8 Northern California Sheriffs unite to protect people from out of control government. It looks like this will be the first of many coalitions to come around the country. This is VERY IMPORTANT! Please: vote up, watch and forward to other sheriffs to see.
Thank you!
This is the Full length version of the Sheriff meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4RuWK2Ww-4&feature=youtu.be
Here are all the links to each of the sheriff comments:
Intro - Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou County,
Sheriff Dean Wilson Del Norte County, CA
Sheriff Bruce Haney Trinity County, CA
Sheriff Tom Bosenko Shasta County, CA
Sheriff Jon Lopeys second address
Sheriff Greg Hagwood Plumas County, CA
Karen Budd-Falen - Wyoming Property Rights Attorney
Sheriff Glenn E. Palmer Grant County, OR
Sheriff Dave Hencratt Tehama County, CA.
Sheriff Greg Growden Lassen County, CA
I'm sure my definition of
I'm sure my definition of tyranny is quite a bit different than these sheriffs version. I'm pretty sure all these sheriffs happily sh_t on the Constitution to enhance their own power. Hey cop where in the Constitution does it say my life liberty or property can be infringed because I grow a plant?
Generally speaking...
...these guys don't spend their time going after legal growers and distributors. It really is a different political philosophy here in Del Norte.
Cuimhnigh orm, a Dhia, le haghaidh maith.
Don't mess with Jefferson State!!!
Sheriff Dean Wilson is one of my neighbors. Del Norte and the surrounding area is very libertarian, and the politics here are very different than either the Bay Area or southern California...
Cuimhnigh orm, a Dhia, le haghaidh maith.
If you guys form the state of Jefferson, I will definitely move there.
Roanoke, Virginia
Me too! In a heartbeat. I
Me too! In a heartbeat. I love that area of this mismanaged state.
There's always room...
...for another patriot. This place is beautiful!!!
Cuimhnigh orm, a Dhia, le haghaidh maith.
Re: Yes!
Went through Grants Pass, OR. and a lot of surrounding areas about 3 months ago. RP Signs EVERYWHERE.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
Jefferson Mining District formed
In response to the overreaching efforts of the federal government, Agenda 21 has been dealt a major blow in Northern California, Southern Oregon, and Western Nevada by the formation of the Jefferson Mining District.
Being the Law and Needs of Mineral Estate Grantees are not feasibly accommodated by any other Establishment over the geographic area sought to be served, in pursuance to a call made August of the year 2011, miners from far and wide held a miners congress at Pottsville, Oregon, on September 2, 2011
Jefferson Mining District Formed
Hal Anthony on the Jefferson Mining District
Hal Anthony gave an update on the progress of the Jefferson Mining District during his broadcast last Sunday, it starts at 9 minutes in:
Assault on the Klamath River Watershed, United Nations Agenda 21. Guests: Kirk MacKenzie and Debbie Bacigalupiewww.DefendRuralAmerica.com Documenting the attack on people, private property, water, food, hydro-power, mining, forestry & reason.
Roanoke, Virginia
Thank you rex84
Yes I know what you are talking about here. Most Americans never heard how bad Klamath Falls was hit because of media blackouts on the subject.
All of these counties that these sheriffs represent were hit hard by Agenda21 and are still getting hit. When will it stop? Right now they are fighting to keep four well functioning dams from being raised (i.e. removed). If they should be taken out we well loose hundreds more farms and it's bye, bye Klamath. Not to mention that at least one of the dams is hydro-electric (if not more?).
And Hal Anthony is GREAT. Listen to him all the time.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
I'm in Appalachian Virginia
...but my associates and I are following the efforts of the people in the Jefferson Mining District very closely. We will prevail!
Also, are you listening to Will Roberts' show Become Vocal Local weekdays 10 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time? Him and Hal Anthony are real gems to have on the internet radio.
Roanoke, Virginia
I do.....
but the two shows I try to listen to daily are The Power Hour and The Bob Tuskin Show. After that I tend to float around on the dial. But I try to get Hal and Freeman in every weekend.
Take care
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
I listen to Bob Tuskin too :)
I really appreciate his broadcasts on the Trivium Education.
But the show that I listen daily is Become Vocal Local, especially the second hour of each broadcast when he gets into deep research. That radio show has literally changed my life, and I don't say that lightly.
Roanoke, Virginia
Thank you. I'll check out
Thank you. I'll check out Become Vocal Local.
I dunno
first the armed guys in camo at occupy arizona.
now these guys.
maybe we need to keep looking to ourselves.
Totally bada33!
If this doesn't give ya hope, what will?
Sheriff Mack
Just a thank you to Sheriff Mack. I think this is the start of his work. I know he was the inspiration for some of these guys, actually, probably all of them to get the ball rolling.
I know things arn't perfect yet, but please keep in mind this is a new concept for some of these guys and like all of us it takes a little time and were all in various stages of learning.
Anywayz, most (if not all) of these sheriffs are in towns that are being economically sabotaged and they are trying to help their friends, family and country. They know if they don't resist, they will not have a town at all. I've met some of these guys and really believe their hearts in the right place.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
can somebody please summarize
i wish i had an hour to watch this - i probably will have to come back to it.
What it comes down to is Agenda 21
These counties in N. California and S. Oregon were once major timber and mining areas, but because of the plight of the spotted owl and the UN, these once thriving communities have had their economies decimated, and their unemployment rate is now 20%. And now the international environmental groups want to destroy all the hydro-electric dams in the area in the name of saving some non-edible salmon, which aren't endangered anyway; thus raising the electricity rates for an already economically vulnerable people. The internationalists have awakened a sleeping giant in this area, and these people are joining with their Sheriffs to take legal remedies to fight the New World Order.
For more information, see my post above.
Roanoke, Virginia
true but
unless i missed it i did not hear one mention of agenda 21.
We have allowed our nation to be over taxed and over regulated and overrun by bureaucrats, the founders would be ashamed of us for what we're putting up with. Ron Paul
Check out the links I posted
they show how this ties into Agenda 21.
All the Sheriffs taking about the Travel Access Program, the destruction of the dams, the Spotted Owl; those are all in reference to the effects of Agenda 21 on that region.
Roanoke, Virginia
some were somewhat awake
Sheriff Dean Wilson Del Norte County, CA sounded pretty good but Sheriff Tom Bosenko Shasta County, CA is totally lost.
The main motivation of their meeting was money. basically they want to cut down more trees and other land develop type stuff. they plan to use the constitution as a buzz word to carry out their objectives. unfortunately some don't seem to care much for the constitution when it comes to things they disagree with like marijuana and medical marijuana.
they look good on the surface but when you dig down deeper i think you'll find their biggest motivator is money not the constitution. they mostly came off as tea-o-cons to me. some where better than others however.
We have allowed our nation to be over taxed and over regulated and overrun by bureaucrats, the founders would be ashamed of us for what we're putting up with. Ron Paul
the link to the Shasta Sheriff has a guy talking about
first thing up says bad people are coming into the state and doing illegal things.
his solution? get more money from the federal government to get those bad people.
ok. good luck with getting the money. here's an idea. how about you NEVER SEND the money to DC, so that you don't have to freaken ask for it back? it's like this damn fool doesn't understand 15 TRILLION IN THE HOLE YOU DAMN MORON.
next thing up, is a passing comment about those damn medical marijuana abusers. but he didn't get very specific. if you were stupid, you might not even know what he was talking about he was so oblique about it.
then the rest of it was just a bunch of blah blah blah.
I just jumped ahead to the Shasta one because I have friends
in that area.
and I wasn't impressed one bit.
Will they stand up to the DEA?
Are they going to protect Californians' right to dispense medicinal marijuana? Will they fight off DEA brigades & SWAT Teams?
apparently not
Sheriff Tom Bosenko Shasta County, CA.
We have allowed our nation to be over taxed and over regulated and overrun by bureaucrats, the founders would be ashamed of us for what we're putting up with. Ron Paul
this needs to go viral
Thanks for posting.
Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N
We need to get a bunch of Ron
We need to get a bunch of Ron Paul people to run for Sheriff all around the country.
I'm sure there are many pro-Ron Paul pro-freedom war vets that could use their military background credentials to get elected as Sheriffs.
Could you imagine the impact it would have to have hundreds of pro-freedom sheriffs all across the country?
The Judge NEEDS to have these
The Judge NEEDS to have these 8 Sheriffs on his show ASAP!
So heartening!
This is my favorite attack path on the criminals: a local sheriff who understands his job and the Constitution. The most powerful men in America! Hey federal officials and agencies! "If you operate in my county without my consent, or clear direction of law, I will arrest you."
I stopped everything to watch this
An hour out of my mid-afternoon, on a good weather day, was tough to break away from, but I just HAD to know what the People's key players had to say on these vital concerns.
I will definitely be pondering all of these powerful perspectives the rest of my busy day, and will write more on this asap.
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it. - Patrick Henry
I just wish someone would
I just wish someone would help those people in Antelope Vally near LA. I have been thinking about them ever since I heard of it, and feeling bad for them.
Me too, it
Me too, it's terrible!
This is what gives me hope!
This is what gives me hope!
I'm in butte county.
Going to e-mail my sheriff to see if he'll join.
Peace, Freedom and Prosperity. Not War, Welfare and Bankruptcy.
I'm in Marin
Will be doing the same.
This is so good! Thank you
This is so good! Thank you for posting-really brightened my day, listening to them.
One of the above links
is the same lawyer that I hired for a property rights problem with the county planner we had in Wyoming. She was good, and ended the problem. She is great, be sure you listen to her video. Karen Bud-falen
Hello from Hot Springs County!
Can I ask what county you had problems in with yet another pink-fingered planner?
Certainly, always ready to rant about dictatorial
county planners with a fellow rp supporter! LOL I live in Platte County and the Commishioners hired this guy as planner because they didn't want to deal with any problems. Well this planner evidently couldn't understand the Platte county zoning Rules and Regulations (which were incredibly simple, not very restrictive in the county, and easy to read) Basically the rules and regulations were that as long as you did what you were allowed to do in your zoned area (which was not onerous) and didn't want to start a pig farm, anything goes. Well, this guy wanted to be dictator of Platte county evidently, and really pushed it, and made up rules as he went along. We were one of the first, so got the worst of it, and had to hire the above attorney. Glad it was her i chose. Well, he eventually, after really ticking people off in the county, he went after an 80 year old man ill with prostrate cancer who had a junk yard (completely fenced in with no being able to see the autos), and actually had him thrown into jail! Well, quite a few people showed up at the courthouse, and eventually the town officers decided to rein in this miserable county planner, who didn't like being told what he can and cannot do. So he left, and is now working in Roswell New Mexico doing the same thing. Now, we were thinking of warning Roswell, but decided that since Roswell is overrun by Mexican drug cartels, we figure that maybe just letting this guy tell them that they can't put a new window in their garage may be a good thing.
Thank you.
I was wondering/hoping that you might be talking about Natrona County. The home of the Communist Star Tribune needs a good cleansing too!
I was discussing the same problem with my county planner
with a customer of mine from Casper, and he had the planner come to his place complaining about him redoing a deck and reroofing his house. He told him where to go, and he never came back. So, standing up to these creeps sometimes works in Wyoming, at least.
The irony or hypocracy?
By John Bowman
Siskiyou Daily News
Posted Oct 25, 2011 @ 09:18 AM
Yreka, Calif. About 700 people attended a meeting at the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds on Saturday sponsored by the activism group Defend Rural America, founded by Idaho native Kirk MacKenzie.
The meeting consisted of a film, a fundraising auction and discussions with a panel of eight sheriffs from Northern California and Southern Oregon.
A charter bus brought more than 40 people from the Bay Area and around 250 people from other areas outside of Siskiyou County, according to Liz Bowen of Scott Valley Protect Our Waters (POW), who co-organized the event.
More than 10 political action groups were in attendance, distributing information about candidates, ballot initiatives and issue-specific campaigns.
The event got underway with the premier of a documentary film by MacKenzie about the Klamath dam removal issue and how it relates to the current status of rural communities in Siskiyou County and around the country.
The film presented a wide array of concerns about the federal governments role in land management and its impacts on rural economies and communities.
Many Siskiyou County residents were featured in the film, speaking about potential effects of dam removal and wider-ranging topics such as the influence of the United Nations and environmental groups on rural communities.
After the film and the auction, the panel of sheriffs, including Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey and a property rights attorney, took the stage to address their concerns about the challenges they believe rural communities are facing.
Lopey began the panel discussion by presenting his views about Klamath dam removal, what he sees as federal government incursion into state and county jurisdictions, and the current state of rural America.
Lopey told the audience that many sheriffs in Northern California and Southern Oregon are becoming increasingly concerned about government taking power out of the hands of citizens and making poor land use decisions that have the potential to destroy the rural way of life.
These are constitutional issues, Lopey told the crowd.
We are here because sheriffs are sworn to uphold the United States constitution. We are broke, so why are these people doing stupid stuff to make us poorer? Lopey asked, referring to concerns about the costs associated with Klamath dam removal, and higher taxes and power rates that may come along with the process.
Del Norte County Sheriff Dean Wilson told the audience that there is an assault on our communities. The government is denying us of our resources that make us self-sustaining. We have allowed this to happen to our country, but our founding fathers gave us the tools to fix it. We can take back our country county by county.
Nearly every sheriff mentioned concerns about decommissioning of roads in publicly owned forests and the lack of government coordination with local officials during the process.
Trinity County Sheriff Bruce Haney said roads in national forests are essential for search and rescue missions in remote areas.
Haney also expressed his concerns about the influence of government and environmentalists.
The federal government is being inundated by environmentalists, Haney said. Our youth are being indoctrinated by the public schools system and colleges.
Plumas County Sheriff Greg Hagwood said, Events like this are something that hasnt happened before. There is an awakening of a giant here.
Every sheriff received a standing ovation after their opening statements, and many of the panels comments were punctuated with applause throughout the discussion.
For more information about Defend Rural America, visitwww.defendruralamerica.com.
John Bowman can be reached at [email protected]
Copyright 2011 Siskiyou Daily News. Some rights reserved
Next article, Americans for Safe Access, RE: medical marijuana had this:
"It is the number one cash crop in this area," Dean Wilson said. "It's my job as sheriff to shoot that industry down."
Have a good posting day!
(((( Hug to you )))) ;)
Re: The irony of hypocracy
Yes I heard that and I know what you mean, however I've met Dean a couple of times and I know he is a great guy who is really passionate about righting the wrongs in this country. He's open and will talk with people when he's got the time to do so and he is very reasonable.
I think if I can get him to see some videos on hemp, and allowing time for the stories to sink in, he might reconsider.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
I also caught that. If they want the majority
to support them, they must be consistent in the way Dr. Paul is, allowing peaceful people to live freely without restricting their own land use and their personal decisions.
I was hoping the objection was only to use of federal lands, which of course should be sold to private owners. I cannot begin to understand the issue of federally=built dams; presumably they could be sold to communities of individual owners who must please water and power customers.
If the local sheriffs are
If the local sheriffs are actually worried about tyranny then they better getr mentally prepared to do battle with the local police forces who are being armed by the department of homeland security and other federal agencies with military grade weaponry, including assassination drones. Local police forces are being turned into an armed extension of the feds to impose Washington's will at the local level. You really think the local sheriff's department is ready for that?
Re: If the local sheriffs are
They know what they're up against. But somebody's got to stand up to them.
As one of the sheriffs roughly said, his county and others are being economically sabotagued. They realize that their county will destruct anyway if they don't repel the tyranny.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
What is the State of Jefferson? 4.5 min video.
But THAT can't happen here! * Because some animals are more equal than others -Animal Farm- * A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
Thank you.
Thank you.
Support your local Sheriff
Sheriffs in the the State of Jefferson lead the way. ooh ra
The Constutitional Sheriffs will lead this revolution, and restore the 10th amendment. We will return the land that the Forest Service, BLM ,Park Service stole from these States.
A little history from the Klamath Co. War from the evil SPLC
"I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 -
Ron Paul for Pres. 2012
Now have them them deputize the militia.
I'd love to see a sheriff and a thousand deputies stand down the TSA.