[5] Scientist Says Dams
May Not Be Limiting Fish Recovery
presentation by a federal fisheries
scientist at a conference at Yale University
earlier this month has raised questions over
the notion, held by many, including the
federal judge overseeing the remand process
of the Columbia River hydro BiOp, that ESA-listed
salmon runs are still declining with the
lower Snake dams in place.
NOAA Fisheries' John Williams, from the
agency's science center in Seattle, told
participants at the "Global Perspectives on
Large Dams" section of the Conference on
Large-Scale Water Infrastructure that
improvements in fish survival at dams have
helped the stocks in recent years. By
spilling water, barging fish, and modifying
dams and their operations, inriver survivals
for spring chinook have been pretty steady
over the past 10 years, especially when
compared to adult returns, which have been
heavily influenced by changes in ocean
Williams presented a graph that tracked
"natural" fall Chinook returns back to Lower
Granite Dam and showed a huge boost since
2000 over the previous 25 years.

(Courtesy NOAA
His main message was that all fish
populations, from anchovies and sardines to
salmon show significant natural
fluctuations. He noted that in the late
1820s, settlers and Indians in the
mid-Columbia region resorted to eating
horses after the wholesale failure of salmon
runs, pointing to poor ocean conditions as
the only explanation.
Williams also explained that overall
spring chinook return rates are as high as
those observed before most of the lower
Snake dams were built. He raised important
questions after plotting harvest rates on
spring and fall Chinook over the past 30
years which seemed to indicate that return
rates improved as harvest rates fell. "Could
we harvest adults at higher rates without
dams" or "Is recovery limited by dams?" If
the answer was clear, he said, 'the debate
would not rage."
-B. R.