wildlife Service and the
National Park Service? Oh, yes. She — and every Big Green group she
ever bankrolled — would rule them.
End of Ron Arnold’s Washington Examiner article.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From American Land Rights:
You must do everything you can to get both your Senators to oppose
Rhea Sun Sue who President Obama has nominated to be Assistant
Secretary of Interior for Fish Wildlife and Parks.
If she is approved, she will have direct control over all National
parks, National monuments, and most Wild and Scenic Rivers. She’ll
control a huge portion of the land area land area of the United
If you care about how the Endangered Species Act has been used to
strangle local communities and rural America, then you must defeat
Rhea Sun Suh. Want more Spotted Owls used to put a noose around the
neck of your community or your state? Suh is the perfect nominee.
Sun Sue will control the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This is the
fund used by the Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service and BLM to buy millions of acres of private land, often using
eminent domain.
She will give the Giant Green Movement direct control over huge
most major environmental decisions made for the next three plus years.
If you thought the Park Service was out of control using land
acquisition and eminent domain before, you’ll love what will happen
in the next four years.
Already Obama has placed Sally Jewell as Secretary of Interior. She
has been an active environmental leader and funder for many years.
With Sun Suh in charge of the NPS and US FWS there will be no checks
and balances. It will be a run away train.
Action Items:
-----1. Please forward this message to at least ten other people. Your
whole list if possible.
-----2. Call, fax and e-mail both your Senators to alert them to this
effort by the Obama Administration and the giant Environmental
Industrial Complex (Environmental Grantmakers Association) to take
over the National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service. You
may call any Senator at (202) 224-3121.
That’s the Capitol Switchboard. Ask for your Senator by name.
Ask for the staff person who handles Senate Interior Department
nominations. Ask them to oppose Rhea Sun Suh
-----3. Ask for the e-mail address and fax number of the staff person
you talk to. Send them a message opposing Rhea Sun Suh’s nomination
to be Assistant Secretary of Interior for Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Send a copy to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
 at American Land Rights.
-----4. Reminder. When you call your Senators, be sure to ask them to
oppose any Omnibus Federal Lands Bill. Call both your Senators at
(202) 224-3121 Ask for a commitment from both your Senators that he or
she will oppose any Omnibus Federal Lands Bill. They need to vote on
each bill one at a time.
Your Senator can stop this bill. All he or she must do is promise the
Leadership that he or she will object or filibuster the bill. That
will make the bill controversial. You must make the bill
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