Foundation Conquests
for some of Brainerd Grantees
About us
Our Successes
- In March 2010, grizzly bears
coming out of hibernation in the
Swan Valley of Montana walked for
the first time on private lands that
have returned to public ownership.
This month marked a historical land
transformation as former Plum Creek
Timber Company lands were reverted
back to public ownership, erasing
the "checkerboard" ownership in the
valley. Brainerd grantees Northwest
Connections (in the Swan), Trust for
Public Land, and the Nature
Conservancy were instrumental in
this effort.
- In February 2010, leaders of
Montana and British Columbia said
they will ban drilling and mining in
a remote valley along the US-Canada
border that energy companies have
tried to develop for more than a
quarter-century. This area, known as
the Crown of the Continent for its
grand mountain peaks, is just
upstream from Glacier-Waterton
International Peace Park. Brainerd
grantee, Wildsight, continues to
work hard for increased protection
of this critical landscape.
- In March 2010, a Montana
District Court Judge, after hearing
arguments by Brainerd grantee the
Western Environmental Law Center,
required the U.S. Army National
Guard to take a proposed project
back to the drawing board. Plans
called for construction of a
biathlon training facility, which
was proposed directly within an
extremely important wildlife
corridor on the continental divide.
- In November 2009, the Lemhi
County Forest Restoration Group,
coordinated by Brainerd grantee
Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS),
received the Forest Service's
Intermountain Region Natural
Resources Stewards award.
Acknowledging all partners who
worked with the group, SVS's Gina
Knudson said, "Nobody was forced to
do business in this new way—they
have all been extremely willing,
supportive partners who are putting
differences aside and talking about
what's best for the land and the
- In August 2009, the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals issued a
strong opinion reinstating the
Clinton 2001 Roadless Rule
throughout the Ninth Circuit, with
the exception of Alaska, Idaho, and
Wyoming. For now, the full Roadless
Rule is once again in effect in most
of the West. Many conservation
organizations, including several
Brainerd grantees, were involved in
this effort, represented by
- In August of 2009, the
developers of the Highwood coal
fired plant near Great Falls
formally terminated their air
quality permit. Brainerd grantees
Montana Environmental Information
Center and Earthjustice provided
support for Great Falls residents
and local ranchers and farmers who
fought to protect their clean water,
productive soil, and pure air from a
dirty coal plant.
- In December 2009, a U.S.
District Court judge upheld the
"Survey and Manage" rule of the
Northwest Forest Plan, quoting
renowned scientist E.O. Wilson when
he stressed the importance of saving
all the parts of an ecosystem, even
the uncommon or rare plant, animal,
and fungal species that are "indeed
the little things that run the
world." Many past and present
Brainerd grantees deserve credit for
this win, including the Western
Environmental Law Center,
Conservation Northwest,
Gifford-Pinchot Task Force, Oregon
Wild, American Lands Alliance, and
Umpqua Watersheds.
- Idaho environmental regulators
issued a permit in late 2009 to a
company that plans to operate a coal
gasification fertilizer plant in the
state. The permit limits carbon
dioxide emissions under an agreement
between the state, Southeast Idaho
Energy, the Sierra Club, and Idaho
Conservation League. It is the first
plant in the state—and the
nation—with enforceable greenhouse
gas emission limits and one of the
first "clean coal" plants with a
permit in the nation. "This permit
is a win-win for the people of
Idaho," stated the Idaho
Conservation League.
- In January 2010, the voters of
Oregon approved two ballot measures
to fill the state budget deficit by
increasing taxes on companies and
wealthy individuals. Conservation
leaders participated in an
unprecedented Oregon coalition to
educate their constituents about the
measures, which will protect
critical environmental and economic
programs, as well as funding for
schools, healthcare, and senior

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In 2008, the Forest Service and
the timber industry abandoned
efforts to drastically weaken the
2005 National Forest Management Act
and a federal court invalidated new
Forest Service regulations that
would have curtailed public
engagement in planning for federal
forests. The Brainerd Foundation
provides general support funding to
Earthjustice for their work on
issues like this.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In the spring of 2009, Governor
Christine Gregoire signed an
executive order to reduce
Washington's carbon emissions and
announced the creation of a
30-state, bi-partisan coalition of
governors, led by Washington state,
to call upon national policymakers
to pursue strong climate policy.
Brainerd has supported the work of
the Washington Environmental
Council, Washington Conservation
Voters, and Climate Solutions that
contributed to this achievement.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In July 2009, a federal court
ruled against the U.S. Forest
Service in its third attempt to
eliminate virtually all
environmental safeguards from the
rules that oversee the management of
our national forests. Several
current and past Brainerd grantees
were plaintiffs in this legal
challenge by Western Environmental
Law Center, including Gifford
Pinchot Task Force, Cascadia
Wildlands Project, the Lands
Council, Forest Service Employeees
for Environmental Ethics, Oregon
Wild and The Wilderness Society.
- The Oregon Badlands Wilderness
and the Spring Basin Wilderness were
created under the Public Lands
Management Act of 2009. The Oregon
Natural Desert Association played a
lead role in securing protection for
these special areas in Oregon's High

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- The Copper Salmon Wilderness was
created under the Public Lands
Management Act of 2009. Wild and
Scenic River status was also
implemented in this area under the
same act. Current and past grantees
that played important roles in
securing habitat protection for this
place include: Trout Unlimited and
Friends of Elk River.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- The Mount Hood Wilderness was
created under the Public Lands
Management Act of 2009. Wild and
Scenic River status was also
implemented in this area under the
same act. Current and past grantees
that played important roles in
securing this habitat protection for
Mount Hood include: Oregon Wild,
Crag Law Center, the Campaign for
America's Wilderness, and American

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- The Omnibus Public Lands Act of
2009 designates over 23,000 acres of
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
backcountry as the Soda Mountain
Wilderness -- and enables a
permanent end to public lands cattle
grazing on up to 106,000 acres in
and near the Monument in Oregon
through a voluntary private buyout
plan. The Brainerd Foundation has
supported the Soda Mountain
Wilderness Council in their quest to
protect this rare landscape.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- The Owyhee Wilderness was
created under the Public Lands
Management Act of 2009. Wild and
Scenic River status was also
implemented in this area under the
same act. Current and past grantees
that played important roles in
securing this habitat protection for
this place include: Idaho
Conservation League, Idaho Rivers
United, and American Rivers.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In 2006, an opportunity grant
from the Brainerd Foundation
supported outreach to key Kaska
First Nation Elders for experiential
outreach trips to pending
conservation areas in their
traditional Territory. This was an
effort to further build community
support and understanding for
protecting these culturally and
ecologically important areas.
- In 2008, all of the Washington
State conservation community's
policy priorities passed, including
legislation addressing climate
change, green jobs, local
farms/healthy kids, and protection
of urban trees. Additionally,
decision-makers restricted the sale
of toxic toys, making Washington the
first state in the nation to enact a
comprehensive policy addressing the
issue. The Brainerd Foundation gives
general support to key policy groups
in Washington State working on such

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In the spring of 2008, the
President signed into law a bill
containing the Wild Sky Wilderness,
the first new wilderness area to
gain protection in Washington State
in more than twenty years. It adds
106,000 acres of wilderness in the
North Cascades. The Brainerd
Foundation provided early seed money
for outreach on this effort.

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In January 2009, the Pacific
Forest Trust and the Bureau of Land
Management announced the
conservation of approximately 900
acres that have been added to the
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument,
the nation's first monument created
solely for the preservation of
biodiversity. Over the years, the
Brainerd Foundation has funded both
the Pacific Forest Trust and the
Soda Mountain Wilderness Council for
their work to gain improved
protection for this exceptional
- In July 2008, the Ninth Circuit
Court of Appeals issued a landmark
decision in Oregon Natural Desert
Association (ONDA) v. Bureau of Land
Management, determining that the BLM
must rewrite its land use plan for
southeast Oregon. The court agreed
that the BLM had wrongly refused to
evaluate impacts to wilderness
values for 4.6 million acres of
public lands. The Brainerd
Foundation supported ONDA's work
with a general support grant in
April 2008.
- The Oregon Wine Board secured
pledges from 27 Oregon wineries to
go carbon neutral. Several winery
owners are now spokespeople in
Oregon's capital for climate for
climate policy. Oregon Environmental
Council, one of our grantees, was a
key player in this effort.
- In December 2008, the Montana
Supreme Court voided a wastewater
discharge permit for the Rock Creek
Mine. This is a win for several
Montana-based grantees that the
foundation supported in its first
decade and the citizens they
represent. Past grantees that played
an important role in securing this
achievement include Rock Creek
- In 2008, Montana became the
first state in the nation to require
a coal-fired power plant to
specifically consider air pollution
controls for fine particulates,
which can cause severe respiratory
and cardiovascular
diseases. Citizens of Great Falls
who were opposed to a proposed power
plant asked Brainerd grantee Montana
Environmental Information Center to
assist with this effort. A diverse
base led to this groundbreaking
- In 2007, the Madison County
Board of Commissioners adopted a
strong and sustainable Madison
Valley Growth Management Action
Plan. Our grantee, the Madison
Valley Ranchlands Group, worked with
community partners, supported by the
Greater Yellowstone Coalition and
the Sonoran Institute, to achieve
this goal.
- The largest source of airborne
mercury in the country, a gold
processing facility in Nevada was
shut down in 2008. The successful
strategy to stop the mercury
emissions came from Idaho
Conservation League and its partners
who pressed the state to require
reporting of emissions from the
facility and the installation of
pollution control equipment.
- In 2007, the Board of Lemhi
County Commissioners adopted a new
comprehensive plan recognizing the
need to protect and sustain natural
resources, the economic value of
clean water, open spaces, and fish
and wildlife habitat, and connecting
these issues to property values and
the community's quality of life. Our
grantee, Salmon Valley Stewardship,
teamed with community partners to
support this effort.
- Ecojustice (formerly Sierra
Legal Defence Fund) recently
reported that the Brainerd Challenge
Grant awarded in 1999 to help them
launch a viable major gifts program
has substantially increased annual
revenues by hundreds of thousands of

The foundation cannot earmark
any portion of its grants for
use in influencing legislation
(lobbying). The foundation's
general support grants to
Section 501(c)(3) public
charities may, however, be used
to support a grantee's overall
operations, even if the grantee
engages in lobbying as part of
its programs.
- In 2008, the BLM released its
final environmental statement and
activity plan for the Northeast
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
(NPR-A), including the area around
Teshekpuk Lake; there won't be
expansion of leasing in the
Teshekpuk wetlands for at least ten
years. This accomplishment follows
the foundation's first decade, when
we focused on Arctic protection.
Past grantees that played an
important role in securing this
achievement include Audubon Alaska
and the Alaska Wilderness League.
- In 2007, thirty-two journalists
participated in two training
expeditions that provided timely
exposure to policy issues of water,
energy, forestry, agriculture, land
conservation and climate change. The
Institutes for Journalism and
Natural Resources, which directed
the expeditions, reports that since
the training, 25 of the 32
participants have consistently
produced better news coverage of
conservation, environment and
climate issues.