In the Matter of the Application of: ) ) Project No. 2082-062
PACIFICORP ) (Klamath Project)
______________________________________ ) ) Project No. 14803-000
______________________________________ ) ) Klamath Hydroelectric
Project, in ) Southern Oregon/Northern ) California – Amendment
and ) Partial Transfer of License )
_______________________________________ )
Pursuant to Rule 214 of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s (“FERC”)
Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 C.F.R. § 385.214, Siskiyou
County Water Users
Association (“SCWUA”), hereby moves to dismiss the application
for transfer filed by
PacifiCorp and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (“KRRC”),
on the ground that
Congress has not consented to the transfer, and that an arguable
mechanism of the
expression of such consent, the Klamath River Compact (the
“Compact”), has not been
invoked. Absent Congressional consent, the KRRC is not qualified
to receive the license.
Put another way, it would be unconstitutional and a violation of
federal law for FERC to
approve the transfer, as it would constitute FERC facilitating
an evasion of the
jurisdiction of the Compact.
This motion is supported by the Declaration of Richard Marshall
and Bob Rice,
filed herewith.
The Constitution provides: "No State shall, without the Consent
of Congress...
enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State." U.S.
Const. Art. I, § 1, cl. 3.
This provision is known as the Compact Clause. On August 30,
1957, though Public
Law 85-222, Congress gave its consent to the Compact, which is
reproduced in the bill
and the Statutes at Large (71 Stat. 497-508.1)
The Compact has extremely broad purposes, including:
“To facilitate and promote the orderly, integrated, and
comprehensive development, use, conservation and control [of the
waters resources of the Klamath Basin] for various purposes,
including, among others, . . . the use of water for industrial
purposes and hydroelectric production”. (71 Stat. 497.)
It establishes “prescribed relationships between beneficial uses
of water” and provides for
certain “preferential rights”. (Id.) Pertinent to this motion,
Article IV declares that:
“It shall be the objective of each state, in the formulation and
execution of plans for the distribution and use of the waters of
the Klamath River Basin, to provide for the most efficient use
of available power head and its economic integration with the
distribution and use of water and lowest power rates which may
be reasonable for irrigation and drainage pumping, including
pumping from wells.”
As the Supreme Court has explained, “where Congress has
authorized the States
to enter into a cooperative agreement, and where the subject
matter of that agreement is
an appropriate subject for congressional legislation, the
consent of Congress transforms
1 Available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-71/pdf/STATUTE-71Pg497.pdf
(accessed 4/16/18).
the States' agreement into federal law under the Compact
Clause.” Cuyler v. Adams, 449
U.S. 433, 441 (1981). There is no question that the Compact
addresses subjects, such as
water resource development, that are plainly appropriate for
congressional legislation.
The Compact is therefore federal law that must be addressed in
this proceeding.
As FERC’s order of March 15, 2018 recognizes, the multiparty
Klamath River
Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement reached in November 2008
required Congressional
legislation to implement, which was not obtained. The April 6,
2016 Amended Klamath
River Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (“Amended Settlement
Agreement”) has been
filed with, but not approved by FERC. It purports to provide for
transfer of the license to
the KRRC, but it too has not been approved by Congress. The
Amended Settlement
Agreement, by its terms, constitutes an agreement between
California, Oregon and other
parties, the implementation of which is barred by federal law.
Federal law does not allow
the Amended Settlement Agreement parties to evade the
requirement for Congressional
consent for the momentous and ill-considered policies they
Congressional approval of the Compact created federal law that
now requires
decisionmaking by a specific entity, the Klamath River Compact
Commission (the
“Compact Commission”). See also James v. Dravo Contracting Co.,
302 U.S. 134,
148(1937) (“It can hardly be doubted that in giving consent [to
a compact] Congress may
impose conditions”). Unless and until Congress passes
legislation endorsing Klamath
River dam removal, its consent can only be obtained, if at all,
through lawful
decisionmaking through the specific procedures required of the
Specifically, the Compact Commission includes a representative
of the United
States who serves as chairman of the Commission. (71 Stat. 502.)
It is the Compact
Commission’s responsibility, though public meetings, to
“administer this compact”. (Id.)
The Commission’s exercise of powers is conditioned on the
ability of “any interested
party [to] have the opportunity to present his views on the
proposed action” before
Commission action, after “reasonable” advance notice of the
action. (Id. at 505.)
Decisionmaking by the compact entity is thus nothing like the
negotiation of a
settlement agreement without such opportunity for public
comment. The Supreme Court
has confirmed that the requirement of decisionmaking by a
compact entity involves a
different sort of “political accountability;”
“An interstate compact, by its very nature, shifts a part of a
authority to another state or states, or to the agency the
several states jointly create to run the compact. Such an agency
under the control of special interests or gubernatorially
appointed representatives is two or more steps removed from
popular control, or even of control by a local government."
Hess v. Port Auth. Trans-Hudson Corp., 513 U.S. 30, 42 (1994)
(quoting M. Ridgeway,
Interstate Compacts: A Question of Federalism 300 (1971)).
Whether or not the
Compact Commission could approve the Amended Settlement
Agreement,2 federal law
as set forth in P.L. 88-222 requires at least that the Compact
Commission exercise its
authority on that question before decisions concerning the
Klamath River Basin within
the purview of the Compact Commission may proceed.
Congress has expressly declined to endorse the dam removal plan,
which is
directly contrary to the Congressional interest in “efficient
use of the available power
head” adopted in P.L. 88-222. Congressional consent to the
Amended Settlement
2 It is SCWUA’s view that (1) Article IV of the Compact would
require express Congressional approval for any dam removal on
the Klamath River, because dam removal is so inimical to the
Compact’s purposes as adopted by Congress; and (2) the actions
of certain federal agencies in requiring uneconomic, arbitrary
and capricious fish passage measures violated federal law.
Agreement cannot be obtained as a matter of federal law, without
Compact Commission
review of the anti-development efforts represented by that
Amended Settlement
Agreement, including approval of the KRRC as the entity to
engage in that wasteful and
destructive effort.
As set forth in the accompanying Declaration of Richard Marshall
and Bob Rice,
the Compact Commission has never taken any action with respect
to the Amended
Settlement Agreement, dam removal, or the KRRC. Rather, the
States of California and
Oregon (along with other parties) have evaded the requirements
of P.L. 88-222 for public
decisionmaking by the Compact, and have instead entered into the
Amended Settlement
Agreement, which removes the most significant resource
development decisions in the
Klamath River Basin from Compact control.
Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 9.2, each application for approval of
transfer must “set
forth in appropriate detail the qualifications of the transferee
to hold such license . . .”.
Unless the Compact Commission takes action, neither KRRC nor any
other entity can
possibly qualify as the transferee of any license.3 For FERC to
take action in furtherance
of the Amended Settlement Agreement before the requisite
Congressional consent would
violate P.L. 88-222 and the Compact Clause.
Put another way, for FERC to award the license to the KRRC, when
the Compact
Commission has not considered the joint state action represented
by the KRRC, would
invade the jurisdiction of the Compact Commission. Cf. American
Bankers Ass'n v. SEC,
804 F.2d 739, 755 (D.C. Cir. 1986). At the least, as a matter of
comity, FERC should
3 Section 3 of the KRRC Articles of Incorporation also states
that the Board of Directors shall not engage in any activities
that are unlawful under applicable Federal and or State laws.
Action by KRRC absent Compact approval is unlawful as a matter
of federal law.
defer action unless and until the Compact Commission acts to
approve or authorize the
Amended Settlement Agreement and plans of KRRC.
For the foregoing reasons, FERC should dismiss the transfer
Dated: April 24, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ James L. Buchal James L. Buchal, CA Bar No. 258128 Murphy &
Buchal LLP 3425 SE Yamhill Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 503-227-1011 Fax: 503-319-8200 E-mail: [email protected]
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State
of Oregon. I am
over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. My business
address is 3425 S.E.
Yamhill Street, Suite 100, Portland, OR 97214.
I certify that on April 24, 2018, the foregoing Motion to
Dismiss will be
electronically mailed to all parties enrolled to receive such
notice. I further certify that I
transmitted by First Class mail the foregoing Motion to Dismiss
to those parties not
enrolled for such electronic service as reflected on the Service
List for the above
captioned matters.
/s/ Carole Caldwell Carole A. Caldwell
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section 107, any copyrighted material
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information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more
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