Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.



Welcome to the first issue

of Representative Whitsett’s e-newsletter

The 77th Legislative Session began with committee meetings on Monday Feb 4th in the capitol. My committee assignments are:
Each committee has a Committee Administrator and Assistant who are a part of Committee Services.

February 2013

Committee Services provides research and administrative assistance to members of the Senate and House of Representatives. They are also happy to help the public participate in and understand the legislative process.


Agriculture & Natural Resources

This committee convenes Tuesdays and Thursdays in Hearing Room D from 8am to 10am. There are nine members:

Rep. Brad Witt, D-Clatskanie, 503.986.1431

Rep. Sal Esquivel, R-Medford, 503.986.1406
Rep. Caddy McKeown, D-Coos Bay, 503.986.1409

Rep. Brian Clem, D-Salem, 503.986.1421
Rep. Wayne Krieger, R-Gold Beach, 503.986.1401
Rep. Jeff Reardon, D-Happy Valley, 503.986.1448
Rep. Jim Thompson, R-Dallas, 503.986.1423
Rep. Ben Unger, D-Hillsboro, 503.986.1429
Rep. Gail Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, 504.986.1456

Committee Administrator:
Beth Patrino, 503.986.1751,
[email protected]

Committee Assistant:
Maria Kelly, 503.986.1742,
[email protected]

I urge you to contact any of these committee members and our chairs if you have information you wish to convey to them prior to committee bill votes. This week’s bills are:
  • HB 2244, relating to State Dept of Agriculture commodity inspections
  • HB 2245, relating to the transportation of onions
  • HB 2246, relating to the prune industry
  • HB 2700, relating to the Beginning and Expanding Farmer Loan Program
  • HB 2031, relating to natural resource rights in real property
  • HB 2233, relating to marine vessels
  • HB 2257, relating to personal information displayed on a water right certificate
  • HB 2259, relating to fees charged by the Water Resource Department
Public testimony from Oregon’s citizens is highly recommended. This involves calling the committee administrator and asking which day a bill will be heard and making arrangements to speak in front of the committee, as well as bringing a certain number of copies of your testimony for the committee to review. You may also e-mail testimony to the administrator for distribution to the committee prior to the bill’s hearing.

We have issues coming before this committee on water, land use, forestry, animals, farming, ranching, predation, oceanic issues, conservation/preservationist agendas, fish and wildlife and nearly every related subject. Please try to follow the issues bill by bill, and have your voice heard.

This testimony is read by, and it is very important for, each legislator to hear citizen input.


Energy & Environment

The second committee assignment I have is to the Environment and Energy Committee, which convenes Tuesdays and Thursdays in Hearing Room D from 3pm to 5pm. There are nine members:

Rep. Jules Bailey, D-Portland, 503.986.1442

Rep. Deborah Boone, D-Cannon Beach, 503.986.1432
Rep. Mark Johnson, R-Hood River, 503.986.1452

Rep. Brian Clem, D-Salem, 503.986.1421
Rep. Wayne Krieger, R-Gold Beach, 503.986.1401
Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario, 503.986.1460
Rep. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, 503.986.1445
Rep. Jeff Reardon, D-Happy Valley, 503.986.1448
Rep. Jessica Vega Pederson, D-Portland, 503.986.1447
Rep. Gail Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, 504.986.1456

Committee Administrator:
Adam Crawford, 503.986.1738,
[email protected]

Committee Assistant:
Anne May, 503.986.1739,
[email protected]

Issues to be heard in the Capitol Hearing Room D include arguments and bills for and against renewable energy projects, hydrocarbon based energy, wind, wave, solar, geothermal, conservation/preservationist agendas, subsidies from the government to private companies; the Energy Trust Fund, etc.

This week's bills are:
  • HB 2436, relating to energy efficiency and sustainable technology loan program
  • HB 2274, relating to reporting of information related to greenhouse gas emissions
  • HB 2439, relating to restructuring of State Department of Energy
  • HB 2440, relating to siting of solar energy projects on farmland
Again, citizen input is the single most important contribution you can make to your government. If you do not like how your government is reaching conclusions and how YOUR ELECTED members are voting, reach them by e-mail or in person and make your voice heard. There is nothing more important than the cumulative voice of Oregonians to influence legislation.

Human Resources & Housing

My final committee is Human Resources and Housing which convenes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Hearing Room D from 3 to 4:45 pm. There are nine members:

Rep. Carolyn Tomei, D-Milwaukie, 503.986.1441

Rep. Andy Olson, R-Albany, 503.986.1415
Rep. David Gomberg, D-Central Coast, 503.986.1410

Rep. Alissa Keny-Guyer, D-Portland, 503.986.1446
Rep. Joe Gallegos, D-Hillsboro, 503.986.1430
Rep. Sara Gelser, D-Corvallis, 503.986.1416
Rep. Vic Gilliam, R-Mollala, SIlverton, 503.986.1418
Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, 503.986.1453
Rep. Gail Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, 504.986.1456

Committee Administrator:
Regina Wilson, 503.986.1505,
[email protected]

Committee Assistant:
Debbie Nealy, 503.986.1506,
[email protected]

This committee will hear bills relating to the disbursement of public funds to individuals (SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), the Oregon Lottery, and public housing will be covered in this committee.

This week's bills are:
  • HB 2165, relating to investigating the abuse of adults with disabilities
  • HB 2446, relating to tax treatment of sale of manufactured dwelling park
  • HB 2447, relating to tax credits for closure of manufactured dwelling park
  • HB 2676, relating to cancellation of ad valorem tax assessment of personal property
  • HB 2350, relating to teen dating violence
  • HB 2388, relating to state financial administration
  • HB 2392, relating to the Youth Development Council
  • HB 2163, relating to the Oregon State Lottery
  • HB 2166, relating to alcohol server education curriculum about state lottery
  • HB 2355, relating to funding treatment for problem gambling
Over one third of our All-Funds Budget for the entire state is addressed by the DHS (Department of Human Services), and the OHA (Oregon Health Authority) addresses over $20 Billion of our federal, state and other funds tax dollars. This is a hugely important committee as it relates to overall policy expenditures.


Rep. Whitsett's Staff

Two legislative assistants have been hired to help House District 56 with the workload for these three very important committees. Sarah Dressler, a BA Psychology degreed UCLA graduate from Bend, Oregon and Kelsey Ferry, a BS degreed OSU graduate in Health Management and Policy. I welcome them and their expertise to this office.
Sarah Dressler
Kelsey Ferry

About Rep. Whitsett

A little about myself. I am a former Senate Chief of Staff for Oregon Senate District 28 (Klamath, Lake, Crook, parts of Deschutes and Jackson Counties) for 8 years. My background includes being raised on a large working ranch, presently owning two small farms in southern Oregon and being a small business owner.

I also am a graduate of the OSU Honors College with a BS in Geology and hold a Master of Geology degree from OSU, with further work at Princeton University. I was employed as a professional geologist by one of the world’s largest energy companies and have worked on projects in the Williston Basin on the oil-rich Bakken Formation and as both a development and exploration petroleum geologist in the Overthrust Belt and deep gas basins of the Western United States.

I look forward to serving the people of the state of Oregon, to advance their health, education and prosperity through the careful and considered utilization of all of this state’s natural resources.

Best regards,

Representative Gail Whitsett
House District 56


For Feb 11, there were over 150 first readings of bills. Many of these will be coming through the Energy & Environment Committee.

View the first readings list


Ag & Natural Resources
Energy & Environment
Human Services & Housing



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Representative Gail Whitsett
900 Court St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
[email protected]



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