A public hearing on state and federal regulations and conformance measures for the upcoming commercial salmon season will be held at 10 a.m. on April 21 in Sacramento.

The teleconference hearing will take place at the Department of Fish and Game’s office at 1416 9th St., Room 1206.

The teleconference hearing, which can be reached by phoning (916) 274-2918, is for receiving public comment and is required under Fish and Game Code.

Recommendations for the federal regulations were developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council on April 7 and forwarded to the U.S. secretary of commerce for implementation by May 1.

DFG is proposing regulatory changes to enforce the federal landing and possession limits stipulated in the PFMC’s recommendations for the 2006 commercial salmon fishery.

The PFMC recommendations await approval by the National Marine Fisheries Service.

E-mails comments will be accepted at [email protected]

Written comments must be received at the above address by 8 a.m. on April 24.