Time to Take Action

Archive 210 - November 2019
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Court dismisses lawsuit against wolf delisting, H&N 11/29/19

Judge says O&C lands in Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument can be cut, H&N 11/28/19

Becky Hyde appointed to ODFW commission, H&N 11/22/19. See Becky Hyde page.

OWRD to host groundwater management open house Dec 17, H&N 11/22/19

Yurok Tribe responds to 'Takings' outcome, H&N 11/19/19. "Officials representing the tribes interests said this means two things: (1) that Yurok water rights require the Bureau of Reclamation to provide, at minimum, enough water to the Klamath River to support salmon habitat and ensure the persistence of coho salmon and, (2) that Klamath Irrigation Project water withdrawals can only occur when there is enough water in the river to ensure the persistence of the fish."

* Yurok Tribe files suit against Reclamation, H&N 12/29/19.

* Federal agencies can’t ignore science and facts; National Academy of Science found there was no credible scientific basis for Hardy's flow requirements,
"Dr. Hardy made the mistake while he was working for the government. He didn’t admit his mistake; instead he blamed the government. Now he is helping someone else sue the government for his mistake. While all this is going on, Dr. Hardy’s theoretical fish models remain disputed by the highest science body in the land — the National Academy"

* The court case is Yurok Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association and Institute for Fisheries Resources vs. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and National Marine Fisheries Services. Attorneys Earthjustice, representing Yuroks, PCFFA and IFFR, are financially supported by George Soros

* 'Erroneous' data triggers new biological opinion, H&N 11/17/19. "The most recent consultation, which also took into consideration the effects on the killer whale in the Pacific Ocean, was expected to last through 2024"...“There are things that we believe that have gone beyond the duties of the Klamath Project,” said KWUA Executive Director Paul Simmons.

* Yurok Preliminary Injunction Motion filed 10/18/19


Water coalition aims to coordinate conservation efforts, H&N 11/19/19. "The Coalition of the Willing, a group of about 50 to 60 individuals...hired a facilitator whose salary is being financed in part by county funds, with pledges made by state and federal entities....Dan Keppen and Craig Tucker informally chair the stakeholders coalition."
Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe spokesman, KBRA voting member, and a founder and board member of Klamath Riverkeeper. He joined Green Corps, specialized in community organizing and social justice, outreach director for Friends of the River,
 He is Campaign Coordinator for the Karuk Tribe's 'Bring the Salmon Home' campaign. "The goal: removal of four dams on the Klamath River which would represent the largest dam removal project in history." "we worked with the Klamath Project irrigators, the enemies of the tribes since those guys showed up; we did work out a water sharing agreement. ...We did not solve all the problems in the Klamath Basin with these agreements. We did not get rid of all the farmers, we did not rebuild all the wetlands, but we do pull off the biggest dam removal in the history of the world...and if we're still gonna deal with water quality issues at Keno, at the end of the day, I can guarantee the Karuk Tribe and Craig Tucker will be in the front seat dealing with that next."
Dan Keppen
: is presently is executive director of Family Farm Alliance and Klamath Water Users Association / KWUA public relations employee. He was engineer and media consultant for the former KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency for KWUA On Project Plan, which was included in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.  Keppen was with Northern California Water Association, and employed by the Bureau of Reclamation before coming to Klamath Falls in 2001 to work as executive director of KWUA.

Klamath Tribes agree with court's ruling (on Takings Case), H&N 11/16/19. "Sue Noe, affiliated with the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) and legal counsel for Klamath Tribes, said that Klamath Project irrigators, who are junior water users to the tribes, “were not entitled to receive any Project water in 2001.” (KBC NOTE: AFTER the 2001 water shutoff, the National Research Council stated that the water shutoff was "unjustified." For some perspective, NARF is supported by Ford Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, which along with George Soros' Open Society Foundation funded the northbound central American migrant caravans through Mexico:" https://onenewsnow.com/culture/2018/05/01/reports-soros-funding-border-caravan-invasion

Court Denies Farmers’ and Ranchers’ Just Compensation Claims in Water Takings Case Western Water Law challenged in the process, KWUA 11/14/19

Comment period extended to December 2 by Bureau of Reclamation
Public comment for irrigation power cost reports, H&N 11/10/19.

***The draft reports, called the Klamath Basin Affordable Power Studies Power Cost Benchmark Report and Klamath River Basin America’s Water Infrastructure Act Affordable Power Measures Report are available at www.usbr.gov/mp/kbao/programs/affordable-power.html
Comments will be accepted through December 2, 2019. Comments may be emailed to [email protected] before midnight. By mail or hand delivery they must arrive by 4:30 p.m. to 6600 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603.
These are the two reports to be commented on:
* APM Draft Report Nov 7  (AWIA Report/America Water Infrastructure Act)
* PCB Draft Report Nov 12 (Power cost benchmark report)

***Some Excerpts from current and past Reports, including key words "dam removal," "KBRA, "Water Use Retirement Program." when PacifiCorps....retires and removes...Klamath River Dams," "solar facility...would require 2,400 acres of land" "number of uncertainties," "disrupt water deliveries," "Keno Dam," "power prices...volatile."

 *** Plans target irrigation power cost reduction: KWUA hearing details water study progress. Energy symposium set for October by Sustainable NW, H&N 9/11/19. "...some irrigators have seen power costs increase as much as 2,000%, according to the Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA)."
***Sustainable NW and Trout Unlimited and other dam-removal-agenda NGOs appointed Richard Roos_Collins to the Klamath River Dam removal board, KRRC.
***"Richard Roos-Collins Legal Director, NATURAL HERITAGE INSTITUTE Attorney for American Rivers, Inc, California Trout, Sustainable NW, etc. Currently he is outside general counsel for NHI, and "has drafted and negotiated more than 50 such settlements. These include: Klamath Basin Restoration and Hydropower Agreements..." http://n-h-i.org/about-nhi/board-staff/ "

Perspectives on Klamath River dam removal by Rex Cozzalio, 4th generation rancher by Iron Gate Dam on the Klamath River 11/8/19. This is a response to former legislator Jason Atkinson's support of destroying Klamath River Dams. Subject - dams and: irrigators, toxic algae, deadly C Shasta, habitat, power and PacifiCorp.

Native workers unsure of future after coal plant closes, H&N 11/3/19. "...mining operations in the region employed 700 mostly Native American workers. The power plant had more than 500 employees, 90% of whom were Navajo. Navajo President Jonathan Nez said the tribe will lose between $40 million and $50 million annually from coal revenue and lease payments...U.S. utilities announced the retirement of nearly 550 coal-fired power generators since 2010, the agency said. More are planned."


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