grows for roadless rule
Concern grows for roadless rule
(11/11/04) Roseburg
November 11, 2004

A new rule that could require
governors to petition the federal government to
block road-building in remote areas has local
environmentalists worried about some areas of the
Umpqua National Forest.
If the rule changes, it would signal the end of the
so-called roadless rule, adopted just before
President Bill Clinton left office in 2001. The rule
conserves 58.5 million acres of roadless areas of
national forests -- including 2 million acres in
Oregon and 110,000 acres on the Umpqua National
The U.S. Forest Service is soliciting comments on
the change through Monday.
The rule would give governors 18 months to petition
the government if they seek protection for some, all
or no roadless forests in their state. If the state
does not petition for protection in the time frame,
forest management would revert back to individual
forest plans that environmentalists say would in
many cases allow roads and other development.
Road building and logging projects would be
restricted without approval of U.S. Forest Service
Chief Dale Bosworth until states made a decision.
Local conservationists say the first comment period
leading up to the initial ban on road building
already showed resounding support for the measure.
They are worried that the rule change in combination
with a timber-friendly administration could lead to
more road building and logging on the Umpqua.
"The federal agency is sensitive to our water
supply, but they take their direction from the
administration," which is responding to the logging
industry, said Gerald Wisdom, president of the board
of directors for Roseburg-based Umpqua Watersheds.
Local conservationists are particularly concerned
about Mount Bailey, Bulldog Rock, Cougar Bluff,
Donegan and Last Creek. About 22,000 acres -- 20
percent of the roadless areas -- are in matrix
lands, where logging is allowed under the Northwest
Forest Plan.
Umpqua National Forest officials, however, disagree
the change will prompt road building and logging in
the Umpqua's roadless areas.
Every project is dealt with on a case by case basis
and must undergo environmental analysis and a public
process, said Kathy Fletcher, spokeswoman for the
"I don't envision this as opening the door to let's
go in and build roads," she said.
At a Glance |
What: The U.S.
Forest Service is proposing a change to the
Roadless Rule, adopted in January 2001. The
new rule would require governors to petition
the Forest Service in order to protect areas
from road building.
Deadline for written comments: Monday
E-mail comments to:
[email protected].
Fax to:(801) 517-1014
More information: |
She said until a final rule
is decided, officials won't know the local
According to a description of the rule change
printed in the Federal Register in July, the Forest
Service estimates that the burden for an individual
state could be as high as 1,000 hours for a single
petition, depending on the number of roadless areas
and the extent of changes recommended in the
That is just one reason why Umpqua Watersheds
members don't approve of the change -- it places too
big of a burden on Gov. Ted Kulongoski.
Kulongoski opposes the rule change, and says it
doesn't meet the long-term objectives of sustainable
forest management in Oregon.
"I continue to believe that commercial entry into
the (roadless areas) will break up the integrity of
the forest ecosystem of large contiguous roadless
areas, which in turn will lead to severe
environmental damage to these sensitive areas," he
told the Oregon Board of Forestry at a meeting in
The rule change also sparks local debate on the
merits of building roads in those areas.
Wisdom said protecting the forest from road-building
is important for keeping the Umpqua's rivers and
streams clean.
"Roads in themselves create sedimentation and affect
our water quality and our fish runs in a negative
People also have to consider if they want roads --
and possible logging -- in their national forests.
"Douglas County has values that are similar to
Yosemite and Yellowstone," he said. "We have beauty,
we have clean water, we have big trees."
Bob Ragon, executive director of the timber trade
group, the Douglas Timber Operators, pointed out
road building has not been the direction of the
Umpqua National Forest in recent years.
"There's no road building going on anywhere in the
Umpqua National Forest; in fact, what we're doing is
un-building roads," he said.
He said the decision about roadless areas should be
made at a local level.
"They're owned by everybody, but somebody has to
make decisions about how they're managed. I find it
difficult to believe that somebody in New York has a
good idea about how the roadless areas on the Umpqua
National Forest should be managed."
He added that management objectives are different
depending on the area, and a blanket rule doesn't
work. For example, he pointed out forests in eastern
Oregon, Idaho and Montana suffer from insects and
disease, and roads would allow agencies to access
and manage those areas.
Wisdom, however, makes a different point: "The
forests have taken care of themselves for how long
The Associated Press contributed to this report.