(Lawsuit referred to by Baird > Environmental group sues over Siskiyou County dam

Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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![]() (Lawsuit referred to by Baird > Environmental group sues over Siskiyou County dam ![]() Surprise surprise! The Tucker Hillman Tribe’s fake environmental group is filing suit against another economic engine in Siskiyou County. The Tucker Hillman tribe intends to join the suit as well.What a joke.Look up the Klamath River Keeper website. The felon Grant Leaf Hillman is the President of the Riverkeepers. The Greencorp Socialist S. Craig Tucker is on the Board of the Riverkeepers.Peter Brucker of the Salmon River Pot Growers Association, trustee of the Black Bear Commune, is also on the Board. Erica Terrance of Black Bear Commune, is also a player in this environmental scam.Wake up folks, or the joke will be on you. It is time to start turning up the heat on the Tucker Hillman tribe through the BIA.Perhaps we should boycott all tribal businesses until the crooks are gone.Time to start a protest of the Hillman tribe’s plan to build a casino off reservation! Think what trouble Hillman and Tucker could get into with casino profits?A forensic audit of all of the Tribe’s grants since Hillman took over might be interesting. Jim Wadell statements should be investigated as well.Tucker said in a Groundwater meeting, the reason the Tucker Hillman Tribe wants to get the Coho numbers up is so they can get a cannery and then they can start killing Coho. There were eye witnesses to this statement.Quite the protector of the environment isn’t he?When will the honest, hardworking members of the Karuk Tribe kick these crooks out?When will the Shasta Nation challenge the fraud of Treaty R/ Treaty Q through which the Tucker Hillman tribe got its recognition. Who says crime does not pay?Mark BairdVice President Scott Valley Protect Our Water
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