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Ask the state to move proposed biomass plant

Comments Due February 10

Letter to the editor by Paul Fouch, Herald and News 1/12/12

Are you concerned about the future of the Klamath Basin and making it a quality place to live? Then some of your concerns should be: keeping the rural atmosphere of the Basin intact; protecting its migrating bird flyway and resident birds; protecting its endangered species of birds, fish, wildlife and plants; protecting its recreational opportunities such as bird watching, hunting and fishing; improving the quality of the air you breathe; and protecting its scenic entrances such as the Klamath River Basin along Highway 66.

Would you also like to see clean, hightech industries come to our Basin that will utilize the skills of Oregon Institute of Technology graduates and attract new retired people to build up our economy for the long term? How you can help during the next 30 days, is to make comments to the Oregon Department of Energy to move the location of the proposed Klamath Bioenergy plant out of the Klamath River Basin on the way to Keno. You can email me at mvbiomass@gmail.com  or go to the website http://stopklamathbiomass.wordpress.com for instructions for making your comments.

Paul Fouch

Klamath Falls


The DPO comment period will be January 9 to February 10 at 5pm. Make comments to:

Duane Kilsdonk
Oregon Department of Energy
Energy Facility Siting Officer, Energy Siting Division
395 East Highland Avenue
Hermiston, Oregon 97838

Phone: 541-567-3840 (Ext. 224)
[email protected]




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