Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

The Klamath Water and Power Agency will have its regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday, April 6th at 12:30 p.m. at KWAPA’s new office- 735 Commercial Street, Klamath Falls 97601, Suite 4000 (2nd Floor of the Winema Electric building). My apologies for the late notice.

Below is the proposed agenda:                                             

735 Commercial Street I Suite 4000 I PO BOX 1282 I Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603 I 541.850.2503 I 541.883.8893 fax I www.kwua.org


April 6, 2010

@ 12:30 PM, KWAPA Office

1)      Call to Order

2)      Approve minutes of previous meetings

3)      Approve agenda

4)      Financial Statement

5)      Outstanding invoices

6)      Update on water supply forecast

7)      WUMP

a)      Discussion concerning KWAPA liability in providing funding for wells that cause interference.

b)      Instructions for management of contracts when interference issues arise

c)       Clarification of policy

i)        Does KWAPA pay for pumping even if surface water is not turned on?

d)      Shall KWAPA contract with Mid Basin to provide ground water?

e)      Shall KWAPA contract with Lower Basin to provide California ground water?

8)      Request permission to add Tara to Visa account for purchasing supplies.

9)      Other items and comments from audience

10)   Adjourn

Thank you,

TaraJane Campbell

Administrative Assistant

Klamath Water Users Association

Klamath Water and Power Agency

Klamath Falls, OR

Office (541) 883-6100

Fax (541)883-8893

[email protected]

Home Contact


              Page Updated: Monday April 05, 2010 01:38 AM  Pacific

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