Herald and News 12/24/03--posted to
KBC 1/3/03
rivers, snow published Dec. 24, 2003 Lake levels
Clear Lake -- Clear Lake's surface elevation was
estimated Monday at 4,522.24 feet above sea
level, with storage at 61,800 acre-feet, down
30,570 acre-feet from a year ago. Gerber
Reservoir -- The surface elevation of Gerber
Reservoir was estimated Monday at 4,808.67 feet
above sea level, with storage at 14,560
acre-feet, up 368 acre-feet from a year ago.
River flow Following are daily averages of the
volume of water flowing at key points in the
Klamath Basin, measured in cubic feet per
second: Link River 2003 2002 Dec. 16 2,018 486
Dec. 17 1,640 586 Dec. 18 1,378 696 Dec. 19
1,384 706 Dec. 20 1,047 694 Dec. 21 874 626 Dec.
22 862 671 Klamath River at Keno Dam Dec. 16
1,816 383 Dec. 17 1,545 433 Dec. 18 1,639 623
Dec. 19 1,315 619 Dec. 20 1,138 618 Dec. 21
1,033 615 Dec. 22 1,031 671 Klamath River at
Iron Gate Dam Dec. 16 1,647 930 Dec. 17 1,647
902 Dec. 18 1,293 897 Dec. 19 1,608 897 Dec. 20
1,474 902 Dec. 21 1,359 902 Dec. 22 1,312 897
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation must maintain
minimum flows of 1,300 cubic feet per second
from Iron Gate Dam on the Klamath River during
the month of December. Net inflow to Upper
Klamath Lake Dec. 16 1,679 2,188 Dec. 17 1,306
2,228 Dec. 18 1,3787 2,058 Dec. 19 1,718 2,069
Dec. 20 1,386 1,717 Dec. 21 1,892 1,990 Dec. 22
1,542 1,353 Williamson River below Sprague R.
2003 Avg. Dec. 24 631 782 Source: U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon |