Archive 14 - January-February
Klamath County Commissioners make
decisions regarding current lawsuit targeting irrigators, and Barnes
property storage, KBC news report 3/12/03
"Despite the concerns of mismanagement, illegal phosphorus levels, poor
water quality, higher taxes, warm water releases killing fish, concerns of
60 fishermen and guides, soil absorption and evaporation (which uses more
water than irrigating), and ‘no credit for Project irrigators’, and possible
government acquisition (all of these consequences from past ‘water storage’
acquisitions), the commissioners voted 2 to 1 to support the ALC’s attempt
to broker the Barnes Property. Commissioner Elliott, who continually
questioned the logic, voted against the support."
Lawyer rallies area irrigators, H&N, Dylan Darling,
U.S. water bank tops ONRC's buyout idea, H&N VIEW,
Commissioners OK Barnes Ranch with conditions, by H&N
Jennifer Bates, 3/12/03
ONRC urges irrigators to sell out, H&N Dylan Darling,
Water bank has 24,000 acres to choose from, H&N Dylan
Darling 3/11/03
Three Counties Formally Support Water Users in Current Litigation,
Press Release by Dan Keppen, executive director of Klamath Water Users
Association, 3/11/03
Public Meeting 4
pm--Tuesday, March 11th, update on "takings" litigation,
Klamath County Fairgrounds.
Irrigators fear spring cutoff, seek county backing in suit, H&N
Jennifer Bates, 3/10/03. "Water could be
cut off from farmers this spring," said Dan Keppen, Klamath Water Users
executive director.
Tale of two seasons: Then and now, Herald&News by Dylan
Darling, 3/9/03. "Bob
Flowers, who grows alfalfa and raises cattle on about 1,000 acres, said he
had to cut the acreage he works in half because of the 2001 water cutoff.
Flowers isn't a fan of the water bank. "It's like me giving you a Band-aid
when you cut your arm off," he said. He said he wakes every morning up
wondering if he is going to have water for the summer."
Compensation suit report set for area farmers,
Herald&News, 3/9/03, "Roger
Marzulla, who is pursuing the case through the U.S. Federal Court of Claims,
will answer questions about the lawsuit at a meeting at Exhibition Hall A at
the Klamath County Fairgrounds at 4 p.m. Tuesday (March 11)".
Weekly Update for March 7, 2003.
*Assistant Interior Secretary Bennett Raley Addresses Bush Administration
Western Water Priorities
* Family Farmers Looking to the Future - Learning from the Past
* Interior Secretary Norton Addresses Klamath Basin Adjudication Issues
* Klamath Tribes File Amicus Brief in PCFFA v. USBR
California Wilderness Coalition "
Medicine Lake Highlands
-- Development of geothermal power plants would lay waste to wild forests
and sacred lands. Klamath River Basin
-- Excessive water diversion is killing thousands of salmon and hurting
farmers, fishermen, tribes, and endangered wildlife"
KBC comment: Isn't it amazing that a group that claims to be helping the
environment is trying to destroy possibilities for geothermal power at
Medicine Lake that will not destroy the forests and land. And isn't is
amazing that these same folks say that keeping SOME of the water in the
Klamath Basin that was stored by the farmers (historically the river went
dry on low water years without the dam) can claim that sending excessive
water to the ocean will help farmers, tribes, and fishermen 200 miles
away??!! Remember, the Klamath Project is only 2% of the water in the
Klamath Basin watershed!
Harper Presents Oregon Governor Kulongoski With a Symbolic Bucket
Senator Steve Harper (R-District 28) sent the first 2 photos
to the Klamath Bucket Brigade today, March 5, 2003, along with the 2001
Bucket Brigade story. The first is Jess and John Prosser dipping the
first bucket of water of the Bucket Brigade. The center photo is
Senator Harper and Governor Ted Kulongowski with the shovel and bucket that
was presented Feb 28, 2003 by Bill Ransom and a team from the Klamath Basin.
The photo on the right by Pat Ratliff is Ransom with Senator Harper.
For article on the Feb 28th meeting of Ransom and team at the capitol,
click here.
Alternative forms of power generation largely unexplored in the Klamath
Basin, by Kehn Gibson, The Tri-County Courier. 2/26/03 As
he did in a talk to the Tulelake Rotary in 1993, on Feb.15 environmentalist
Andy Kerr gave an insight into a future avenue of attack against Klamath
Basin agriculture.
Make Barnes Ranch prove it's worth buying,
3/03/03, H&N Editorial, ":... the Bureau has to answer some questions
raised in a Feb. 24 commentary by Doug Whitsett in the Herald and News about
how much storage the Barnes Ranch actually would yield, and whether a
storage and pumping regimen might increase phosphorus levels in Upper
Klamath Lake. Years ago,the Bureau misjudged the capacity of the Agency Lake
Ranch and needs to be dead certain with this purchase. Then it needs to give
Basin agriculture credit for giving ground."
Congressional hearing to examine the use of peer review,,
03/04/03 "The hearing by the U.S.
House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee, chaired by U.S. Rep.
John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN), is schedule to begin at 2 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 5th, .... Live audio and video broadcasts of the hearing will be
available at the Committee's website:"
More water storage better than screens for fish populations,
by Jack O'Conner, op-ed Herald&News 3/4/03: "The
old Geary Ranch farm ground, now the Running Y, would be a natural storage
site with very little engineering. Water could be pumped in during the
winter and released in the summer to lower water temperature for the benefit
of downriver salmon. That site has a potential to store half a million
acre-feet (7,000 acre-feet per foot of reservoir depth.)"
Water bank to offer some security,
Herald&News 3/04/03 by Dylan Darling,
"... the water bank won't offer any assurance that water
stored up for irrigation will last throughout the summer."
Coming April 1: The new
New structure, fish screens on schedule,
by Dylan Darling, H&N 3/03/03, "Now will it (the $11 million fish screen)
fully recover the species by itself?" he said. "No, of course not - but it
will sure help."
Bucket Brigade Keeps
Klamath Bucket Brigade
PRESS RELEASE by Pat Ratliff, March 4, 2003
"The Klamath Traveling
Bucket took to the road again; traveling to the capital in Salem and
Hillsboro, Oregon on February 28th, to meet with state representatives
and address the state Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni
Association". |
Bureau of Reclamation Met With Leary Audience at Public
Meeting, KBC News 03/03/03 "So Cacka clarified that
this water bank is not the one that KWUA committee meticulously drafted, but
rather it is a BOR plan. "The 65 page document is still on the table, and
didn't see the light of day."
2003 Klamath Project Pilot Water Bank to be Rolled Out Today,
03/03/03, PRESS RELEASE from Klamath Water Users Association
Includes: Bureau of Reclamation’s 2003 water bank proposal, development of
long-term water bank , and water users’ vision for a long-term waterbank.
"The Bush Administration has requested that a water bank program be
implemented this year," said Gasser. "I think that it is in the best
interests of the Basin to work with the White House on this effort. This
administration helped us to return water to the land in 2002; hopefully our
cooperative efforts will result in continued, reliable water deliveries in
Monday, March 3, 2003 Klamath Project Water Bank
Public Meeting . 10:00 a.m., Klamath County
Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall A, Klamath Falls, Oregon.The U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation will publicly offer opportunities to Klamath Project
irrigators to participate in an innovative pilot environmental “water
bank” It will outline Reclamation’s plan to help meet requirements
of the 2002 Biological Opinions (BOs) on Klamath Project Operations for
threatened and endangered species. Representatives from the Natural
Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Klamath Water Users Association
(KWUA), Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and local community
leaders will also be present to assist in the discussion. Applications
are due March 7.
More Info
Extremists who denied
water to Klamath farmers now want to protect salmon-killing fish, "...activists,
led by the Center for Biological Diversity, have petitioned the Fish and
Wildlife Service to withhold water from Klamath farmers to protect the
eel-like fish known as the lamprey...The problem ....LAMPREY KILL
KWUA Weekly Update for February 28, 2003
Reclamation's 2003 Water Bank
Water Users' Reaction
Development of Long-Term Water Bank
Water Users Vision for a Long-Term Water Bank
Agenda for Monday' s Meeting
Interior secretary working on ways to avoid
water fights in the West
Washington News, by JOHN HEILPRIN, The Associated Press,
2/28/03 "In the
Klamath Basin, Norton was criticized by environmentalists and Indian tribe
leaders when she decided to divert water from the river to 1,400 farms. She
later directed that more water temporarily be put back in the river to help
fish. But chinook salmon died by the tens of thousands, a loss
environmentalists and tribal fishermen attributed to warming from dropped
river levels due to water taken out for irrigation. "
Commentary: the editor refrains from mentioning that most of the fish killed
were Trinity river fish, 50-90% of Klamath River water is diverted to the
Trinity for Southern California, the Klamath Project is 200 miles away from
the fish kill, it was a record high run of salmon this year in the Klamath,
100 tributaries are between the Klamath Project and the fish kill, the water
was not examined for a week after the kill, documented drug labs on the
Klamath River are putting poison into the river, and The Irrigators are not
diverting the water...much of the Klamath Project was a lake in a closed
basin...this water historically never went into the Klamath River. AND
only 2% of the water in the Klamath watershed comes from the Klamath
Project, yet the project is expected to fix 200 miles worth of river."
Water bank gets ready for new deposits,
Bureau asks water users to contribute,
by Dylan Darling, 2/27/03 "The
opinion called for 33,000 acre-feet to be in the water bank last year,
50,000 acre-feet this year, 75,000 acre-feet next year and 100,000 acre feet
the year after that," says Sabo, Bureau of Reclamation.
Bureau of
Reclamation to Announce 2003 Pilot Water Bank Program on March 3 at Klamath
Fairgrounds, 10 a.m.
Still no backing for ranch plan,
by Jennifer Bates, Herald&News 2/26/03. "Commissioner
Al Switzer said a deep reservoir with cold water is the best solution. The
only way he can see to get that done is by building a dam."
Science panel water report delayed
water users must wait until summer instead of March, by Dylan Darling,
Buy the Barnes Ranch for water storage? We better think this over
Herald&News, 2/24/03
Douglas K. Whitsett, is a retired veterinarian affiliated with Klamath
Animal Clinic, Inc., for 30 years. He and his wife own and operate two farms
in the Klamath Basin where they breed and raise horses for dressage and
jumping. He is past president of the Klamath County Cattlemen's Association,
as well as a past president of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association:
question why the storage management process of repeated flooding and pumping
would not re-create the phosphorous loading of Upper Klamath Lake that the
original purchase of the property was alleged to prevent."
Unspoken Issues of the
Endangered Species Act (ESA) by Ric Frost, M.S. Agricultural
Economics, New Mexico State University..36-page document includes gov't land
map, charts, court cases, and essential information regarding the ESA.
Western Land Use Conference in
Klamath Falls, Oregon, exposes U.N. Wildlands Projects strategies behind
‘ESA’ and other ‘Environmental’ Scams, KBC news team February 23,
2003 "The only hope of the Earth is to withdraw huge areas as inviolate
natural sanctuaries from the depredations of modern industry and technology.
Move out the people and cars. Reclaim the roads and the plowed lands.’
Dave Foreman,
HEADLINES: 'Thousands to lose {$8
million in Oregon} drug coverage' 2/23/03 Herald and News
HEADLINES: 'On time, on budget, but experts not
sure it{$11 million fish screen} will work'
'Tri-County Courier', 2/19/03
100,000 Oregonians, on March 1, will lose prescription drug benefits because
Oregon is going broke from locking up their natural resources: logging and
agriculture. Yet a $11 million fish screen is being built, it might not
work, and the federal gov't AND environmental agencies do not know how many
'endangered' sucker fish there were, are, or how many they want.
Salmon killed by illegal drug activities?,
Foster, World Net Daily, 2/22.
Few Klamath Answers,
by Laura Brown, The Daily Triplicate, 2/21/03
The KBC team has been asked the following questions concerning the Barnes
Would it hold cold water to keep the downriver fish from 'fatal
temperatures' ?
What is it's phosphorus content--is it acceptable to be released downstream?
94,539 acres
of agricultural Land has been taken out of production above Klamath Lake
with the promise by
conservancies to create 'more water to go around'. More was taken out
of production last year
LINK see
question #1
With that in mind:
Would the water stored on Barnes Property be credited to the Klamath Project
(will it diminish the amount of stored irrigation water demanded that
the farmers must send down the Klamath River this year and possibly in the
Department of the Interior, if you can
answer those questions for us, we will know whether to support this
purchase. We thank you for your interest and support.
groups plan lawsuit against Klamath River sturgeon decision, Herald
and News, February 21, 2003, combined local and wire reports.
Keppen said all these actions are
dedicated to forcing farmers out of the Basin.
KWUA Weekly Update for February 21, 2003, includes:
Project Water Users, Reclamation Prepare for 2001
Irrigation Season
Project Operations Still Guided by Rigid Lake Level, Flow Release
Conservation Workshop Scheduled
"The Project represents 2% of the land area in
the entire Klamath River watershed, and depletes roughly 2%
of the water that finds its way to the Pacific Ocean, 200 miles downstream.
It was built to provide water stored
in the federal project (Upper Klamath Lake, Clear Lake and Gerber Reservoir)
specifically for irrigation purposes."
Drought dread rises in Klamath,
by Michael Milstein, The Oregonian, 2/21/03;
"There is this huge diversion of water
from the Trinity, and we're being looked at to subsidize that loss," said
Heiney, whose eyes still well up over the loss of his crops in 2001. "To be
held responsible for all that is ridiculous."
Canadian irrigators ask
Basin farmer Steve Kandra to address ESA issues,
Tri-County Courier 2/19/03
On time,
on budget, but experts not sure fish screen will work,
The Tri-County Courier, 2/19/03 "...technical
factors including water flow velocities and the openings in the stainless
steel screens may not be optimal for sucker survival, but Korson, fish
passage manager in the Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Falls office, said
even that is unknown. Randy Wyatt of the Bureau states, "For an $11 million
project, we are doing pretty well."
Counties hit
ruling on Trinity River
published 2/19/03 by Laura Brown, Triplicate staff writer
Irrigators suffered much more than report indicated,
by Merrill
farmer Dick Carleton, Herald&News
2/17/03 "Last
December, those of us whose irrigation water was shut off in 2001 were
appalled to learn that a recent Oregon State University economic study
suggests that we actually made money that year. I, for one, can tell you
another story that I hope will reveal the major flaws in the OSU report."
Appropriations for Land Acquisitions
"Looks like an addendum to HR-488 and the Wildlands Project to me."
[Clarice Ryan] Note acquisition of large wildland areas, closing all
grazing, mineral rights not owned by U.S., road closures, etc. as part of
first round of Forest Service land and resource management plan. 2/16/03
What Caused
the illegal marijuana and meth producers dumping chemicals, poisons and
waste above the fish kill into creeks, watersheds and river be accountable
for the dead fish or at least have magnified the impact of the gill rot?" "Several members of the
DFG stated they were familiar with the chemicals listed and stated, "Of
course they could kill fish."
"John Martinez, until recently, was
employed by the Karuk Tribe in Happy Camp for nearly four years. " Martinez
stated. "I believe my safety is still in danger for having exposed potential
illegal drug-related activities." Barry R. Clausen writer,
Siskiyou Daily News, Feb. 17, 2003.
ESA Forum Exposes Keppen's Species Recovery Plans and Kerr's
Lack of Facts,
"By saying we are going to retire land now, you're jumping
to the conclusion that the project is the curse of all the problems in the
Klamath Basin and that's a pretty drastic solution to undertake before
having a pretty good sense of how all these other things are factored in."
Keppen also added that in the last 10 yrs, USFWS is using historically more
water than before". KBC news report 2/17/03
KWUA Weekly Update for
February 15, 2003.
Contains recent litigation and past court decisions that impact local water
Dan Keppen and Andy Kerr on Bald Eagle Conference ESA
panel Saturday night
The Bald Eagle Conference will have Dan Keppen, executive
director of Klamath Water Users Association, Andy Kerr, representing Oregon
Natural Resources Council, Bob Davison from Wildlife Management Institute of
Bend, and Kristen Berry, regional director of the National Audubon Society,
as panel speakers. Saturday Feb. 15, 7 p.m. at Mills Elementary
School, $10 admission.
44-page report of innovative environmental restoration and water
conservation efforts undertaken by water users,
Herald and News
Sucker Experts Needed, James Buchal, "Government
biologists couldn't find suckers in 1988, when they listed them, and yet in
the 1990s, they counted hundreds of thousands of them."
HeraldandNews 2/13/03
Kalina's Hardware in Malin celebrates celebrates 90 years
in business February 13-15th. There will be prizes and
refreshments, so come to the celebration. (By the way, some of the
Malin area wells are still dry because of the 'Tribal Trust' water
demanded by the Dept of the Interior from our aquifer this summer.
Pray for these hard-working honest folks--they don't deserve this!)
PRAYER PAGE for farmer's prayer for
President Bush, Sue Ellen Wooldridge, Gail Norton, John Keyes and others
making live-or-death decisions for our community.
What did
the Sawgrass Rebellion accomplish?
by Jan Jacobson, director, the Everglades Institute.
The convoy came from Klamath Falls, Oregon to help those being flooded
off their land in Florida. "And
the Convoys announced they were coming. Suddenly, nine years of flooding
Management shift dooms local wildlife refuges
February 9, 2003,Herald and
News Author Henry Christensen of Tulelake, California, is a retired employee
of U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service, who worked on the Tule Lake and the Lower Klamath wildlife refuges.
"Over a period of time,
the Fish & Wildlife Service allowed the thousands - and probably hundreds of
thousands - of fish that
were in Lower Klamath Lake, Tulelake and in the Lost River adjacent to the
Tulelake Refuge to be
destroyed without lifting a single finger to stop it".
KWUA Weekly Update for
February 8, 2003 - Contains the following:
* President Bush, Congress Prepare to Tackle 2003 Environmental
* New EQIP Draft Rules Out for Review
* California Water Users Question Boxer's Wilderness Bill
* Irrigators Await Klamath Project Operations Plan
* LaMalfa Speaks to Tulelake Growers
* State Biologists "Stunned" By Coho Return.
Oregonian, 2/6.
Stream flow forecast dry, grim, Dylan Darling, H&N, 2/6
Diversions to Rogue Targeted, Dylan Darling, H&N, 1/31.
Firm seeks more
Klamath Basin plaintiffs for lawsuit against Bureau, by Kehn
Gibson,The Tri-County Courier - February 5, 2003.
"The Bureau of Reclamation
violated its contract with Klamath Basin farmers and ranchers by
curtailing water deliveries in 2001, and they will face a lawsuit
because of that action, attorney Alan Saltman said Saturday."
Speaking to more than 100 farmers, ranchers and working folks gathered
at the Tulelake Fairgrounds, Saltman explained the foundation of his
clients’ case against the Bureau." For detailed report, you may
subscribe to The Tri-County Courier by contacting Kehn Gibson,
[email protected] This is our
new community newspaper that will be covering our Klamath Basin water
issues, as well as other local news. |

Photo courtesy of Pat Ratlif |
KWUA Weekly Update for January 31, 2003 - Contains the following:
* Enviros To Sue Rogue Irrigators over
Klamath Diversions
* Green Sturgeon Petition Rejected: Lampreys Now Proposed
for Listing
Water users plan meeting to discuss lawsuit
Herald and News, January 30, 2003 - The
law firm of Saltman and Stevens will
meet with interested people, 2 p.m. Saturday February 1, 2003, at the
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds home economics building.
Klamath bashers do nothing to try to improve things - Herald and News Op/Ed by Mike Connelly, January 29, 2003
NMFS Determines Green Sturgeon Does Not Warrant ESA Listing
- After reviewing the available scientific and commercial
information, NMFS has determined that the petitioned species is comprised of
two distinct population segments (DPSs) that qualify as species under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA), but that neither DPS warrants listing as a
threatened or endangered species at this time.
In tonight's State of the Union Address,
January 28, 2003, President Bush gave hope and promise of help for those
being double taxed, health care patients, drug addicts, disadvantaged
children, babies being killed in
partial birth abortions, and terrorized countries. He praised and
honored our military troops who
pay the price for our freedom.
America, we must never forget:
statement from County Commissioner John Elliott from speech
given in 2001
Water politics leave scars on farm families
January 27 2003, The Daily Triplicate.
"I'm tired of people telling us
we're farming the desert. It wasn't a desert, it was a lake and all we did
was take it out of here and stick it in Upper Klamath Lake and bring it back
to here at a more beneficial time and produce products that the world could
utilize." John Crawford, Tulelake farmer.
Barnes Ranch owner talks of possible sale,
By LEE JUILLERAT Herald and News January 27, 2003 "ALC
spokesmen said the sale price is $9.1 million, including a 7.5 percent
administrative charge and cost reimbursement for brokering the deal"
Switzer cleared of ethics rap. Jennifer Bates,
H&N, 1/24
KWUA Weekly Update - January
25, 2003 - Contains the following:
"The Hardy report was apparently led by the BIA,
with input provided by the Yurok Tribe and the California Department of Fish
and Game (CDFG) in the period leading up to the 2001 Klamath Project water
curtailment. Interestingly, CDFG invited KWUA biologists to a Hardy planning
meeting in 2000, who were met at the door by BIA officials and were told
they could not participate because of tribal concerns."
* ESA Impact Concerns Drawn Out at Fresno Water Users Conference
* Science, Process Used in Klamath River Flow Study Questioned in Fresno
* New Report Will Outline Proactive Local Conservation Efforts
* Partial List of Efforts Undertaken by Local Water Users and Producers
Western Land Use Conference
To be held: February 22 & 23, 2003 -- Klamath Falls,
Oregon --
Klamath Community College, 7390 South Sixth Street
Agenda for Saturday and Sunday Conference
Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:
Registration at the door will start at 7:30 AM
(but you need to call 541-857-0678 to reserve your spot)
Breakfast will be from 8:00 to 9:00 AM
Conference will start at 9:00 AM - Lunch Break - And end around 5:00 PM
Breakfast and lunch is included in your registration fee
For more information please go
People for the USA (PFUSA) Grange #835, the California State Grange, and
Klamath Community College are sponsoring a Western Land Use Conference,
bringing leading land use experts to KCC in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The
speakers are acknowledged leaders in their fields, respected for their
success, innovation and dedication. Participants will gain additional
knowledge of the Endangered Species Act; the Nati0onal Environmental Policy
Act; Western Water Law; Split-Estate Property Rights; R.S. 2477
Rights-of-Way; County Empowerment; County Sovereignty; Free Market Habitat
Management; and dealing with Democratic Socialism.
Conservancy has key part of Basin water puzzle - Herald and News Op/Ed
Guest Columnist Rich McIntyre - Oregon Coordinator for the American Land
Conservancy - January 20, 2003
Wilderness Society analysis of payments was not anti-farmer - Herald and
News Op/Ed Guest Columnist Bob Freimark - Director of the Pacific Northwest
Region of The Wilderness Society - January 20, 2003
Masami Hog Farm Appeal Meeting
- Tuesday, January 21, 2003 Klamath County Commissioner's Hearing
Room, Klamath County Government Building, 2:00 PM
Klamath Falls -- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Bull
Trout Habitat informational meeting and public hearings next week:
January 22: Klamath Falls, Oregon
Shilo Inn
2500 Almond Street
Information meeting 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Hearing 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Public information meetings will include a presentation by
representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, opportunities for
questions and answers, informational materials and a drop-off box for
written comments. Public hearings are a formal opportunity to submit oral
comments recorded and transcribed by a court reporter. A drop-off box for
written comments will also be available. All written comments or oral
testimony are given the same weight and consideration.
KWUA Weekly Update - January 17, 2003 - Contains the
* Western Economists Question USGS Draft
Klamath Recreational Study
* Fisheries Task Force Asks Interior Secretary to Investigate New Storage
* A Note From KWUA re: Downplaying Impacts of 2001
* Merrill Farmer Dick Carleton Voices His Concerns With OSU Economic Report
Review of USGS Study on recreational
benefits of eliminating farming in the Klamath Basin, Richard McCann,
Ph.D. "...anomalous results in the survey where recreational users were
found to be staying on AVERAGE several months on site...". And much more
junk science exposed. See
e-mail, and
full report.
Masami Seeks State Permit Animal feeding operation subject
to public comment 1/09
Bush Plan To Save Farmers A Mistake? Scientist
disputes agency's conclusion that feds caused massive fish kill 1/09
Review of USGS Study on recreational
benefits of eliminating farming in the Klamath Basin, Richard McCann,
Ph.D. "...anomalous results in the survey where recreational users were
found to be staying on AVERAGE several months on site...". And much more
junk science exposed. See e-mail, and
full report.
California Fish & Game Report Releases Assessment of Klamath River Fish
Die-Off. Many Questions Remain to be Answered,
Say Klamath Irrigators. Klamath Water Users, 1/4.
Klamath Water
Users' comments of Wilderness Society's assessment of 2001 Basin
relief program, 1/03.
Klamath Water Users'
Assessment of the OSU Economic Reports, 1/03.
Klamath Crisis overestimated,
study says, Eric Bailey, LA Times, 1/03/03.
quick look at a country where the government has been taking farms away from
the farmers, Reuters, 1/4.
Site stats
updated through 2002.
Commissioners to hear Masami hog farm case,
Matt Hall, H&N, 1/2. This link goes to the forum where Kfalls transcribed
the story. "The hearing is scheduled for 2 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the
Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main Street in Klamath Falls."
World Net Daily's 10 Most "Spiked Stories" of 200. Somehow, last
year, we missed this story of "senseless deprivation and devastation caused
by environmentalism run amuck".
See Archive 13: Nov-Dec 2002
also see main
archive page
Bless America |
Archive 14
also see:
environmental news and commentary
also see main archive page for past