Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
March 25, 2011 Board Members Klamath Irrigation District 6640 KID Lane Klamath Falls, Or 97603 Dear Board Members; As leaders of the Klamath Irrigation District you have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience dealing with the ESA and all of its ramifications… so our request won't surprise you. The Klamath County Republican Central Committee supports the absolute necessity of maintaining the agricultural and timber industries in the Klamath Basin. Agriculture and the timber industry are continually asked to compromise and give in to never-ending demands affecting the use of the Basin's natural resources. This in turn diminishes agriculture's ability to be a thriving industry, one that employees thousands of workers and brings untold millions of dollars into the Basin's economy. The root of all these problems narrows down to the improper use of the ESA. Past efforts to amend or circumvent the ESA and its companion, biological opinions, have proven to be unsuccessful. Currently, there is a very different realization locally, regionally and nationally, that has begun the awakening of logic and common sense in regards to the ESA and its misuse. In short, the political climate is now much better for seeking reform. The following resolution was unanimously passed by the Klamath County Republican Central Committee at its March 10, 2011 meeting: "the Klamath County Republican Central Committee resolves to take on the charge and the focus, for the next two years, to rally all Republican Central Committees and all Tea Patriot groups and other appropriate groups in the Western United States to Reform the ESA (the Endangered Species Act) so that farmers, ranchers, timber industry employees, fishing industry employees, mining employees and other employees can keep their jobs and make an acceptable living, and; so that economic growth, economic recovery and economic stability are given no less than equal status to non-human species." A united effort in the Basin will have a much more effective outcome on the decision makers. A strong base of local support can be expanded through the State of Oregon and then to our neighboring states… with the tide of reform finally reaching Washington D.C. This movement has to start somewhere and Klamath Basin has earned the right and, we believe, has the responsibility to take it on. Your help is needed. We request that the Klamath Irrigation District also adopt a resolution, in your own words of course, but still calling for the reform of the ESA… to protect jobs, the economy and other points you may wish to specify. Time is of the essence. The sooner we have strong local support to Reform the ESA the sooner we can get national support. Our Central Committee is willing to coordinate, encourage and keep track of the effort and will forward all resolutions received to the House of Representatives, to the Senate and eventually to the President. Once you've passed a resolution you will probably send copies immediately to our Basin Congressmen and US Senators. Please also send us a copy of any resolution(s) you may approve on the subject so we can keep track of all the groups supporting the Reform the ESA effort and to help spread the word and to get others to join. We will keep you up-to-date, too. Send a copy of your resolution to us by fax to: 541 381-2365; by email to [email protected], or; by US Mail to our address on the letterhead. On a related subject, we encourage you and all persons interested in reforming the ESA to attend our April 9, 2011 REFORM THE ESA KICKOFF DINNER. Speakers will be: Allen Alley, Chair of the Oregon Republican Party; Igor Birman, Chief of Staff for Congressman McClintock and Dan Schott, Executive Director of the Southern Oregon Timber Industry Association. Give me a call for more details or fill out a copy of the reservation form enclosed and mail it to us. Please contact me if you have questions, comments, or wish a representative to attend one of your Board meetings to discuss the subject. Sincerely, Jeff Woodwick, Chairman Klamath County Republican Central Committee 541 892-3714 Similar letter(s) sent to the other irrigation districts. |
Page Updated: Tuesday March 29, 2011 01:47 AM Pacific
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