For those of you who are new to
The New 49'ers or this newsletter,
we have a
special page on our website that is
dedicated to the ongoing Karuk/DFG
litigation. The page includes earlier
important documents, along with
Our involvement with this litigation
began about a year ago when we
discovered that DFG had imposed
substantial restrictions upon our
California suction dredging regulations
within Siskiyou County without following
any of the mandated administrative
process which allows the affected public
to participate. They didn't even give us
any notice!
According to DFG, they believed that
they could bypass the entire
administrative process by simply
agreeing to change our regulations
within a secret court settlement with
the Karuk Tribe in an effort to resolve
their ongoing litigation. As soon as we
found out that our regulations had been
modified, the mining industry mounted a
substantial opposition within the
litigation through The New 49'ers and
Public Lands for the People (PLP).
Consequently, the judge ruled in early
July that DFG could not legally change
our regulations through a court
settlement. While that put an end to the
Settlement Agreement between DFG and
the Karuks, and eliminated the unlawful
changes to our regulations, the original
litigation remains ongoing, with both
DFG and the Karuks no-longer having any
issue between themselves for the court
to resolve; because they now both
formally agree that existing regulations
are not affording adequate protection
for the Coho Salmon along the Klamath,
Scott and Salmon Rivers.
The problem with all of this is
that existing regulations do
provide more than adequate protection
for the Coho Salmon!
Therefore, the litigation has taken a
sudden change from our supporting the
DFG position against the Karuk Tribe, to
our need to defend existing regulations
from both DFG and the Karuks!
It is very important to our
industry that no formal finding of harm
to Coho or other fish be made in advance
of an environmental process which
requires a balanced approach to
determine harm, if any, and work out
solutions (regulatory changes), if any,
that are the least restrictive to those
of us who must live with them. It is a
very substantial process which should
not be further burdened with a
preliminary finding of harm that is not
based upon factual material.
We have just filed an argument to the
court in opposition to the joint
position which DFG and the Karuks have
assumed in the litigation. Our position
is that present regulations are already
adequate to protect fish. While The New
49'ers would not oppose an honest formal
review of our dredging regulations in
California, we strongly oppose the
preliminary finding of harm that is
being put in front of this judge by DFG
and the Karuks absent any showing of
proof that a single fish has ever been
harmed by a suction dredger - anywhere!
Once again, DFG is attempting to
completely bypass its mandated
administrative process by trying to have
this judge confirm a formal Delaration
that dredging is harmful to fish,
without showing any evidence to support
the position! There are some serious
shenanigans going on with this State
If you have time, I encourage you to
read the Case Management Conference
Statements just filed by
DFG, the
Karuks, and by the
Miners. They can be found on the
special page that we have devoted to
this ongoing litigation.
In short, our attorneys have pointed
out that there really is no longer any
litigation for the judge to resolve
between DFG and the Karuks, because they
are now in full agreement concerning all
the issues. The problem is that they
have come together in deciding how they
are going to make Declarations against
third parties (Miners) without allowing
us any reasonable opportunity to defend
against the Declarations, and without
ever being required to substantiate
their Declarations with evidence;
something that is substantially required
by the administrative process!