SISTERS, Ore. – The Oregon Fish and Wildlife
Commission adopted today a plan to re-establish salmon in the
Upper Klamath Lake and tributaries.
“Department staff should be leaders in this reintroduction
effort,” noted Chair Marla Rae. “They already have a strong
track record of working with partners in the Klamath Basin.”
Salmon disappeared from the Upper Klamath Basin in Oregon
almost 100 years ago when Copco Dam in California blocked fish
passage upriver. The opportunity to re-establish anadromous
runs in the Upper Klamath River Basin arose during the
re-licensing process for the four main-stem hydro-electric
dams operated by Pacificorp.
The Commission approved $420,894 in grants for 17 projects
recommended by the Restoration and Enhancement Board. The R&E
Program grants funds to restore fisheries and improve fishing
opportunities throughout the state. It is funded by a $2
surcharge on fishing licenses.
The Commission amended public records requests procedures
consistent with Senate Bill 554, which was adopted by the 2007
Oregon Legislature.
The Commission was briefed on draft management plans for
E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area in Monmouth and the
Columbia Basin (Power City, Irrigon, Coyote Springs
and Willow Creek) Wildlife Areas. ODFW will host several
public meetings to present and receive comments on the plans.
For EE Wilson Wildlife Area, the meetings are July 30 from 7–9
p.m. at ODFW’s Corvallis office and Aug. 12 from 7-9 p.m. at
ODFW Headquarters in Salem. For the Columbia Basin Wildlife
Areas plan, the meeting will be held July 29, 7-9 p.m. at
Stokes Landing Senior Center in Irrigon.
Public comments on the draft plans can also be emailed to
[email protected],
faxed to 503-947-6330 or mailed to ODFW Wildlife Division,
3406 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, OR 97302. Comments will be accepted
through the Oct. 10, 2008 Commission meeting in Salem but
should be received by Sept. 12, 2008 to allow for full review
and consideration by ODFW staff.
The Commission is the policy-making body for fish and
wildlife issues in the state. The seven-member panel meets
monthly. The next meeting is Aug. 8 in Salem, where topics
include preliminary 2009 sport fishing regulations and
adoption of the 2008-09 game bird hunting regulations. Agenda
item exhibits may be requested by calling the ODFW Director’s
Office at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044. |