Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

 6/14/06 Bureau of Reclamation

Water Data Update – June 14, 2006

Water Year Type
Upper Klamath Lake: Above Average (this is the highest level classification for the lake)
Klamath River: Wet (this is the highest flow classification for the river)

Additional Information
Snow Pack Basin-wide Percent of Average: Snow pack at the Snotel sites is essentially zero now.
Upper Klamath Lake April-September 30th Stream Flow Forecast: 820,000 acre-feet @ 50 percent exceedance
Klamath River Flow Forecast: 793,000 acre-feet @ 70 percent exceedance
Upper Klamath Lake Level: 4,142.58 feet
Upper Klamath Lake Inflow 6-day Average: 1,711 cubic feet per second (cfs)
Link River Releases: 2,880 cfs
Keno Releases: 2,620 cfs
Iron Gate Dam Releases: 2,990 cfs
Requirement for Wet Year Type in Biological Opinion: 2,900 cfs
Shasta River Flow: 163 cfs
Scott River Flow: 1,150 cfs

Trinity River Basin – Extremely Wet Water Year (this is the highest flow classification)
Trinity River Releases – below Lewiston Dam: 4,810 cfs
Trinity River Flow – at Hoopa Gauge: 8,990 cfs

This document is updated bi-weekly. Please circulate freely.
For more information please visit: http://www.usbr.gov/mp/kbao/pilot_water_bank/index.html
Contact: Rae Olsen, Klamath Basin Area Office, 541-883-6935, [email protected]




Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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