Project number
Relicensing of the Klamath River Dams
November 2006, Letter to
Comments by James Foley
Hamburg, CA. 96050
[email protected]
Project number P-2082-027 Relicensing of
the Klamath River Dams
The Klamath River dams have been in place for
almost one hundred years. They were built for very
specific and beneficial purposes; i.e. flood and
drought mitigation, cost effective, clean power
generation and regulating seasonal water flows.
They have served these purposes very well and by
doing so; they have benefited and enhanced the
lives of people and helped our community’s growth,
both in Northern California as well as Southern
Tribal and environmental activists are engaged in
a massive, well funded campaign to convince the
commission that they represent the majority of
citizens in the Basin. Nothing could be farther
from the truth; they represent a small, but very
vocal minority that has the capability to mount a
well funded campaign because of support from
special interests outside of the Klamath Basin.
In short, these dams are a benefit to our society,
while conversely their removal would be the same
as throwing away 100 years of progress, destroying
an entire ecosystem that has developed above the
dams, adversely impact endangered species, and
eliminate federally protected wetlands.
It is not even reasonable to consider
hydroelectric dam removal in a time when the State
of California must buy power from other states
because we cannot meet our own power needs. The
cost of dam removal and the resulting rate
increases will be borne entirely by those who
must depend on local electric utilities for their
power needs.
Any recommendation for dam removal by the
commission must be backed by peer reviewed science
to determine the impact to people, fish, game,
communities and resources. To contemplate dam
removal on this scale without knowing its effects
is irresponsible and very possibly illegal on the
part of a federal agency. No scientific studies
exist that could assess the damaging affects of
dam removal on this scale.
The overriding impetus in support of dam removal
is to save the Klamath River salmon fishery. There
is no science that proves that dam removal will
accomplish this goal. There is also no science to
show that dam removal will not actually do more
harm to salmon.
There is no science showing that dams are
responsible for salmon decline. There is
historical evidence showing a 2% per year increase
in salmon stocks, due to hatchery efforts. There
is also a mounting body of recent scientific
evidence to show that adverse ocean conditions may
have more of a catastrophic effect on salmon that
any actual river condition could.
In the one hundred years since the dams have been
built, returning salmon stocks have peaked and
ebbed numerous times. This should be undeniable
evidence that dams are not the cause of salmon
decline. In 2002, the year of the large fish kill,
the numbers of returning salmon stocks were at an
all time high. While tribal and environmental
factions point to river conditions and dams as the
cause of the great fish kill, there is verifiable
evidence that it was caused by a “meth lab”
dumping its refuse into a creek which is a
tributary of the Klamath.
Klamath River history, recounted by some of our
surviving seniors who were alive before the dams
were built, verifies that there were massive fish
die offs even then, and no dams to blame.
Pacificorp has offered to truck fish around the
dams, which is a very reasonable alternative to
tearing down the dams. I would urge the commission
to fully explore this alternative in their
deliberations. Tearing down fully functional dams
that benefit our communities before trying a
tactic that might be viable is unconscionable.
This is especially true in light of the lack of
any science showing that dam removal will help
There are wetlands, refuges and endangered species
behind these dams (an entire ecosystem). Any
action on the part of the FERC that would conflict
with the Endangered Species Act, the Corps of
Engineers wetland policies and federally
sanctioned refuges, may result in years of
litigation and is in conflict with other federal
agencies congressionally approved mandates.
The FERC, as a federal agency, must abide by all
applicable federal law put in place to protect
citizens, regulate how an agency conducts its
mission and assure that all egal aspects of a
particular agency’s action comply with the law. An
instance in point is the Federal Regulatory
Flexibility Act. (FRA)
Federal Agencies to Comply with the RFA. (5
USCS §§ 601 et. seq.)
The RFA requires administrative agencies to
consider the effect of their actions on small
entities, including small businesses, small
non-profit enterprises, and small governments.
The purpose of the RFA is to enhance agency
sensitivity to the economic impact of rulemaking
on small entities and to ensure that alternative
proposals receive serious consideration by
The RFA was amended by the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act ("SBREFA") in
1996. SBREFA makes judicial review of compliance
with the RFA available, 5 USCS § 611, largely
because of complaints that "agencies have given
lip service at best to RFA." (See 142 Cong. Rec.
S3242, S3245 (daily ed. Mar. 29, 1996))
The RFA provides that, whenever an agency expects
to propose or to promulgate any rule which is
likely to have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities; it shall
publish a Regulatory Flexibility Agenda. (5 USCS §
602(a)) The RFA also provides that, whenever an
agency is required by the APA to publish a general
notice of proposed rulemaking for a proposed rule,
it must prepare and make available for public
comment an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
("IRFA"). (5 USCS
§ 603(a)) The agency must then also conduct a
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis ("FRFA")
when it promulgates the final rule. (5 USCS § 604)
The RFA further requires an analysis of "any . . .
significant alternatives" that would accomplish
the agency's objective, 5 USCS § 603 (emphasis
added), and an explanation of "why each one of the
other significant alternatives to the rule" was
rejected in favor of the final rule. (5 USCS § 604
(emphasis added)) Importantly, the agency must
consider "alternatives that minimize any
significant economic impact of the rule on small
entities." (5 USCS § 603 (emphasis added))
Multitudes of small and large business entities
would be affected by adverse decisions on the part
of FERC concerning removal of the Klamath River
Dams. Such impacts are deemed significant economic
Effects on small businesses and industry-wide
changes in regulatory expenses, however, are
precisely what the procedural safeguards of the
RFA and the APA are set in place to address. See,
”(Northwest Mining Association v. Babbitt, 5
F.Supp.2d 9, 15 (DDC, 1998).)
Failure to comply with the requirements of the RFA
would amount to violations of the notice and
comment requirements of both the RFA and the APA
for failure to publish a Regulatory Flexibility
Agenda, or an adequate IRFA for public comment
prior to promulgation of the Renewal/Regulations.
(See 5 USCS §§ 553 & 609(a))
Should the FERC fail to so comply with the RFA,
Revised regulations would also be arbitrary,
capricious, and unlawful within the meaning of the
APA, 5 USC §706.
Consideration must be given to the loss of private
property, financial hardship to homeowners and the
resulting loss of property value as well as our
county’s tax base from any dam removal. Siskiyou
County, while large geographically, is one of
the poorest California Counties due to lack
of a large population base. Dam removal will be
devastating to this county in a financial sense.
We would be tearing down a vital part of the
progress the county has made in the last century.
The dams provide electricity to 70,000 residents.
If the dams are removed we will have to buy power
at a time when California already has to buy power
from other states to meet our needs. Electrical
rates will soar in the wake of dam removal.
With dam removal we will once again be at risk for
the major flooding and drought below the dams that
was prevalent before the dams were built. Who will
be responsible for the catastrophic effects of
drought and flood?
It is patently wrong to remove dams on the premise
of saving salmon when there is no scientific proof
that dam removal will accomplish that goal. This
is why it is so important to explore every option
or alternative before taking the drastic and
dangerous action of removing our dams.
Please re-license these dams and
consider all stakeholder concerns in their
proper perspective.
James Foley
Property Rights Advocate
James Foley
Property Rights Advocate |