Time to Take Action

Archive 160 - September 2015
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For letters, opinions, whose who, articles, petitions, polls, documents on the Klamath "agreements", go HERE

From the Archives: Suckers show sign of recovery, H&N, posted to KBC 8/1/07. "(Tribal Chairman Joe Kirk) was disappointed the decision came while the Tribes and other Klamath Basin stakeholders are working to resolve Klamath River issues, including the future of four hydroelectric dams, coastal fisheries and irrigation and tribal needs. 'To have something of this importance dropped on us without consultation while we are trying to settle Basin resource issues is a disservice to everyone,' Kirk said." (KBC Question?? Since irrigators have done numerous conservation and habitat projects to make more suckers for the Tribes who want to restore their sucker fisheries and sucker diet, why aren't they rejoicing? Are there things in the secret settlement that would be affected by thriving suckers?)

* VIDEO - Elaine Willman, former director of Tribal Affairs for Hobart, Wisconsin, explains how their tribe chose to turn their reservation into individual allotments, then later the government decided to reestablish their reservation boundaries. She was instrumental in saving the town from tax exempt tribal land acquisitions: Land Jurisdiction in the Village of Hobart, YouTube 6/16/15. Well worth watching if you live in the Klamath Basin.

Romans 5:1-5 - "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Sent by Frank Tallerico

9/27/15 - KBC NOTE: Presently is a huge push by Klamath River Tribal leaders, environmental groups wanting to "rewild" Klamath River Basin, blackmailed farm leaders, and Herald and News newspaper to write their 2 lead U.S. Congressmen to support the controversial Klamath dam-removal "agreements" which promise to downsize agriculture, give land to the Klamath Tribes which they sold when they voted to terminate, 'hope' for a better power rate, and keep the Tribes from completely shutting down Klamath Project irrigation. 

It is most important to write to your representatives NOW:

* Doug LaMalfa
322 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone 202 225 3076
email rep Erin Ryan:
 [email protected]

* Greg Walden
U.S. House of Representatives
2185 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
phone: 202 225 6730

Water settlements urgently need champions, H&N, posted to KBC 9/27/15, is one of the media ploys praising the controversial Klamath "agreements'. According to H&N editor Pat Bushey in a later editorial, in addition to the two farmer guest writers was Curt Mullis was a lead employee of US Fish and Wildlife service for the Klamath Basin involved with endangered suckers. In his bio story praising him is Phil Detrich, who "led the development of state and federal regulations and management for Northern spotted owls....Detrich was the Fish and Wildlife representative in the years-long multi-party settlement talks that led to the two-part Klamath Basin deal...that aims to remove four dams on the Klamath River, restore the fishery...Detrich calls the deal a success only on paper, for now. The future will determine if it saves salmon."

Our Public Lands Must Not Go Up in Smoke, by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter posted to kbc 9/27/15. "The scope of the mismanagement of our more than 300 million acres of U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) federal lands was once again made evident by the smoke-filled August skies...According to the National Interagency Fire Center, over eight million acres had burned as of the beginning of September... Annual greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires dwarfs our nation’s emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels..."

Will Oregon go to Pot? by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 9/27/15. "Marijuana-related traffic deaths doubled in Colorado, from 47 to 94 per year, between 2009 and 2014. Colorado’s marijuana-related Emergency Room calls have increased since 2009 by more than 10,000 per year..."

2015 Regional CERA Conference Announcement & Registration form Sept 26, 2015, sent by Elaine Willman. "Sessions include Western State River watershed policies, Flawed Fundamentals of Federal Indian Policy, CSKT Water Compact, Federalism, U.S. Supreme Court and other recent rulings update, EPA Treatment Similar to States, Fee-to-Trust Land - Litigation & Regulations, Spreading tribalism across the US, Rogue Federal Agencies: EPA, BIA, USFW, BLM, DOI & Others"

California Congressman Doug LaMalfa expresses concerns with KBRA at townhall in Tulelake, by KBC News 9/19/15. "How can I support something that's morally wrong?" asked LaMalfa.

Revealing the Puppetmasters of Oregon's Environmental Policy, Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 9/19/15.

KBRA has always been a fraud,  Pie N Politics by Liz Bowen, posted to KBC 9/19/15

Yurok Tribe pulls out of Klamath River agreement, The Triplicate, posted to KBC 9/19/15. KBC NOTE: Environmental activist/current Karuk Tribe spokesman, has stated to a meeting of all the tribes and environmental groups in this video, "we worked with the Klamath Project irrigators, the enemies of the tribes since those guys showed up; we did work out a water sharing agreement. ...We did not solve all the problems in the Klamath Basin with these agreements. We did not get rid of all the farmers, we did not rebuild all the wetlands, but we do pull off the biggest dam removal in the history of the world...and if we're still gonna deal with water quality issues at Keno, at the end of the day, I can guarantee the Karuk Tribe and Craig Tucker will be in the front seat dealing with that next." (KBC NOTE: that refers to destroying the Keno Dam, which provides water to the Klamath Project irrigators).

Federal court strikes down some D.C. gun laws as unconstitutional, Fox News, posted to KBC 9/19/15

Pioneer Day at the Tulelake Honker Sept 12, fairtime by the high school 10 a.m. until after the parade. Tulelake pioneers, friends and neighbors are welcome!

Klamath Water Users executive director resigns; Greg Addington's last day will be Dec. 15, H&N, posted to KBC 9/12/15. "KWUA deputy director Matt Vickery is also resigning." "Addington and a coalition of KBRA stakeholders are in Washington, D.C., this week to pitch to federal officials the stability they believe a settlement could bring to the Basin farming and tribal communities. Stakeholders are banking on the settlements winning congressional approval before the new year."

Tulelake Monument Honors Homesteaders, H&N 9/11/15.

COMMENTS DUE September 4! Draft (Groundwater) Basin Boundary Regulations Released by Department of Water Resources, posted to KBC 8/21/15.

KWAPA public meeting 9/1/15

Klamath Water issues by Erika Bentson, resident Klamath County, Western Ag Reporter, posted September 2015
* Klamath Agreement in Principle: A Redistribution of wealth, rights, & water 1/9/14
* Klamath Basin Water . . . Situation Update 3/17/14
* Klamath Upper Basin Proposed Settlement 3/20/14
* Klamath Basin Water . . . Time for soul searching
, 3/27/14.
Klamath Water: Tribes approve Agreement in close vote 4/17/1
* Klamath Water: Drought wells denied part 1 and 2, 4/10/14 and 4/17/14
Upper Klamath Basin Agreement signed, despite tribal protest, 4/24/14
Klamath Water:  Fish vs. Frogs 5/15/14
* Klamath Water:  Project farms to call upper basin water 5/29/14

Klamath Water:  Some ranchers backing out of Agreement 7/3/14
* Klamath Water: City under siege 8/7/14

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