Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Archive 77 - October 2008
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Around 1900, Link River, between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, occasionally went dry before the Klamath Project was built. There was no hydropower, no hatcheries, occasionally no fish (fish need water), no artificially-raised river flows or lake levels.  HERE for more
HERE for page where tribes, enviros and agencies want to remove the Klamath Dams, blaming the hydroelectric dams for salmon decline. This year is a bumper crop of salmon. The dams provide power for 70,000 households.
Water board mulls PacifiCorp project; Locals say they want Upper Klamath Basin dams to remain, Capital Press 10/30/08.
FEB 23

"Most of the locals attending a meeting Oct. 21 in Yreka said they want the dams to remain and asked the board to use pre-dam water quality as a baseline in their report. They explained why they believe the dams are not the cause of poor water quality and salmon issues."

'Dirty Jobs' comes to Basin; Television show shoots episode at Tulelake business, H&N 10/30/08. "With field producer Dave Barsky calling camera shots, host Mike Rowe worked with Mallard/Tule Goose Pillow Company owner Trudy Eastman Tuesday for an upcoming episode."

Salmon: No dam difference? by The Editorial Board October 29, 2008,

Harvesting Klamath algae, H&N, posted to KBC 10/30/08, followed by, Why is there so much algae in the lake?

Restoration agreement has local support; It would let Basin live with change and help direct it, H&N letter to editor by 74 people, 10/26/08. (KBC NOTE: More than 940 people recently signed petitions against this billion dollar 'agreement' in the Klamath Basin, 250 signed a Karuk petition opposing dam removal, and more than 2000 petitions have been sent to elected officials in the past 5 years against giving forest land to the Klamath Tribes that they previously sold, to be taken off the tax rolls.) HERE for more on 'agreement'

Tribes sign option to buy Mazama Tree Farm, H&N 8/29/08
Tribes’ biomass project would use cutting-edge technology, H&N 8/29/09

Environmental group calls logging plan a clear cut, Capital Press 10/28/08. (KBC Note: George Sexton of Klamath-Siskiyou wildlands is again trying to shut down logging where environmental law suits have kept it shut down 10 years. He sued against logging the Biscuit Fire burnt wood, derailing timber harvest plans until the wood rotted.

Surprising study shows more salmon survive West's dammed rivers, posted 10/29/08, The Canadian Press

Dams Not Main Cause of Salmon Collapse, Study Says, National Geographic, posted 10/29/08

Klamath Water and Power, KWAPA, public meeting Oct 29th.

Vote for Senator Whitsett, Oregon District 28, posted 10/29/08

Yreka - Residents sound off at dam meeting, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 10/29/08.
Water board mulls PacifiCorp project; Locals say they want Upper Klamath Basin dams to remain, Capital Press, Article and VIDEO
 IMPORTANT! KBC INFORMATION from Ca. Water Board - Send written comments regarding the Klamath Hydroelectric Project Environmental Impact Report to the address below. Identify a contact person in case the board has any questions about your comments. Comments must be received by 4 p.m. FEB. 23, 2008.
FERC’s Final EIS is available at: http://www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/enviro/eis/2007/11-16-07.asp

Attention: Jennifer Watts
State Water Resources Control Board
P.O Box 2000
Sacramento, CA 95812-2000

Phone:  (916) 341-5397
Fax:      (916) 341-5400
Email:   [email protected]

Klamath Project tour: Klamath reaches uneasy peace; Farmers, other groups try to work toward water compromises, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/28/08. "In 1857, members of an Army expedition to the region noted in their journals that the water quality in Upper Klamath Lake was so poor that their horses refused to drink from it." Photo-Rancher Bill Kennedy explains that the Klamath Project is beneficial for wildlife, which rely on canals for drinking water, as well as extremely effective for agricultural production.


Fish returning to hatcheries; Chinook salmon numbers are average at Iron Gate Hatchery, H&N, posted to KBC 10/28/08

Studies find changes in (Klamath)area sucker populations, followed by: Plan sets course for fish, by  H&N 10/22/08. (KBC note includes quotes by fisheries scientist Dave Vogel regarding the 10's of thousands of fish in Klamath Lake, and Dr William Lewis Jr., University of Colorado, from the National Academy of Science, explaining the water quality was historically bad in Klamath Lake and downsizing agriculture and making more swamps will not help the suckers or effect the water quality.)

JEFFERSON STATE - Could a 51st State Come From a Part-Time Rebellion? By Hans Fink for the IE Weekly, 10/22/08

Judge declines to reduce pumping of delta water for salmon, Fresno Bee, posted to KBC 10/22/08

California Tribal Business Alliance Releases '07-08 Legislative Vote Record, WSJ Market Watch, posted to KBC 10/22/08. "Implements the Administration's agreement with the Karuk Tribe to settle the tribe's lawsuit against the Department of Fish and Game over damage to the endangered Coho salmon population in the tribe's ancestral rivers -- the Klamath, the Scott, and the Salmon -- from instream suction gold dredge mining. (Vetoed)"

State of Bay-Delta Science, 2008. A publication summarizing our current understanding of the Delta by 'experts'.

Oct 24, Tom McClintok luncheon at Byrne Ranch. 

October 21, Klamath Hydro Dam Environmental Impact Report meeting on water quality certification, and public comment.

Klamath Basin ag focus of harvest tour, H&N 10/20/08

For past Humboldt in-depth tour of the Klamath Project (transcribed) go HERE.

Hydroelectricity in Basin, H&N 10/20/08

Why we endorsed John McCain, by editor Carl Sampson, Capital Press, posted 10/20/08. "Obama, one of the most liberal members of the U.S. Senate, also tries to sound as though he's a middle-of-the-road candidate. Yet, a review of the folks supporting his candidacy shows everyone from Jane Fonda - who was protesting the Vietnam War while McCain was a prisoner of war there - to the political action committee affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States. That group is famously anti-animal agriculture."

Our (Capital Press) choice: John McCain, Editorial, Capital Press, posted 10/20/08.

Most ag groups back McCain, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/20/08. "

The perfect day for a Potato, Merrill celebrates 71st annual Klamath Basin Potato Festival H&N 10/19/08

IDAHO - Conservationists, Forest Service buy up mines, Capital Press 10/19/08. "The 36-year-old San Francisco-based group buys land with money from supporters and holds it until agencies such as the Forest Service can secure funding elsewhere, including offshore oil and natural gas royalties from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. So far...2.5 million acres in 47 states... there are still millions of dollars worth left in the ground..."

Acts 19 Part I for 10/19/08

Coho Returns Boosted From 68,600 To 200,000, Many Fish Larger Than Usual, CB Bulletin 10/17/08

Upriver Coho Surge Allows More Tribal Commercial Fishing Days Above Bonneville, CBBulletin 10/17/08. "...tribal fishers will again spread their nets next week in Columbia River reservoirs above Bonneville Dam...Fish continue to be available for sale to the public "over the bank" at numerous locations upstream of Bonneville...Tribal coho harvest through this week totals an estimated 18,620 to date...The treaty harvest is projected to total 42,572 "upriver brights"...The fall fisheries will have netted a total of 107,546 chinook in total this year, according to tribal estimates. The total steelhead catch is expected to be 24,645."

Karuk response in litigation against suction dredge mining on Klamath River and tributaries, posted 10/16/08

Merrill Potato Festival,  Oct 17-18. There will be displays on Friday afternoon, the parade is on Sat at 11 and there are Pop Warner football games during the day Sat. BBQ follows the parade.

Bill Kennedy, Klamath Basin farmer, responded to Herald and News:  Seize the Moment FOLLOWED BY: Seize the moment to make progress on the Klamath 8/13/06; Herald and News editor "Pat Bushey has touched on several thoughts regarding the intentional dismantling of the power infrastructure on the Klamath River." "While we continue to see our infrastructure of irrigated agriculture ignored and dismantled, third world nations in Africa, the Americas and Asia are trying to build what we have had for over 100 years." 8/20/06


USFWS sucker recovery public meeting 10/15/08, Klamath Falls

Klamath Charter - Political Reality, by Bill Kennedy, Klamath Falls, letter to the editor 10/15/08

Memorial service for Eleanor Bolesta 10/12/08, H&N. "She became the first woman in the history of the Bureau of Reclamation to be awarded a homestead, and claimed her 112 acres in March 1947"

 We will miss you Eleanor!

HERE for Tulelake Homesteaders Page


Anti-Suction Dredging Legislation is Dead in California! New 49ers Newsletter 10/12/08. "...nearly every Republican stood with us, and nearly every Democrat within the California legislature would have voted to put small-scale miners out of business...our adversaries (Karuk Tribe and their far-left friends) have notified the Court that they intend to ... ask the Court to impose an injunction upon further issuance of suction dredge permits in California..."

Water pact work remains; Efforts to drum up support continue, as do disagreements, H&N 10/12/08. "Sustainable Northwest, a Portland-based environmental group which first came to the Klamath Basin at the request of local rancher Becky Hyde and the Klamath Tribes, organized flights over the region last weekend...Off-Project irrigator Tom Mallams, who participated in the flyover, does not support the agreement. He has been vocal about his feeling that off-Project irrigators like himself are not getting the same kinds of protections that on-Project irrigators are." HERE for Settlement Page.

 We were sent this draft of the proposed “Sense of Congress” Resolution which was circulated to Klamath Restoration Agreement  member organizations and presented to members of Congress. We heard it did not pass. 10/8/08. It was sent as confidential. Why did the groups hide this from their constituents/communities? Why the continued secrecy?

Yurok Tribe netting salmon - To KBC from Sherrie: "Recently my husband and I were at the coast visiting. We decided to go check out the Klamath River where is meets the ocean. We were shocked when we arrived. Hundreds of people from the Yurok tribe fishing with nets. The nets spanned pretty much across the whole width of the river as far as I could see up the river. How are the Salmon supposed to get passed the Yurok tribe to get to Klamath in the first place?" Sherrie. HERE for photos

Fishermen back-bounce for salmon from drift boats Sunday in the Klamath River near Hornbrook, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 10/8/08

Memorial service for Durrell Walden, Tulelake. We will miss you!



Dan ByrneMemorial services for Dan Byrne, Tulelake

We're sorry to hear that Dan Byrne passed away yesterday, October 5. Dan, from Tulelake, was the California Farm Bureau Federation district director for District 19, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas-Sierra Counties. He raised cattle and was board liaison to the public lands advisory committee.

Buffett: Here Is My Plan for the Economy, Newsmax, posted 10/6/08

Oregon Economy, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted 10/06/08

Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett speaks on Emergency preparedness, 10/6/08, KFLS, Klamath Falls

Senator Doug Whitsett speech on Klamath dam removal and KlamathBasinRestorationAgreement, KFLS, re-posted to KBC 10/6/08. HERE for KBRA Page.

New Energy Report Finds U.S. Domestic Production Could Provide 179 Years Of Oil & 495 Years Of Natural Gas Supplies, PRESS RELEASE, posted 10/6/08

Stakeholders get birds-eye perspective; Water agreement stakeholders view much of the area included in the agreement by plane, 10/6/08, H&N. HERE for more on settlement agreement

Notice of preparation and of scoping meetings for an environmental impact report for 401 water quality certification of the Klamath hydroelectric project, posted 10/5/08.
MEETING NOTICE - Ca State Waterboard explains the Environmental Impact Report for water quality certification, followed by public comment. posted 10/5/08 Important to attend!

A move to secede on California-Oregon border, San Francisco Chronicle 10/5/08. "Locals complain that federal and state regulators have hampered the fishing and timber industries to protect forestlands and endangered species such as sucker fish and the spotted owl...folks in Siskiyou, Modoc and the other potential Jefferson counties could whack the red tape from both federal and state officials and get rid of the sales tax..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted 10/5/08. "This is the final edition of the Friday Review for 2008. This edition contains the Governor's action on following bills: AB186 AB541 AB844 SB691 AB1021 AB1107 AB2168 AB2222 AB2270 AB2386 AB2402 AB2763 AB2881 AB2921 AB634 AB2824 SB974 SB1723"

OREGON - Financial bailout bill includes timber payments, Capital Press, posted 10/5/08

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sucker Recovery Public Meeting Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Shilo Inn, Klamath Falls. Posted 10/5/08

Farm prices not small potatoes, H&N, posted 10/5/08

Interim Rule and Request for Comments (on the NAIS), deadline November 17, 2008, Citizens for Constitutional Republic 10/05/08

Fighting to Stop the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), Liberty Ark Coalition website., posted to KBC 10/5/08

Sheep producer is angry 'the wolves win', Capital Press 10/5/08. "'We are close to 30 farms that have depredation problems this year,' Wydeven said. 'Five years ago, it was five or six farms.' ...'If you have a poodle outside your house and a wolf comes up and is going to kill him, what are you going to do? Are you going to stand there and watch? Or if the gun is in the closet are going to get it and shoot?' the farmer asked....The only legal way to kill a wolf right now is if one was attacking a human being..." HERE for wolf page.

Letter to KBC from Paula Statzer on wolves, posted 10/5/08

Gopher killer takes the war underground, Farmer takes on rodent pests with automated invention, Capital Press 10/3/08. “This machine is an elegant solution and efficient,” (Allen) Hurlburt said. “It kills the gopher quickly and humanely. And there is no poison bait, and no explosions.”


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