Archive 119 - April 2012
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Non-Point Source Water Regulations, Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 4/29/12 Don’t need to be a scientist to know it’s bogus, H&N letter to the editor by Jerry Anderson, Klamath Falls 4/29/12. "The official EIR/EIS Klamath dam removal document) is full of such “bogus” science; hence Dr. Paul Houser, whistleblower." Farm Bureau vs. Fish & Game: Court will decide whether CDFG can regulate stream diversions, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/29/12. "Groups failed to intervene: In June, the Karuk Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA), Institute for Fisheries Resources and Klamath Riverkeeper filed a motion to intervene in the case, claiming they have an interest in the outcome." From PCFFA website: "Most of Bingham’s work and all of (Glen) Spain’s were funded through grants and contracts that could only go through a 501(c)(3) non-profit – which was IFR. If fishermen along the Pacific Coast want to thank someone for their good seasons, they can thank God for the wet winters and good oceanic conditions, thank Earthjustice for suing the bastards to protect the fish and get better river flows, and thank IFR for providing fishermen the wherewithal to fight for their fish and their communities." Senate ag panel passes farm bill, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/29/12 Labor Department statement on withdrawal of proposed rule dealing with children who work in agricultural vocations, DOL, posted to KBC 4/29/12 The Truth About the Health Care Bills, by Michael Connelly, Ret. Constitutional Attorney, 2009 Bend Bulletin Endorsement: Whitsett the right choice for Republicans, posted to KBC 4/27/12. Greg Walden "Just found out the Department of Labor is backing off its ill-advised “Youth Ag Rule.” This is great news! Having grown up on a cherry orchard in The Dalles, I know that training the next generation of farmers and ranchers is a must if we want a stable food supply. The rule, which received heavy criticism from the farm and ranch community, would have discouraged young people from staying on the farm and made it impossible for programs like FFA and 4-H to continue giving kids important hands-on experience in agriculture. In announcing the reversal, the Department of Labor said they will work with rural stakeholders in the future. They also said they withdrew the rule in response to thousands of comments expressing concern. Working together, we did it! Thanks to all who were vocal on this issue." Posted to KBC 4/27/12
Administration scraps proposed child labor rules, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/27/12.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review 4/27/12. Congressman Tom McClintock E-News 4/27/12. "The subcommittee sits today to hear two bills, one removing government impediments to development of one of the cheapest and cleanest forms of electricity generation and one proposing more government subsidies for one of the most expensive forms of water delivery," Columbia Basin Bulletin 4/27/12. "‘I Think We Need To Take Those Dams Down’: Judge Redden’s Interview Comments Stir Reaction," "Gorge Hatcheries Release 10 Million Plus Juvenile Salmon Past Week; More Transferred For Recovery Programs,"
(Klamath Basin) Farmland lease bids hit new record, H&N 4/26/12.
Hastings' Statement on Judge Redden's Admitted Bias to Destroy Snake River Dams,
followed by: Former salmon judge: Snake dams should come down 4/26/12 * Fish or Foul on the Klamath River? Commentary by Frank Galusha 4/25/12. VIDEO is produced by American's For Prospertity. "Salmon never made it that far," "More water reaches the Klamath today," "Then why was so little water available on Lower Klamath?" "Dams provide some flood control and critical flow control ." 4/22/12, sent by Frank Tallerico, Proverbs 3:3-8 - 3. "Never forget to be truthful and kind. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart. 4&5. If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. 6. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success. 7&8. Don't be conceited, sure of your own wisdom. Instead, trust and reverence the Lord, and turn your back on evil; when you do that, then you will be given renewed health and vitality." Six Sheriffs and Attorney (Karen Budd-Falen) will hold panel in Modoc 4/21 Comments Due Oregon Spotted Frog 4/20/12
Gail Whitsett is right for the job, H&N by Bill Kennedy 4/19/12. "Gail Whitsett is effective and engaged in the state Legislature. Gail knows the ins and outs of the legislative
Project irrigation: A primer, H&N 4/19/12. Mallams understands threat of the KBRA, H&N letter by Edward Bartell 4/17/12. "As for the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement guaranteeing 330,000 acre-feet for project farmers, KBRA says no such thing. The trigger for the environmentalists or Tribes to go after more Endangered Species Act water from Project farmers, beyond the 330,000 acre feet is they have to “believe” irrigation diversions “may” jeopardize endangered species (KBRA21.3.1.B.iv.e"
The truth about the KBRA, by Bob King, charter board member of Klamath Bucket Brigade, and farmer in Klamath and Lake countie 4/17/12. "Keppen and Addington have been lying to this community all for a position in the new world order at the cost to our community and children's future. The KBRA/KHSA settlement agreement might as well been written by Hitler, Gorbachev and Stalin. Ask Keppen and Addington what page what paragraph and what line in the KBRA it promises water for the farmers and don't let them beat around the bush, hold their feet to fire. They will not show you because it's not there."
KBRA provides real protection for irrigators, H&N Letter to the Editor 4/17/12 by Greg Addington (director of KWUA / Klamath Water Users Association). "the KBRA states that the County would receive $500,000 “to undertake a study and projects for economic development associated with the restoration of the Klamath River ... and the agreement (and parties) will support and secure up to $3.2 million (as described in the KBRA Budget) for any lost property taxes."
KBRA Myth Versus Fact
Presentation of Wolves sponsored by Siskiyou County Ag Dept. May 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Miners Inn convention center. Expert Carter Niemeyer will discuss the potential impact of wolves on livestock and wildlife. Expose Our Corruption and We'll Steal Your Child, NewsWithViews, posted to KBC 4/16/12. KBC Editor: United Nations' ICLEI has come to communities neighboring Klamath Basin. This horror story is real. Following are related stories and videos: When you expose U.N. inspired tyranny, there are consequences. Is your freedom worth the following retaliation, or your life: U.N. taking over city councils everywhere by Stacy Lynne. This applies to your town and your neighbors. Please watch this informative video. A great summary. Stacy Lynne has exposed corruption: StacyLynne Arrested Son Taken From Her! Fort Collins, Colorado 12/21/11. HERE for U.N. Agenda 21 Page. Convicted defendants left uninformed of forensic flaws found by Justice Dept., Washington Post 4/16/12. Simplified 3-page letter to Siskiyou County legal counsel Thomas P Guarino from scientist Stephen Koshy on catastrophic Klamath dam collapse. Koshy called and explained to KBC News that there will be a catastrophic collapse if Klamath dams are destroyed, costing lives and at least $5 billion to clean up. He sent his detailed warning to the Bureau of Reclamation but they did not respond. 4/15/12. HERE for Koshy's website including his biography and letters on Snake and Columbia Dam destruction. Candidates split on KBRA support, dam removal plan, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/12
There is local timber that could be cut, Bob Jensen, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/12. "The 1990 Timber Management Plan for the Fremont-Winema National Forests called for a timber harvest of approximately 490 million board feet...this volume was never met due to legal challenges to various timber sales because of spotted owl and salmon controversies, so that today the two national forests produce approximately 50 to 60 million board feet annually."
Klamath Falls - Final decision on biomass plant a year away, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/12. "The site is just outside the boundaries of the air quality nonattainment area, which is an area that has not met federal air quality standards."
HERE for biofuel page It's time to invest in 'smart' electrical grid, by WILLIAM D. KENNEDY For the Capital Press, posted to KBC April 14, 2012 Forest road closures big topic at Oregon town hall, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/14/12. "...Forest Service plan to bar most motor vehicles from about 3,600 miles of roads in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest." "Baker City Mayor Dennis Dorrah described the plan as 'a horrible, horrible thing.' He told Merkley on Monday that road closures would make it impossible for irrigation officials to reach diversion dams." Coho Hoax, by John Martinez, posted to KBC 4/14/12. Original article 2003." Sheriff will brief voters on levy, laws, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 4/14/12 NASA rocked by global warming rebellion, American Thinker, posted to KBC 4/14/12. KBC Editor: The KBRA water allocations will be effected by results of "climate change" studies. PLP / Public Lands for the People versus CDFG, posted to KBC 4/14/12. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 4/14/12. "State Compensation Insurance Fund, Strategic Vision, Metal Theft, California Coastal Commission, Labor,....Water Columbia Basin Bulletin, posted to KBC 4/14/12: Sea Lion trapping, Spring Chinook, BOR hydropower generation...
Klamath gold miners sue California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) for banning suction dredge mining, The New 49ers 4/13/12. "We filed this case in Yreka, Siskiyou County, a location which is more in touch with the results of DFG's ever-expanding over-regulation, not only with small-scale miners; but also the agriculture industry and other forms of natural resource development (like our hydro-dams)." KBC Note: constant lawsuits against the miners were brought on by Karuk Tribe
Siskiyou Under Siege; The Cast of Characters, KSYC Radio News 4/13/12: Senate hopefuls debate priorities, H&N 4/13/12. "Whitsett opposes dam removal and the KBRA...Scronce, who took part in negotiating the KBRA, called the agreement an example of cooperation between differing points of view. He said he would take that same spirit of cooperation to the Oregon Legislature." KBC Editor: KBRA was born in closed door meetings with no transparency, no public input, no public vote, and no agriculture groups allowed at the negotiation table that did not agree with the predetermined agenda of Klamath dam destruction and giving Klamath Tribes land (they previously sold.)
CORRECTION: This page has been corrected: Dam Removal Would Be Catastrophic, interview of scientist Stephen Koshy, DRA, posted to KBC 3/31/12. Koshy is a civil engineer, scientist and administrator. KWAPA public meeting 4/11/12. TID public meeting 4/9/12 Group files new suction dredge lawsuit, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 4/8/12. Karuk Tribe (Craig Tucker, dam removal activist), PCFFA (Glen Spain, Eugene Attorney), Center for Biological Diversity (files ESA/endangered species act lawsuits daily), and FOR / Friends of the River (dam removal ecoterrorist group, Craig Tucker was former coordinator). Spain and Tucker are voting members as "stakeholders" on the KBRA / Klamath BAsin Restoration Agreement. All of the above have had their litigation funded by Earthjustice, funded partly by George Soros. The ecoterrorist claim, "risk of mobilizing mercury in the water column." In the KBRA, they advocate destroying 4 hydrodams, releasing 20 million cubic yards of sediment, obliterating any life forms: Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction. Historic Supreme Court ruling allows the Sacketts to fight EPA takeover of their land, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 4/8/12. "The Court ruled in favor of Mike and Chantell Sackett, of Priest Lake, Idaho, who were told by EPA - and by the Ninth Circuit - that they could not get direct court review of EPA's claim that their two-thirds of an acre parcel is "wetlands" and that they must obey a detailed and intrusive EPA "compliance" order, or be hit with fines of up to $75,000 per day." April 8, 2012, Resurrection Sunday, sent by Frank Tallerico Six Sheriffs and Attorney (Karen Budd-Falen) will hold panel in Modoc on April 21, Support Rural America Press Release 4/7/12. "Those who believe the Constitution is the law of the land will find hope in this panel of sheriffs." PRESS RELEASE - (Klamath Dam) Whistleblower coming to Klamath and Siskiyou, Cal-Ore Bi-State Alliance North Coast Irrigated Lands Discharge Program, Tulelake May 8, Scott and Shasta Valleys May 9
Press Release: Bureau of Reclamation Klamath Project 2012 Operations Plan Released, posted to KBC 4/7/12. Former Interior Dept. adviser: administration's report on (Klamath) dam removal 'intentionally biased.' The Daily Caller, posted to KBC 4/7/12. Here for Dr. Houser PAGE Ocean anglers get long salmon season; In Brookings, Gold Beach area it runs May 1 through Sept. 9, Mail Tribune 4/7/12. "The liberal seasons are possible because more than 1.6 million chinook are estimated to be headed toward Northern California's Klamath River, the highest number in more than 30 years."
National Marine Fisheries Service: ‘Chinook not endangered, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/7/12. "The agency says several studies have “found that spring-run and fall-run populations in the Salmon River were nearly indistinguishable genetically and that spring and fall-run populations in the South Fork Trinity were extremely similar to each other and to the Trinity River hatchery stocks.” N. California jobless figures worsen, H&N, posted to KBC 4/7/12. "February (unemployment) rates at 16.7 percent in Modoc County and 18.8 percent in Siskiyou County." KBC NOTE: Our country used to support American timber harvest, mining and agriculture. Federal agencies and environmental groups have shut down roads and timber harvest, banned mining, and spent billions of dollars to eliminate agriculture in our region. Alleged embezzler Roland Raymond surrenders to authorities, IndyBay, posted to KBC 3/7/12. "The case stems from ... investigation of over $870,000 in Federal funds appropriated to the Yurok Tribe for wildlife preservation, including the spotted owl research project"...""The science used for implementation of these MLPA (Marine Life Protection Act) closures needs to be fully and independently investigated and verified, following Mr. LeValley's felony arrest. Until then, none of the science in this DEIR can be considered valid..." U.S. Armed Forces - We Must Fight - President Reagan YouTube 3 minutes. ESA partially to blame for bird kill at refuges, Debbie Kliewer, H&N letter 4/7/12. The Battle of Athens, Restoring the Rule of Law YouTube, posted to KBC 4/7/12. "The Battle of Athens was an armed rebellion led by WWII veterans and citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, U.S., against the tyrannical local government in August 1946." True story, 13.5 minutes. US Forest Service Targets $40.6M to Purchase, Restore Lands in 15 States, USFS, posted to KBC 4/7/12. WALLAWA SHERIFF - Locals Level Concerns Against Forest Service's Law Officers, OPB, posted to KBC 4/7/12. Outlook improves for Basin irrigators, Snowpack at 100 percent of average; lake 2-1/2 feet higher, H&N April 2012
Water issues dominate Merkley town hall, Senator speaks at high school Tuesday in Merrill, H&N 4/5/12. "Merkley introduced legislation to move aspects of the KBRA forward, including removing dams. This year, Merkley is pursuing hearings on the legislation, but has said in the meantime he plans to push portions of the agreement that don’t require legislation, such as finding funding in the federal budget."
“You’re on the wrong side of the KBRA,” said Bill Adams, Klamath Falls City Council member. “It does not guarantee
Oregon says bald eagles are good to go without special protection, H&N, posted to KBC 4/6/12
Candidates say jobs are the top
priority, H&N, posted to KBC
4/7/12: State House District 56,
candidates Gail Whitsett and Tracey
Liskey Biomass meeting 4/6/12 Need for (Klamath) land idling unknown, H&N 4/5/12. “We have 100 percent of normal snowpack, a full lake and 92 percent of year-to-date precipitation,” Holly Cannon, KWAPA director) said. “It seems ridiculous that we’re even talking about a (water) cutoff at all.” (Klamath) Community welcomes sight of full and flowing A Canal, H&N, posted to KBC 4/7/12. "And now we have water in the canals and more than 100 percent snowpack,” (Addington) said... "Irrigation season projections released Friday by the Bureau of Reclamation show 310,000 acre-feet of water will be available to irrigators through the end of the irrigation year on Sept. 30. For now, an estimated 400,000 acre-feet of water will be needed through autumn." Sen. Merkley to host town hall meetings Tuesday, April 3, Lost River High School, posted to KBC 4/2/12 2012 Tax Inititive Petitions, by Senator Doug Whitsett 4/2/12 Attend meeting for biomass plant, H&N letter to the editor, by Paul Fouch, posted to KBC 4/2/12 What’s smart about biomass? H&N Letter to editor by Lynn Sargent, posted 4/2/12
Hebrews 13:5 New King James: "Let you conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we may boldly say: 'The Lord is my Helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?' Sent from Frank Tallerico 4/1/12 |
Page Updated: Thursday July 26, 2012 12:34 AM Pacific
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