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Gore's cult of global alarmism

Sacramento Bee, by Cal Thomas - December 26, 2007. Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B7

You don't have to be religious to qualify as a fundamentalist. You can be Al Gore, the messiah figure for the global warming cult, whose followers truly believe their gospel of imminent extermination in a Noah-like flood, if we don't immediately change our carbon polluting ways.

One of the traits of a cult is its refusal to consider any evidence that might disprove the faith. And so it is doubtful the global warming cultists will be moved by 400 scientists, many of whom, according to the Washington Times, "are current or former members of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Mr. Gore for publicizing a climate crisis." In a report by Republican staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, these scientists cast doubt on a "scientific consensus" that global warming caused by humans endangers the planet.

Like most cultists, the true believers struck back, not by debating science, but by charging that a small number of the scientists mentioned in the report have taken money from the petroleum industry.

A spokeswoman for Gore said 25 or 30 of the scientists may have received funding from Exxon Mobile Corp. Exxon Mobile spokesman Gantt H. Walton dismissed the accusation, saying, "the company is concerned about climate-change issues and does not pay scientists to bash global-warming theories." The pro-global warming cultists enjoy a huge money advantage.

Paleoclimate scientist Bob Carter, who has testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, noted in an EPW report how much money has been spent researching and promoting climate fears and so-called solutions: "In one of the more expensive ironies of history, the expenditure of more than $50 billion on research into global warming since 1990 has failed to demonstrate any human-caused climate trend, let alone a dangerous one," he wrote on June 18, 2007. The $19 million spent on research that debunks global warming pales in comparison.

Also included in the Republican report are comments by Dutch atmospheric scientist Hendrik Tennekes: "I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting – a six-meter sea level rise, 15 times the IPCC number – entirely without merit. I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a home heating system to a changed setting of the thermostat: just turn the dial, and the desired temperature will soon be reached." Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe, ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, said the report debunks Mr. Gore claims that the "debate is over."

In fact, the debate hasn't even begun because the global warming cultists won't debate. Despite numerous challenges, Gore has refused to debate the issue with any credible scientist who is a skeptic. Shouldn't the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize be willing to debate such an important issue? What does he have to fear?

Gore and his disciples will still be living in their big houses, driving gas-guzzling cars and flying in private jets that leave carbon footprints as large as Bigfoot's, while most of us will be forced to drive tiny automobiles and live in huts resembling the Third World.

But hypocrisy is just one of many traits displayed by secular fundamentalists such as Gore.

Before adopting any faith, the agendas of the people attempting to impose it, along with the beliefs held by them and their disciples, should be considered. Gore and company are big government liberals who think government is the answer to all of our problems, including problems they create. In fact, as Ronald Reagan often said, in too many cases government is the problem.

The secular fundamentalists who believe in Al Gore as a prophet and global warming as a religious doctrine are being challenged by scientists and others who disbelieve and who think we ought to be spending more time on developing new technology and energy sources for the future and not preaching gloom, doom and retreat. Let them debate the issue. If they won't, we can only conclude that all they are spewing is hot air.

About the writer:

  • Cal Thomas writes for Tribune Media Services. E-mail: [email protected]. His column routinely appears in The Bee on Tuesdays and occasionally on other days.
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Delta_Dawn at 4:13 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Pass on the eggnog Mr Thomas

What a peevish little rant this column represents! Would have expected better from Mr. Thomas.

Thomas starts off with an association that many don't make: You don't have to be religious to be a fundamentalist. Who thought that fundamentalists were religious? Just because they wrap themselves in the cloak of religion, does not mean they are religious. We were warned about that in the New Testament. No, fundamentalists are inherently conservative but they are by no means religious. The religious message of the person whose birthday we celebrated yesterday was about Love and sharing. The message of the fundamentalists is about hate and keeping. NOT the same message.

Much of what Thomas writes here is glib garbage. For instance: "Gore and company are big government liberals who think government is the answer to all of our problems, including problems they create." Gore, as Vice Pres, was responsible for the program that vastly reduced the number of jobs in the Federal Govt.

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BJColbert at 6:12 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Finally Intelligence!

I can't believe this article was actually printed by the Bee. Cal Thomas is a voice of reason crying in the wilderness, but unfortunately, the Global Warming alarmists have gone too far and have too much money behind them, to be turned back. This hogwash is being taught to our children in schools and even our esteemed Mayor espoused it. The voice of reason is being ignored, in favor of panic and terror of the melting Glaciers. The same polar bear is shown clinging to a piece of ice, over and over again. Does anyone know that Polar Bears are great swimmers and there are many pieces of ice floating in polar and glacial regions? Glaciers are constantly calving and it is not unusual for Polar Bears and seals to be resting on the icebergs We are told that Antarctica is growing and the next day a global warming enthusiast says it is shrinking. Some Glaciers are shrinking and many others are growing. Does anyone hear those reports? No they only hear what AL Gore wants them to hear.

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Scoot at 6:46 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Liberal vs Conservative?

The true issue is not one of political ideals, as usual someone wants to put it into those terms to get votes or smash someone. What is the science and what does it prove or disprove. This article is just political jibberish, with zero value to understanding the problem or solution if one exists.

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pbond95624 at 7:28 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

What is the source of Cal's "facts"?

Cal quotes the Washington Times, a known neocon paper. He uses the figure of 400 scientists who deny global warming, but fails to mention the number (in the thousands) of scientists who support this theory. Also, how many of those 400 are actually experts in climatology?

Cal claims that global-warming advocates will not debate. Yes, because the debate is over, and global warming has been established as valid by a wide margin.

Of those, like Cal, who still deny global warming is man-made and reversible, look at their affiliations. Not just at whether they have ever taken money from oil companies, but what are their political views? Practically every one of those 400 have reason to promote big business over the needs of small business and the consumer. Big business (especially the oil companies) is scared silly at how much profit they'll lose if the recommendations of Al Gore and others become our new way of life.

Wise up, Cal.


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fredtyg at 7:41 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

It's Mass Hysteria

It may be long after I'm gone, but I'm certain history will someday show human induced global warming to be the biggest case of mass hysteria in the history of mankind.

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kdamkier at 7:41 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:


Does anybody actually read anymore? Is it true that the United States has little knowledge of science compared to the rest of the world? This article proves that we do not read and are lacking in science education. It is NOT a conspiracy, just facts and science that many people will not accept since it will increase their cost of a high carbon lifestyle or refute their claims that government cannot do right.

Has Cal read all the reports and the studies, or even taken classes in atmospheric sciences? Many doubters refuse to even read the data, using big terms like "conspiracy" or "cult" to discredit the scientists. Try discrediting them with actual science, unless you cannot since the science only shows the truth.

This is the same stuff that the tobacco industry used to discredit smoking as a public health danger. Eventually the truth prevailed. I hope we are wrong about global climate change, but I am not willing to risk the planet by waiting until it is too late.

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jimmyrick at 8:28 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Predictably, an article critical of global warming gets printed and instead

of providing fact-based rebuttals or refutations of the assertions made by 400 scientists - and yes, they were all scientists - as opposed to the political hacks that make up the IPCC - we get the usual personal attacks and ad hominem assaults that are the best the left can bring to any debate.

Those who mindlessly grovel at the altar of environmental voodoo wish fervently that this debate over human-caused global warming would be over - because, based upon the facts - and I mean the real facts - they cannot possibly win. We note that Al Gore - who supposedly prides himself on his debating skills - avoids debate challenges as if they were firing squads - which for Gore they would be.

I have read book after book and article after article challenging the concept that any current rise in global temperature is caused by human action. When 400 scientists risk their careers to oppose this insanity, then you know that this debate is only over for the dishonest and the ignorant.

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cobey1 at 8:46 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

curious yellow

I read that mars and venus are getting warmer also. is that true? If it is it would mean the sun is heating up. Pychologically I would rather believe that we are causing the warming of the earth because if it is actually the sun causing the warming we would be helpless in its wake. Comments

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welter at 8:51 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Read these . . .

to understand the sociopolitical nature of this topic:

1) Eric Hoffer’s classic book, "The True Believer" analyzing the nature of fanaticism and mass movements;

2) Where Have All the Marxists Gone? By Jim Peron --

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jimmyrick at 8:55 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

I do wish to commend the Bee for actually printing an article

critical of the theory that global warming is human-caused. In the past, I and others have severely criticized the Bee's editors for neglecting (refusing?) to print articles that took the other side of the global warming debate. Hopefully by printing this article, the Bee is signalling a change in editorial policy and I offer my congratulations.

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daverave at 9:42 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Tone down the rhetoric, please

"...most of us will be forced to drive tiny automobiles and live in huts resembling the Third World." Statements such as this illustrate that Cal has not lost his command of hyperbole but do nothing to further the debate in an intelligent direction. Imagine, Americans, having to drive a tiny automobile, oh, the inhumanity!

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tedriii at 10:00 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:



As I've often said in the past, one of the Enemy's principal weapons has always been fear. If he can terrify men and women and put them in fear of their lives, then as he said in the book of Job, "Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life" (Job 2:4). When the men and women of the world fear catastrophe, they generally look to their governments to save them rather than the Lord, sad to say. So what happens? Governments gain more control and power, the rich and the powerful grow even more rich and powerful, and the Enemy's plan of strengthening the very institutions he'll someday use for ultimate power and control under his One World government is.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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SoleTaxPayer at 10:03 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:


I for one would like to see Al lead by example. Al could move out of his mansion and give up the priviate jet for starters. What a hypocrite !

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rebelnet at 10:20 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

No one disputes that the planet is heating up.....

The real debate is whether global warming is due to mankind's burning of fossil fuels or increased solar activity. Blame anything you want, but there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. It's pointless to try. Billions spent on mass hysteria isn't helping. Accepting the inevitable and preparing for the worst is all we can do.

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SJJolly at 10:26 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:


"One of the traits of a cult is its refusal to consider any evidence that might disprove the faith. " Does this not also apply to the "Global warming is a Liberal myth" crowd? Vegetables are being grown in Greenland, for the first time since Viking days. The shoreline of Antartica has become ice free in the summer, also something very new. The Antarctic ice sheet is growing thicker in the middle, yes, but that's like frost collecting inside your home freezer, even on a sweltering day; it's where increased moisture in the air freezes out. I have to suspect that, 6,000 years ago, Cal Thomas' ancestors were making claims that the disappearance of the continental ice sheets was only a Liberal myth, and that the wooly mammoths would soon return.

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mrtinez666 at 10:45 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Despite numerous challenges

"Despite numerous challenges, Gore has refused to debate the issue with any credible scientist who is a skeptic." Sounds more like Thomas is describing GWB than Gore.

Shrub will not be challenged on his beliefs, no matter what the truth is. Cal Thomas is no different.

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bcooper530 at 10:52 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Global Warming is big MONEY

If the oil industy is special intrests and their funding has tainted their research. Then why is Gore, Earth First, Sierra Club, UN and gov. funded researchers not special intrest groups who feed off donations from private and government sources not been tainted in theirs. Wipping up the fears and doomsday forcasts increases fund raiseing and research dollors from all sources. If I had a solar panel business I'd be in favor of it just like the farmer is in illegal immigration. The researcher can get that big fishing boat he always wanted and fish the world and all he has to do is stick a thermometer up the butt of every fish he catches and keep a log on how it's all some how Global warming fault. I wouldn't want a lot of carping about it either that it's not true, it hurts their business........

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bobaran at 10:59 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

The ALGORE Psalm

ALGORE is my shepherd; I shall not think.
He maketh me lie down with green fascists:
He leadeth me beside the still-freezing waters.
He selleth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of self-righteousness for his own sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of reason,
I will fear no logic: for thou art with me;
Thy family oil fortune and thy 10,000 square foot mansion, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a movie in the presence of contradictory evidence:
Thou anointest mine head with nonsense; my fear runneth over.
Surely blind faith and hysteria shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of ALGORE forever.

Written by an ex-Lumberjack
(with apologies to God)

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paulababe at 11:20 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:


There was a global warming on the planet long before people were even here. In some ways, I do believe that we have expedited global warming with our cars, etc., but I do not think that we can erase it completely. This is a very violent planet, with our without us. Global warming will come, whether we reduce emissions or not.

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machkarl at 11:41 AM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

Bobaran brillient

This is, with appologies to God, a perfect representation of the Church of Global Warming (CGW) and the liberals that buy the lies of the high priest of the church, Al Gore Jr.

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jimmyrick at 12:51 PM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

I note one of the local libs is finally admitting that:

"Vegetables are being grown in Greenland, for the first time since Viking days." I do believe we've made that point over and over in these comments. So does this mean that the libs are finally admitting that the long discredited "hockey stick" graph touted by Algore that claims temperatures have been stable since A.D. 1000 is the scam we've said all along it is? Wow! Now if we can just help him to understand that the Antarctic climate is a wee bit more complicated than the inside of his fridge, we might have a trend here! Alas, we do understand that the woolly mammoths will not return - 'cuz Cal's ancestors and mine ate 'em all!

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rs107010 at 1:50 PM PST Wednesday, December 26, 2007 wrote:

I Am Amazed At The Bias In The Postings Above

Folks are wearing their opinions on their sleeves here. I see where your thoughts fall.

I looked at this article in a different light. I looked at it as certain people read the Opinion Page daily. Those are folks who want to know more, explore a different side, give consideration to facts on both sides, prepare themselves to be able to discuss issues on a higher level. I think that observation fits most of you - don't you?

But when I read a posting (such as pbonds95624) that the debate is over I cringe.

If in fact Global Warming exists and the debate is over then the next step is to secure cooperation from everyone to do everything on their part to reduce the effects of their personal footprint. How do you secure that cooperation?

For some the debate never took place and isn't over. Therefore, lets do as Cal says and have the debate. Call it whatever you want - maybe the final debate. In the end education will have occurre
d more people moved to improve our environment.

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